Francis Eliot

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HordeFrancis Eliot
Image of Francis Eliot
Title <Weapon Merchant>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location War Quarter, Undercity

Francis Eliot is a Forsaken weapon vendor located in the War Quarter in the Undercity.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv throwingaxe 05.png [Battle Axe]
61s 19c
Inv axe 03.png [Bearded Axe]
35s 42c
Inv axe 23.png [Cleaver]
29s 51c
Inv axe 21.png [Double Axe]
42s 48c
Inv axe 11.png [Hatchet]
18s 19c
Inv spear 06.png [Heavy Spear]
1g 13s 75c
Inv spear 05.png [Short Spear]
63s 44c
Inv axe 04.png [Tabar]
17s 24c

See also

External links

es:Francis Eliot