User:VraulJawrip/Jack "The Blade" Nixon

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AllianceJack Nixon
Image of Jack Nixon
Title <The Blade>
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) Westfall Wrangler Gang
Occupation Assassin
Location Westfall
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Johnny Nixon (younger brother)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Jack "The Blade Nixon was a known, hated figure in Westfall for being particularly cruel to his fellow classmates in school. Throughout his life, Jack had acquired hundreds of daggers and swords in his home that he brandished each day. Being a master at the blade, his younger brother saw much usefulness in him and recruited him to be apart of the Westfall Wrangler Gang. Johnny, believing that his brother would turn over a new leaf, kept him in check and held him in high regard even while being fully aware of his menacing atttiude. Jack was notable for being mentally unstable, and his cold-blooded feelings for others had given him a very notorious reputation among the local townsfolk. In truth, Jack cared little for the silly gang that his younger brother, Johnny, had established, but it remained as the only way that he could travel around the area without being constantly harassed by frightened mothers. If given the opportunity, Jack would've most likely sold out his entire family to slavery for a decent amount of riches. While he had little education or people skills, Jack did possess an inhuman ability to stalk and cut up his foes with any sharp weapon that he had at hand. His invaluable prowess boded well for the Westfall Wrangler Gang's missions against their enemies until their disbanding.

Jack was killed during a riot that had been incited between his gang and the Stormwind Guard. Though he did not initiate the fight, he took pleasure in the thought of tearing apart the "mindless drones" of nobility.


Jack and his title of "The Blade" is a reference to the Jack of Blades, a main antagonist of the Fable game series.

Mysteriously, Jack was much more pale than his younger brother. One certain explanation is that Jack was often a hermit within the shadows, participating in practically no social conversation, which also means that he had rarely gotten sunlight.