Temple of a Thousand Lights

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Temple of a Thousand Lights

Temple of a Thousand Lights is a large temple dedicated to Queen Azshara found south of Shackle's Den in southeastern Azsuna.[57, 66] The exemplars here remain as ghosts like the Court of Farondis, but cry out their continued loyalty to the Queen that killed them while she was striking at Prince Farondis. They are mages that summon powerful elementals, including the world boss Calamir (before it was moved to the Isle of the Watchers). Perhaps symbolically, it towers over the Garden of Elune.

It was taken over by the Dread Fleet for a time,[1] and also serves as the Legion's main base during the assault on Azsuna.




Patch changes


  1. ^ N Rogue [10-45] The Dreadblades

External links