User:VraulJawrip/Westfall Wrangler Gang

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NeutralWestfall Wrangler Gang
Main leader Johnny Nixon
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
Capital Sentinel Hill
Theater of operations Westfall, Elwynn Forest
Status Disbanded

The Westfall Wrangler Gang was a group of thugs, thieves, and bandits that seeked to renew the pride of Westfall and feed the less fortunate. They operated primarily in Westfall as a small faction for long undetected by the Stormwind Army. While the many personalities that the gang was composed of had different ideas for success, their main goal was to aid the less fortunate members of society, even if it was at the cost of those with wealth who had done no wrong.

During a riot they initiated within Sentinel Hill, a few of their members fell to the Stormwind Guard in a bloody battle that led to the arrest of the surviving members, save Johnny Nixon, who fled into Duskwood and has yet to have been found.

Known Members

Name Role Status Location
AllianceIconSmall Human Male.gif Johnny Nixon Leader Missing Sentinel Hill, Westfall
AllianceIconSmall Human Male.gif Jack Nixon "The Blade" Deceased Sentinel Hill, Westfall
AllianceIconSmall Human Male.gif Reggie Wright The Accounter Incarcerated Sentinel Hill, Westfall
AllianceIconSmall HighElf Male.gif Korthos Rogue Deceased Sentinel Hill, Westfall
AllianceIconSmall Gnome Female.gif Nefti Spinpistol Rogue Missing Sentinel Hill, Westfall