Restore the Flame

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NeutralRestore the Flame
Start Faerin Lothar [55.79, 43.44]
End Faerin Lothar [56.22, 42.01]
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 2,800
Reputation +2,500 Hallowfall Arathi or 125x [Resonance Crystals]
Rewards One of:
23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Next N [75-78] To Mereldar

Restore the Flame concludes the Gathering Shadows chapter of the Hallowfall storyline. The campaign immediately continues with N [75-78] To Mereldar.


Help Faerin restore the Holy Flame at the Cliffside Beacon.


Do you feel it? Hope, returning?

Thank you for your help, <name>.

The dawntower's flame remains dark. But this time, I think we'll be able to restore it.

Let's meet at the tower.


You will receive one of:

You will also receive:


I only hope that together, we can kindle a little more light in our little world.


<Faerin gives a warm, tired smile.>

Thank you. Thank the Light you all arrived when you did. I'm glad we can help each other.


On accept:

Anduin Wrynn says: Alleria, we would have been lost without you. Thank you.
Alleria Windrunner says: I'm glad you're all safe. Lets end this.
They walk up the hill.

Return to the tower and speak with Faerin again:

Gossip (Quest) I'm ready.

A real-time cutscene plays, Holy Flame Renewed:

Interior, Cliffside Beacon. Alleria walks out from the dawntower as Faerin, Anduin, and the adventurer look at the darkfire. Faerin looks back at Anduin and extends a hand.

Faerin Lothar: Join me. Please.

Anduin scoffs defensively and takes a half-step back.

Anduin Wrynn: You know the Light is not with me.

Faerin Lothar: There is no darkness so deep that the Light cannot reach us.

She holds her hand out to him again. When he still doesn't take it, she takes hold of his hand instead.

Faerin Lothar: Just be here. With me.

After a moment, Anduin closes his fingers around Faerin's. They walk over to the brazier. Faerin closes her eyes.

Faerin Lothar: Now. Breathe.

They both take deep breaths and Anduin closes his eyes. They both audibly take slow breaths as Light begins to swirl around Faerin.

Faerin Lothar: We are the seekers of Light,

Faerin Lothar: We are the holders of hope,

Faerin Lothar: In the very heart of shadow

Faerin Lothar: We are the lamps that guide the way.

Light travels down Faerin's arm. Anduin opens his eyes and looks in surprise as the Light reaches his hand and he begins to glow as well. With the Light now swirling around them both, the darkfire turns back to Light and a beam of energy shoots up along the tower, igniting it. Outside, Alleria briefly stops and looks back at the tower before she keeps walking way. Anduin opens his eyes and gasps quietly.

The Light fades from Anduin and he lets go of Faerin's hand. She keeps her eyes closed and continues to glow with energy for a few seconds longer while Anduin looks at his hand. Anduin lets out the breath he was holding. Faerin puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles at him.

Faerin Lothar: It's a first step. The rest is just time... and trust.

Anduin smiles back at her.

Anduin has new gossip:

<Anduin looks curiously at his hand.>

I... I don't know what to think.

Just breathe?

Is that okay? I thought I had to find some answer... some great truth about myself in order to find peace again.

Maybe that's not possible. Maybe the only answer is to let it go.

Or maybe the great truth is that it is okay... to move on.

But how could I be allowed to move on, after the harm I've done?


  1. N [75-78] A Lamplighter's Duty
  2. N [75-78] Tricks of the Dark & N [75-78] Fickle Fiendish Fish
  3. N [75-78] Blades of the Arathi & N [75-78] Something's Fishy
  4. N [75-78] Shadow upon Shadow
  5. N [75-78] The Darkened Flame
  6. N [75-78] Ever Deeper Shadow
  7. N [75-78] The Final Resistance
  8. N [75-78] The Light at the End of the Tunnel
  9. N [75-78] Restore the Flame

Patch changes

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