Watcher's Log

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For the similarly-named Valdrakken quest item, see  [Watcher Log].
Watcher's Log

Watcher's Log is found after defeating the Ulderoth boss encounter during Time Rifts. Interact with it to start N [10-70] Dangerous Documentation, one of the criteria of  [Temporal Acquisitions Specialist].

After turning in to Soridormi in Tyrhold Reservoir, the log appears on a table nearby, which can be interacted with:

<This hologram flickers occasionally in the light. Slightly chewed buttons cover its base.
The item appears ancient, and clearly, no one has maintained it for a long time.
Pressing a button pulls up a short bit of text.>
Species Designate: Yaungol
Content: a study of the species' habits and applied learning
Please select documentation to review.
  • Gossip <Press the first button.>
Log 087.654.
According to records left by previous watchers, subjects have been living in cave systems for generations.
Subjects appear to have mastered basic tools and fire. Some appear to be in adult stage, which is impressive.
Catch and release programs initiated for additional study.
  • Gossip <Press the second button.>
Log 087.731.
Prior records indicate a previous watcher's interest in this species.
Upon further investigation of information gathered, records indicate yaungol have an average lifespan of 20 years.
These findings indicate the longest non-bestial lifespan found so far.
Further study of their ways could increase watcher lifespan significantly.
  • Gossip <Press the third button.>
Log 088.572.
This log was found behind the wreckage of a previous watcher.
Investigation into its claims has yielded positive results. Initial studies suggest that adoption of the yaungol's "run and hide in caves" strategy has led to a 75% increase in local watcher lifespan.
We plan to find some way to transmit these findings to the larger watcher community, assuming contact can be resumed.
  • Gossip <Press the fourth button.>
Log 088.638.
Past records indicate a previous Watcher's attempt at replicating yaungol defense mechanisms.
While preliminary results were promising, continued testing resulted in a learned response from the local wildlife, and any prior gains were eliminated. Evidently, running and hiding in SMALL caves was the important part of the tactic.
Attempting to modify Watcher construction systems to allow for smaller Watchers in the future.

Patch changes

External links

Ulderoth object Quest item Thaldraszus object