World of Warcraft RISK

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World Editor Icon.pngWorld of Warcraft RISK
Image of World of Warcraft RISK
Name World of Warcraft RISK
Map designer(s) Priwin
Type Risk
Version 2.86
Update status Active
Warcraft III World Editor
This article is about a fan created custom map designed on Warcraft III with the World Editor.
The map contains non-Blizzard information, and events are not official.
It should not be taken as representing official lore!

World of Warcraft RISK is a RISK styled map based on the features of World of Warcraft. Different games offer diverse experiences, but it all comes down to working on a system not dissimilar to that of the RISK board game.


The over-arching goal of all games is to conquer every control point on the entire map. As of version 2.86, there are 252 Control Points. When a player (or a team) captures all of them, they win. Income is influenced solely by the capture of entire regions, as opposed to in the board game where a player would receive income based on number of control points and regions controlled. This offers more strategic game play, focusing more on controlling an area rather than just a chain of bases, and necessitates a more logical unit positioning. Allies may choose to split up land by region, rather than just by having an even number of bases.


Standard Risk. Players build various units related to the control point. For instance, footmen can be trained at Stormwind City, because it is a city controlled by humans. Players need to wisely choose units from local bases to overpower enemies.

Alliance Vs. Horde

The most heavily revised mode, as of 2.80, it is on its third complete revision. This is a 'mission' mode, where the races of the Alliance fight the races of the Horde. When a player captures a zone owned be another player, they receive only half the income they would normally, the other half going to the original owner. This way, if a player can escape, they can continue to aid their allies.

Risk Revolution 3.1

In Risk Revolution 3.1, it is the mode most like the board game RISK. Each player trains their units from 'Military Bases', which produce nine different units, split between range, melee, and tank classes. There are two healers among the nine possible units.

WoW Risk Exodus

A player takes his Exodus into Azshara.

In Exodus mode, the first five turns are spent solely on the Eastern Kingdoms. After this point, depending on how they fare, players may choose to stay or flee. Upon fleeing, players will lose all their control points and gold, get a boat that can transform (permanently) into 5 Native Scouts and 3 Wagons at any port on Kalimdor or Northrend, and are given 16 gold. After 15 turns, Northrend and Kalimdor will become unblocked and ships will be available at ports, making the players who fled vulnerable.

WoW Risk Race Mod

In Race Mod, each player may choose a race (if they have not selected in 45 seconds, they will be randomly assigned one). There may be no duplicates. Each race has its own unit set, though some units may be used by more than one race. Each race has its own unique hero and capital, and its own strengths and weaknesses. As of version 2.81, there are 23 races: Forsaken, blood elves & naga, Burning Legion, Scarlet Crusade, Scourge, Northrend creeps, dwarves & gnomes , Dalaran, Kul Tiras, Dark Horde, Dark Iron dwarves, Illidari, Stormwind, goblins & ogres & trolls, tauren & trolls, orcs & trolls, Old Gods, night elves, Sha'tar, Theramore, draenei, Cenarion Circle and blood elves & Forsaken. Each race has a number of units to build, having unique stats based on that team's weaknesses or strength. Unlike normal Risk, in Race Mod, when a player captures a Control Point, it transforms into one of their bases. They can only train units from their selected race.

WoW Risk Race Mod & Exodus

Simply put, the rules of both Race Mode and Exodus apply.


This is a recently added test mode game. Not recommended for gameplay because it sets food to unlimited, gives all players 100000 gold, and creates devices to test units on the battlefield. This mode was created to allow users to test for unit imbalance.


Various alliance settings that may be used for the game.


Free-for-all. No players are allowed to ally.

Free Alliance

Players may ally and unally freely via the Allies tab (F11).

Teams of 2

Every two players are on a team. (Players 1 & 2, 3 & 4, etc.)

Teams of 3

Every three players are on a team. (Players 1 & 2 & 3, 4 & 5 & 6, etc.)

Fixed Alliance

Players are stuck to the alliances set via the team numbers set in the room before starting the game.


If a player loses his capital region to another player, they are forced into allying and serving their conqueror. FFA otherwise.

Other Options

Options are listed after descriptions; default options are bolded.

Max Spawn Support

Max Spawn Support is the maximum number of turns you can stockpile the support units you get for owning an entire region. After the limit is reached, you will not receive more until some die.
No support, 5 Turns, 10 Turns, 15 Turns

Turn Time

At the end of each turn, players get income based on the zones they control and will also receive spawn support for controlling entire regions. This time indicates how long each turn lasts.
60 Seconds, 90 Seconds, 45 Seconds

Fog of War

Fog of War is the same Fog of War that appears in melee games if you explored a region, but no longer have units there. Night fog will only have Fog of War on at night.
Fog Off, Fog On, Night Fog


When bounty is turned on, you will receive 1/4th of the value of each unit you kill. Ergo: kill four footmen (cost: 1 gold), get one gold, kill two Abominations (cost: 6 gold), get three gold.
Bounty Off, Bounty On


The Multiboard in the top right hand corner displays facts about the game. Depending on the setting, it will display more or less information about the players. Normal displays player names, incomes, kills, deaths, control point count, status (alive, dead, or left), turn time remaining, turns taken, the game mode, and notifies players when a region is completely captured by a player. Maximum displays all of that, and also all players' current gold. Minimum displays only player names, income, status, turn time remaining, and turns taken.
Minimum Multiboard, Normal Multiboard, Maximum Multiboard

Ship Routes

Ship Routes work like way gates and are stationed on various coasts to teleport units quickly from one land mass to another.
Ship Routes On, Ship Routes Off


Heroes are the most powerful units with abilities that cost much more than the average unit. All heroes cost 75 and 1 food. They have a passive aura and an active ability that used in the right way has a great impact on any battle. In the Race Mod, a player can only use his race's hero. Heroes can only be build at capital bases, which represents the location where that hero resides in World of Warcraft. Normally, with heroes on, you can only have one hero at a time, but Unlimited Heroes allows the player to have as many as they want (and can afford to train).
Heroes On, Heroes Off, Unlimited Heroes

Fill Player Slots

At the beginning of the game, the amount of bases is distributed equally according to the number of active players. With Fill Player Slots on, every active player only receives bases according to the formular amount of bases divided by 12. The leftover bases, that were assigned to nobody, become neutral hostile. This mod was designed for clan matches with few players and observers, that prefer to start out with low number of bases. Normally, to achieve this way of gameplay, the player slots were filled up with an inactive ai, but this would not allow any observers to join the game.
Active Players Only, Fill Player Slots

Tower Evolution

Each base is equipped with a tower to supplement its defensive power. Normally, they stay at the same weak state all game. Activating tower evolution will upgrade all towers every 5 turns.
No Tower Evolution, Evolving Towers


In Race or Alliance vs Horde, every player has to chose a race as he wishes. Turning Allrandom on, the races are assigned randomly for every player.
Allrandom Off, Allrandom On


Once the mode has been selected (and races chosen, if in Race Mod or Alliance vs Horde), the game begins. The game itself revolves around the capture of Control Points and regions, and unit strength Vs. cost. This section will analyze zone size vs. income, unit support provided, region adjacency, as well as unit cost vs. efficiency, strengths and weaknesses, and placement. The income of each region is equal to the number of control points.


Regions are sorted here by number of control points, and when equal, by alphabetic order. Note that while all zone titles link to their zone page, all adjacent region links will take you to that region's description on this page.

Alterac Mountains

Coordinates: [77, 43]
Control Points: 2
Support: Ogre Magi
Adjacent Regions: Western Plaguelands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Syndicate, Ogres
Analysis: Alterac is a central zone. It has bridge advantage against Western Plaguelands and Silverpine Forest. Ogre magi are a two gold caster unit. Because it is an area relatively far from a capital, Alterac Mountains isn't often captured early, but rather picked up by someone who already has captured a few zones. It is an early choice for players who want to capture small areas for easy money.

Burning Steppes

Control Points: 2
Support: Ogre Magi
Adjacent Regions: Blackrock Mountain, Redridge Mountains
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Fel orcs, Ogres
Analysis: Burning Steppes is often picked up by players in central Eastern Kingdoms rather quickly. It's right next to Blackrock Mountain, the capital of both the Dark Iron dwarves and the Blackrock orcs. It provides Ogre Magi, which are two gold caster units.


Control Points: 2
Support: Captain
Adjacent Regions: Westfall, Elwynn Forest, Redridge Mountains, Swamp of Sorrows, Stranglethorn Vale
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Human, Undead, Worgen (Burning Legion)
Analysis: Duskwood is a 'transition' zone. It holds bridge advantages over Westfall, Elwynn Forest, and Redridge Mountains. Its high number of adjacent zones makes it a common battleground for players starting in southern Eastern Kingdoms. Your support unit is the captain, which is a two gold melee unit with defend. You should utilize this skill, because three adjacent zones provide ranged units, and two provide magic.


Control Points: 2
Support: Skilled Archer
Adjacent Regions: Felwood, Winterspring
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Night Elf, Tauren
Analysis: Moonglade, like Felwood and Winterspring, are a bit out of the way. Most players in Northern Kalimdor will focus on the regions from the islands of Teldrassil, Bloodmyst Isle, and Azuremyst Isle to Azshara. Skilled Archers are two gold ranged units with critical strike. It's not a common first choice, except by players just grabbing it for the extra gold at the beginning.

Isle of Quel'Danas

Control Points: 2
Support: Blood elf Soldier
Adjacent Regions: Eversong Woods
Sea Access: No
Capital: Sunwell Plateau, Burning Legion
Races: Demons, Blood elves, Naga, Wretched, Draenei, Naaru
Analysis: The Isle of Quel'danas is a very common first zone choice. It only has two control points, so it is relatively easy to capture. The extra gold bonus will provide an advantage when expanding to its only adjacent region, Eversong Forest, or when expanding elsewhere (if only captured for the gold bonus). Its capital of Sunwell Plateau makes it a common choice for the Burning Legion, despite the race being more end-game oriented. Blood Elf Soldiers are two gold units melee units.

Searing Gorge

Control Points: 2
Support: Dark Iron dwarf
Adjacent Regions: Badlands, Blackrock Mountain
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Dark Iron dwarves
Analysis: Searing Gorge is a poor choice of zone. Its spawns are nothing special, and it suffers from a height disadvantage to Blackrock Mountain, and partially to the Badlands. It even has a height disadvantage to itself should you lose Thorium Point. Could be taken in a land grab, usually just taken when conquering all the regions in Khaz Modan. Dark Iron dwarves are two gold melee units. If trying to stop a land-push (on either side), do not try to hold out here. Your casters and ranged units will be almost useless defending either side. Just fall back to your next area.


Control Points: 2
Support: Ice Troll Berserker
Adjacent Regions: Grizzly Hills, Storm Peaks
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Troll
Analysis: Zul'drak is an uncommon first choice, but a surprisingly good one. It's not near any capitals, the closest being two zones away (Dalaran or Scourge), and it doesn't offer much diversity, but the Troll unit selection is diverse and will cover any needs, and the unit provided for support is a four gold ranged unit!

Arathi Highlands

Control Points: 3
Support: Human Archer
Adjacent Regions: Hillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Syndicate, Humans, Orcs
Analysis: Arathi Highlands is rarely captured early on. The closest capital's race is Kul Tiras, and the chain of islands to which it belongs is isolated. Arathi Highlands does however have a bridge advantage against the Wetlands, and a funnel in the form of a wall against the Hillsbrad Foothils. While the Foothills are adjacent, players usually capture the Hinterlands and Arathi Highlands together, because they are closer together, whereas Hillsbrad is more open. The support unit, Human Archer, is a two gold ranged unit that is very useful for this region, because all entrances are funnels for troops. When defending, mass range units with a line of melee units to hold the entrances.


Control Points: 3
Support: Crypt Fiend
Adjacent Regions: Icecrown Glacier, Dragonblight
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Nerubians & Faceless Ones (Old Gods), Scourge, Dwarves
Analysis: Azjol'Nerub should only be picked up on account of it being next to two capitals. Otherwise, its low income bonus and height disadvantage on both sides as well as to itself hurts it terribly. Crypt fiends, the support unit, are two gold ranged units.


Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Ashenvale, Borean Tundra (Shiproute)
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: Night Elves, Naga


The Badlands, unlike most areas, have been slightly changed to enhance gameplay: They have been given a coast.

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Loch Modan, Searing Gorge
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: Orcs, Dark Iron dwarves, Ogres, Troggs

Blasted Lands

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Swamp of Sorrows
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Illidari, Humans, Demons


Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Borean Tundra, Azjol'Nerub, Grizzly Hills
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Dragon, Humans, Tauren


Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Moonglade, Winterspring, Ashenvale
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Satyr, Night Elves


Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Hillsbrad Foothills
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: Dwarves, Trolls, Humans


Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Barrens
Sea Access: No
Capital: Thunder Bluff
Races: Tauren

Redridge Mountains

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Burning Steppes, Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Swamp of Sorrows
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Gnolls (Burning Legion), Fel orcs, humans

Stonetalon Mountains

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Desolace, Barrens
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Night elves, Goblins, Tauren

Storm Peaks

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Icecrown Citadel, Grizzly Hills
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Northrend Creeps

Thousand Needles

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Barrens, Feralas, Tanaris
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Tauren, Silithid, Goblins, Trolls, Orcs (only grunts)

Un'goro Crater

Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Silithus, Tanaris
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Silithid, Humans (few), Goblins (only sappers), Elemental

Western Plaguelands

Control Points: 3
Support: Ice Troll Berserker
Adjacent Regions: Eastern Plaguelands, Tirisfal Glades, Alterac Mountains
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: Scarlet Crusade, Undead


Control Points: 3
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Elwynn Forest, Duskwood
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: Human

Blackrock Mountain

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions:Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: ?

Bloodmyst Isle

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Azuremyst Isle, Darkshore, Teldrassil
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?


Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Teldrassil, Bloodmyst Isle, Ashenvale
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?


Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Feralas, Stonetalon Mountains
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?

Dun Morogh

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Loch Modan
Sea Access: No
Capital: Ironforge, Dwarves & Gnomes
Races: ?

Eastern Plaguelands

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Ghostlands, Western Plaguelands
Sea Access: No
Capital: Tyr’s Hand, Scarlet Crusade
Races: ?

Elwynn Forest

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Duskwood, Westfall
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: Stormwind City, Stormwind
Races: ?


Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Eversong Woods, Eastern Plaguelands
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: ?

Grizzly Hills

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Dragonblight, Howling Fjord, Zul'Drak
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?

Hillsbrad Foothills

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, The Hinterlands, Kul Tiras, Silverpine Forest
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?

Howling Fjord

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Grizzly Hills, Tirisfal Glades
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?

Kul Tiras

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Hillsbrad Foothills
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: Boralus, Kul Tiras
Races: ?

Loch Modan

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Badlands, Wetlands
Sea Access: No
Capital: None
Races: ?


Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Un'goro Crater
Sea Access: No
Capital: Ahn'Qiraj, Silithid
Races: ?

South Seas

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Tanaris
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: Undermine, Goblins & Ogres & Trolls
Races: ?

Swamp of Sorrows

Control Points: 4
Support: ?
Adjacent Regions: Blasted Lands, Duskwood, Redridge Mountains
Sea Access: Yes
Capital: None
Races: ?

Unit System

In order to win the game, the player has to build units and fight the other player with them. The game has 5 different unit types, that each have different attack and armor types. Each attack and armor type has its own advantage or disadvantage against other types. They must be used carefully to arrange an effective army.

Attack&Armor Types

% Damage Heavy Medium Unarmored
Normal 100% 150% 150%
Piercing 100% 75% 95%
Magic 120% 75% 75%

Unit Types


Melee can only attack units that are directly in front of it, but has more health points and attack damage than ranged units.

Heavy Melee:
Attack: Normal
Armor: Heavy
Strong vs: Archer, Medium Melee
Weak vs: Magic Melee, Mage
Medium Melee:
Attack: Normal
Armor: Medium
Strong vs: Archer, Mage, Magic Melee
Weak vs: Heavy Melee
Magic Melee:
Attack: Magic
Armor: Heavy
Strong vs: Heavy Melee
Weak vs: Archer, Mage, Medium Melee


Ranged units have a medium to long attack range, but rather low health points and attack damage.

Attack: Piercing
Armor: Medium
Strong vs: Mage, Magic Melee
Weak vs: Heavy Melee, Medium Melee
Attack: Magic
Armor: Unarmored
Strong vs: Heavy Melee, Magic Melee
Weak vs: Medium Melee, Archer


Mages and certain other units can learn spells for money. These spells weaken enemy units or empower friendly ones.

Cost: 1 gold and 75% damage reduced from the unit
Effect: Heals 15 hitpoints
Duration: 1 second
Cooldown: 1 second
Cost: 1 gold and 25% damage reduced from the unit
Effect: Slows attacked enemy attack speed by 20% and movement by 45%
Duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown: None
Faery Fire:
Cost: 2 gold
Effect: Reduces armor of enemy unit by 5
Duration: 60 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Cost: 2 gold
Effect: Increases attack speed of friendly unit by 30% and movement speed by 20%
Duration: 60 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds

External links