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A Lamplighter's Duty

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NeutralA Lamplighter's Duty
Start Faerin
End Faerin
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 46g 80s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] The Light of the Dawntower
Next N [75-78] Tricks of the Dark, N [75-78] Fish Are Food, Not Friends

A Lamplighter's Duty begins the second chapter of the Hallowfall storyline, Hope in Solidarity.


Take the Lamplighter Skiff to Lorel's Crossing.

  • Skiff taken to Lorel's Crossing


Darkness has fallen. We can't rest yet.

<Faerin gives you a weary smile, but there is a light in her eyes.>

The light from the tower will hold the worst dangers in the darkness at bay. It's my duty, as a Lamplighter, to keep all the towers blazing.

My patrol takes me to Lorel's Crossing by air next. I would welcome you and Anduin at my side, for all our sakes.


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 11,150 XP


The kobyss have already been dragging innocent villagers to the shore! They'll drown them and eat them!

We have to save them!


On accept:

Anduin Wrynn says: This darkness... how long does it last?
Faerin says: Sometimes only moments, sometimes days. We lost so many the first time it turned.
Faerin says: We will travel by air. Monsters arise in the darkness.
They walk over to the Lamplighter Skiff.

Interact with it to take an airship ride:

Anduin says: To live under constant threat of shadow... how do you do it?
Faerin says: When night falls, the army enacts the Shadow Curfew. Get inside. Get to safety.
Faerin says: Incoming! Use the lances on those enemies!

Use the vehicle ability to fend off the Keening Shadows.

Faerin says: Good work. You'd fit in well with us Lamplighters.
Faerin says: As our numbers dwindle, some find their faith shaken. They turn to the whispers in the darkness.
Faerin says: Look out, here come more of those fiends!

The skiff stops as more enemies attack. Fend them off, then a Vile Behemoth appears!

Faerin says: A behemoth! Quickly, take it down!

Fend it off!

Faerin says: Thank goodness, that was a small one. Those monsters can take out a warship.
Faerin says: We must hold to our faith in the Sacred Flame, ourselves, and in each other if we are to succeed.
Anduin stares mournfully up at the dark star.

The skiff makes it to Lorel's Crossing and everybody alights:

Arathi Farmer says: Beledar's Shadow! Quickly, get inside!
Arathi Farmer says: Faerin! Thank the Flame. Kobyss are raiding Sina's Yearning. The army went ahead, but—
Faerin Lothar says: Say no more. Our new allies and I will go to their aid. Seek shelter immediately!
Faerin nods to you and Anduin.
Faerin and Anduin run out of town.

Follow them up the road to the northeast to reach Sina's Yearning:

General Steelstrike says: Halt, Faerin. We secure the village, then rescue the captives.
Faerin says: They'll be dead by then!

Faerin has new gossip:

I don't care if Steelstrike thinks I'm reckless. I don't care if I get hurt. I can't let my people die.

We've lost too many already. To nerubians, to kobyss, to the shadows themselves...

There's hardly any of us left. How long until there are none?

As does Anduin:

The shadows are... unsettling.


  1. N [75-78] A Lamplighter's Duty
  2. N [75-78] Tricks of the Dark & N [75-78] Fish Are Food, Not Friends
  3. N [75-78] Blades of the Arathi & N [75-78] Something's Fishy
  4. N [75-78] Shadow upon Shadow
  5. N [75-78] The Darkened Flame
  6. N [75-78] Ever Deeper Shadow
  7. N [75-78] The Final Resistance
  8. N [75-78] The Light at the End of the Tunnel
  9. N [75-78] Restore the Flame

Patch changes

External links