Like Pike?

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HordeLike Pike?
Start Armand Cromwell
End Armand Cromwell
Level 10-70
Type Daily
Category Fishing
Experience Varies by level
Rewards Varies by level (or 16g 54s at max level)


Dig up a Corpse Worm in the Ruins of Lordaeron courtyard and use it as bait to catch a Corpse-Fed Pike. Corpse-Fed Pike can be fished up in Brightwater Lake, northeast of Undercity.


You've fished in Brightwater Lake, yes?

The prize catch there is one of the lake's massive corpse-fed pikes. However, they only bite on a very specific type of bait... corpse worms.

Search the graves in the courtyard up top and you should find some.


You will receive:


Catch that pike, yet?


That's a fine, fat pike, <name>. Well done.

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