Gordon Wendham

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HordeGordon Wendham
Image of Gordon Wendham
Title <Weapons Merchant>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Trade Quarter, Undercity
Status Active

Gordon Wendham is a Forsaken weapon vendor located in the Trade Quarter in the Undercity.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

He was present during the Battle for Lordaeron and could be evacuated out of the Undercity.

Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

After the Forsaken reclaimed the Ruins of Lordaeron, Gordon moved there.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv sword 06.png [Bastard Sword]
1s 5c
Inv axe 11.png [Broad Axe]
1s 8c
Inv mace 10.png [Club]
Inv torch unlit.png [Cudgel]
2s 85c
Inv weapon shortblade 14.png [Dirk]
Inv sword 20.png [Gladius]
5s 36c
Inv axe 19.png [Hand Axe]
Inv axe 10.png [Large Axe]
4s 85c
Inv mace 06.png [Large Club]
Inv staff 02.png [Short Staff]
1s 3c
Inv sword 04.png [Shortsword]
Inv weapon shortblade 05.png [Stiletto]
4s 2c
Inv throwingaxe 03.png [Tomahawk]
5s 40c
Inv sword 14.png [Two-Handed Sword]
3s 43c
Inv staff 08.png [Walking Stick]
5s 5c
Inv hammer 16.png [Wooden Mallet]
7s 1c




Greeting, and welcome. I am not very good at smiling, but trust me; I am happy to serve you.

Buy Let me browse your goods.

See also

External links

Undercity Battle for Lordaeron Ruins of Lordaeron

es:Gordon Wendham