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Image of Calamir
Race Water elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Isle of the Watchers, Azsuna

Calamir is found on the western Isle of the Watchers in Azsuna.

Adventure Guide

A being of immense magical power, Calamir was called forth by the ancient exemplars in their howling rage. Imbued with the powers of Fire, Frost, and Arcane, Calamir eradicates those who would approach.


Calamir shifts between using Ancient Rage: Fire, Ancient Rage: Frost, and Ancient Rage: Arcane to pummel its foes. Be careful, as each of the schools provide very different threats!

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Back away while Calamir casts Howling Gale to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
  • Move away from other players while afflicted with Burning Bomb to avoid blowing them up.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Dispel players afflicted by Burning Bomb to prevent them from blowing up others.
  • Avoid Arcanopulse to not get stunned.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Back away while Calamir casts Howling Gale to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
  • Avoid Arcanopulse to not get stunned.


  • Ability warlock fireandbrimstone.png Ancient Rage: Fire — Calamir shifts into using the powers of the flame to destroy its enemies.
    • Ability mage livingbomb.png Burning Bomb Magic Effect — Plants a burning bomb within a player. After 8 sec, the target releases an explosion of fire, inflicting 356250 to 393750 Fire damage to all players within 10 yds and knocking them into the air.
    • Spell fire lavaspawn.png Wrathful Flames — Hurls wandering flames onto the ground for 1 min, inflicting 229675 Fire damage to players caught within every 2 sec.
  • Inv infernalmounice.png Ancient Rage: Frost — Calamir shifts into using the powers of the cold to destroy its enemies.
    • Spell hunter icetrap.png Icy Comet — Icy comets rain from the skies, inflicting 534375 to 590625 Frost damage to players struck. These leave behind frozen ground for 1 min, reducing the haste and movement speed of players within by 75%.
    • Spell frost arcticwinds.png Howling Gale — Channels intense cold for 6 sec, inflicting 79800 to 88200 Frost damage to players within 30 yds every 1 sec. This frozen gale also pulls in all players slowly.
  • Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Ancient Rage: Arcane — Calamir shifts into using the powers of the arcana to destroy its enemies.
    • Spell mage arcaneorb nightborne.png Arcanopulse — Several arcane pulses begin to orbit the caster. Players coming into contact with the pulse suffer 454195 to 502005 Arcane damage and are teleported 15 yds in a random direction, stunning them for 2 sec.
    • Spell arcane arcanetorrent nightborne.png Arcane Desolation — Releases a wave of magic, inflicting 109250 to 120750 Arcane damage to all players and knocking them into the air.


Related achievements


On approach
Nightwatcher Idri says: Those meddling ghost mages managed to conjure up a being of wild magic! Put them back in line.
Nightwatcher Idri says: The echoes of magic have subsided. You have our thanks.

Patch changes

External links