Half-night elf

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Half-night elves
Faction/Affiliation Alliance
Character classes Archer, Druid
Racial mount Saber
Homeworld Azeroth
Language(s) Darnassian, Common
Average height 2.15 meters / 7 feet
WorldofWarcraftRPG logo.png
This article contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Half-night elves, or half-kaldorei,[1] are the offspring of night elves and another species (such as humans).

Only a short period of time has passed since the Horde and Alliance joined forces with the night elves to repel the attack upon Nordrassil. As such, night elves and humans have not found sufficient time to mingle and produce adult offspring. This does not mean that half-night elves do not exist, though they would be far rarer than half-elves. If any exist they would only be young children. They look more like night elves than human. Rare half-elves born of human-night elf unions most often follow a path of druidism and gain their spells from the power of nature. Half-night elves are able to [Shadowmeld], they can draw on their night elf heritage, and can blend into the shadows.[2][3] Adult half-night elves would have to have been born from the primitive human race, the azotha (because of human genes, they may not have lived to present day).

Half-night elves appear to have pale, pupilless or glowing eyes, and ears that are shorter and more blunt than night elves.


Half-night elves can speak Darnassian and Common like their parents. Like all half-elves, these half-elves are versatile wanderers and pick up many different languages.[3]


  • IconSmall HalfKaldorei Female.gif Feulia is described as half-kaldorei. She may be of human descent but her parent would have to have been an early human or a human that explored Kalimdor before the Third War, or the story has to take place some time in the future.



fr:Demi-Elfe de la Nuit