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Faerin Lothar

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NeutralFaerin Lothar
Image of Faerin Lothar
Title <Lamplighter>
Gender Female
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hallowfall
Status Alive
Relative(s) Anduin Lothar (distant relative)

Faerin Lothar is an arathi Lamplighter located in Hallowfall. She is one of the main protagonists and quest givers in the Hallowfall storyline.

As a child, Faerin stowed away on the Hallowfall Expedition's dangerous trek across the Storming Seas. The incident that brought her down to the cavern injured her grievously, but that would not slow Faerin down on her quest to protect her people. She seeks allies willing to venture into the shadows and teach her people it is something to be faced, not feared.

After her last name of Lothar was revealed,[1] she informs Anduin Wrynn that while her family is noble, it has been a long time since they've seen great fortune.[2]

Regarding her lost arm, Faerin reminds the Arathi head armorer Raen Dawncavalyr that she has learned since she was a child how to navigate life without a prosthetic from sword fighting to dressing herself. Though, she's not opposed to an improved shock absorber on her shield.[3]



Patch changes


  1. ^ N [75-78] Tricks of the Dark
  2. ^ N [75-78] Blades of the Arathi
  3. ^ N [75-78] Nightwatch

External links