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A night elf archer during the Battle for Darkshore.
A Darnassian Archer during the War of the Thorns world event.

Archers are soldiers that shoot various types of projectiles with a bow or a crossbow.



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Crossbow archer

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Main article: Archer (Warcraft I)

During the First War, these warriors of Stormwind used their skill in the crossbow to deal death from a distance. They were slightly more maneuverable than Footmen, but the cost was the lighter armor they had to wear. The ability to launch their deadly rain of missiles from a distance made them a force not to be discounted.[1]

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Gnolls were fond of using crossbows for their poaching operations.[2]

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While also depicted using bows and guns, the draenei are often associated with crossbow archers. For example, draenei hunters starts with a crossbow, draenei Shattered Sun Marksmen are crossbow users when their blood elf counterpart uses bows instead, and members of the Auchenai and Rangari are also often seen using crossbows too.


High elf and blood elf archers

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Main article: Elven Archer (Warcraft II)

Out of the mysterious forests of Quel'Thalas came the elven archers to aid the Alliance in its darkest hour. Descendants of the elder race of Lordaeron, these sylvan woodsmen were unmatched in their use of the bow. Unencumbered by helm or heavy armor, archers were keen of eye and fleet of foot. These elves had long been embroiled in a bloody conflict with the hated trolls of Lordaeron and were swift to let loose a rain of arrows upon any foe, including those that attacked from the skies above.[3]

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Main article: Archer (campaign)

High elven archers were still there to help fend off Arthas as he tried to attack their capital city of Silvermoon in Warcraft III, trained at the High Elven Barracks.

The blood elves also deployed archers to aid Kael'thas during the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. They were trained at the Barracks.

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During the events of World of Warcraft blood elven archers are mostly classified as elven rangers.

During the events of World of Warcraft the Silver Covenant deploy several times a new class of archers called the spellbows.

Night elven archer

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Main article: Archer (Warcraft III)

Archers compose the first rank of the Sentinel army. These brave warrior women are expert marksmen and use the concealing forests of Kalimdor to their advantage. Their lightning-quick ambushes are legendary, for few warriors can match the proud archers' speed and cunning. Like all night elf women, archers have the ability to Shadowmeld at night.[4]

Campaign only units

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During the events of World of Warcraft night elven archers are mostly classified as Sentinels or bowmen.

In the RPG

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Many night elves learn to use weapons before they can walk. Some show a natural talent for archery and hone that skill. These archers are excellent hunters, but, in wartime, become critical support troops, firing upon enemies to give allies a chance to regroup and attack. Night elf archers are particularly renowned for their ambushes, especially within their own forests. They can move silently among the trees and down opponents a hundred feet away without ever being seen. The typical archer is slender but strong, with a quiet grace and the ability to shift from motionless to eye-blurring speed in an instant. She carries her bow constantly and pays it more respect than most people.[5]

The archer's specialty is ranged attack, and she will do everything possible to maintain her distance. Most night elf archers also use stealth, speed, and darkvision to full advantage. An archer might creep to a hiding place and wait there for hours to set the target at ease. Archers train both alone and in teams, and often concentrate fire on a single major target or on a small group standing close together. This allows them to take down tougher foes or clustered enemy commanders in a single volley.[6]

Warcraft III other units

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Campaign only units

Pandaren archer

In the RPG

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Pandaren archers often rest just beyond the infantry, using long supple bambus bows capable of taking the eye out of an orc at hundreds of yards. Pandaren archers are equipped with their bows and a variety of arrows with varying heads (broad, leaf-shaped heads for unarmored infantry, sharp, piercing heads for heavily armored opponents, and unusual "U" or "V" shaped arrowheads for dealing maximum damage at close range); they often carry short curved swords similar to shaktani warblades. Pandaren archers are skilled at long-range marksmanship and sniping, although the size of their bows prohibits their use from concealment, for they are almost as tall as a standing pandaren.[7]


See also


