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AllianceSam Benson (Slaman)
Image of Sam Benson (Slaman)
Title Battlemaster
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 90
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Stormwind
Occupation Special Forces, Blacksmith, Miner
Location Stormwind City
Khaz Modan US
Status Alive
Relative(s) Danielle Benson (mother, deceased)
Mentor(s) Therum Deepforge, Llane Beshere, Bolvar Fordragon
Companion(s) Orin Orala, Michael Jollner

Sam Benson, also known as Slaman ("Hitman"), is a veteran of the Dragons, a Special Forces Unit of the Alliance army, as well as a ranking member of the normal Alliance army. Known for his calm demeanor in public and on the battlefield, he is one of the best combatants and strategists on Azeroth or Draenor. He has accomplished many seemingly impossible feats in his service and is held in high regard by the few who are aware of these acts.


Early Life

Born Samuel Calvin Benson in Andorhal, year 6 ADP (age 23), to an unknown father and Danielle Benson, who died in childbirth. Raised in the orphanage of Lordaeron City before being relocated to Stormwind City once the latter city was rebuilt. He began weapon training at the age of 6 after showing a natural affinity in a fight against a group of bullies. He then left the orphanage at the age of 16 to enter an apprenticeship with the dwarven blacksmith Therum Deepforge. After two years, he left for Northshire Abbey to take combat training full time with Llane Beshere. Sam then returned after a year to enlist in the Alliance army as a Private at age 19.

Military Service

After being deployed and showing great skill and courage in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alterac Valley, he was up for a quick promotion. Before he could formally accept, he was contacted by Bolvar Fordragon, Regent Lord and de facto Commander of the Alliance army. He was informed of an elite special forces unit that was being created to covertly take care of the many arising problems in Azeroth, and joined as one of its first members. His tenure in this group has made him the spearhead of many of the major engagements in Azeroth's recent history. Originally assigned to the small "Bellicose" group, he quickly made a name for himself going through the Dark Portal and joined the "Ambiguous" group under the command of Athena Armstrong. By the time the unit was to take on Illidan and his lieutenants, he was reassigned to "Prestige" group under Nerala Fedorath, where he served until the Shattering. As one of the few long-time veterans of the unit, he became a well-respected commander of the "Prestige" group during the war in Northrend. After the defeat of the Lich King, most of his team retired or went missing along with a large portion of the rest of the unit. As a result, he was reassigned to "Sunder" group, where he opted to discontinue his leadership role. However, during the Siege of Orgrimmar, he led a few of the assaults. While serving in the Dragons, he has accomplished many feats and saved countless lives.

He continues to fight regularly in engagements against the Horde. Over the past four years, he has gained notoriety and respect on both sides. While fighting in Arathi Basin, the Knights of Arathor praised his quick and efficient manner of combat and strategy, earning him the nickname "Slaman," which roughly means "Hitman" in the ancient Arathi language. In the year 30 ADP, the Dragons became more widely known, and as a result of his actions on the battlefield, he was officially recognized as a ranking officer of the Alliance army and promoted directly to Knight-Captain. He has also obtained the less-official (but no less meaningful) titles of Battlemaster and Justicar.

Current Activities

When he's not on the front lines, he currently resides in Stormwind's Old Town, where he mixes in with the populace at the Pig and Whistle Tavern or passes the time in the Hall of Champions sharing battle strategies with other officers of the Alliance army.


His straight brown hair is long enough to hang loosely, but short enough to fit under a helmet. His eyes match his hair under thick eyebrows. On his chin, he wears a full goatee giving him a unique appearance compared to most soldiers. Years of combat have honed his physique into a highly agile and conditioned warrior. He has many different types of armor based on the combat situation, but is most commonly found in a simple cloth shirt and brown workman's breeches. Nonetheless, there is always a sword strapped to Sam's belt everywhere he goes. When encountered in combat, he normally carries on his back the large, imposing two-handed sword given to him by Commander Armstrong, who looted it off the body of one of the members of the Horde that assaulted Blackwing Lair. The initials on the hilt are known only to him, and Sam takes solace knowing that he uses the sword of such a great man. On top of the massive sword always rests a large shield of some kind, coupled with the shortsword at his waist, which comes from Sam's vast collection of blades. In fact, Sam is a well-known blacksmith in his own right, crafting many pieces of armor and weaponry for others, as well as himself. His many different sets of plate armor are all dark and imposing, making him a sight to behold on the battlefield, especially when he betrays logical thought to move so quickly under such heavy armor.


Sam is always very calm, even when he is in the midst of battle. So much so that he has become well-known to his enemies and fellow soldiers as an unsettling opponent. His professionalism and ability to handle tasks quickly and efficiently earned him his nickname Slaman, which means "Hitman" in the ancient Arathi tongue. Among friends and in social situations, Sam tends to be quieter than others, but will speak with authority when he has something to say.


Due to the variety of friendships formed, opponents bested, places visited, and trust earned during Sam's life, he has acquired a large collection of notable weapons and armor. Sam's collection is vast and this list is not comprehensive; it only lists the notable and/or signature gear that he owns.



  • Gorehowl - As a part of the task force that invaded Karazhan with the Violet Eye, Benson discovered the legendary axe of Grom Hellscream in the personal stash of Prince Malchezaar. It is unknown how it came to be here, but Sam took it with him upon leaving, as he was able to appreciate the expert craftsmanship of the weapon. Sam kept it in his own personal stash before finally discovering the significance of the whistling axe through stories from orcs. Sam anonymously gave the weapon to Thrall, as he felt it was right for him to be in possession of it. Little did he know it would fall into the hands of one of the greatest enemies of the Alliance, Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom.
  •  [Shadowmourne] - Sam was part of the team that helped forge this legendary weapon for use against the Lich King. In the preliminary efforts to form the base of the weapon, Sam journeyed to Frostmourne Cavern to retrieve Arthas's hammer  [Light's Vengeance] for the frame. After  [Shadow's Edge] was created with much assistance from Nath Robertson, Sam teamed up with Tony Zorro, Arthur Ginsan, and Hadar Stonefist to finish the blade. Stonefist used his abilities as a paladin to withstand the unholy foulness of the slime developed by Professor Putricide and infuse the weapon with unholy energy. Zorro then volunteered to withstand the blood magic from Blood Queen Lan'athel as he allowed the blade to drink his own blood. Finally, during the fight with the Lich King's final lieutenant, Ginsan withstood the frigid breath of Sindragosa to infuse it with the icy frost magic of Icecrown. Due to the massive number of Scourge that also had to be slain with it to feed the runeblade, they all took shifts fighting the persistent waves of Scourge with it as they assaulted Icecrown Citadel. Although Darion Mograine had rights to full ownership of the weapon, he wanted no part of it after it fulfilled its purpose. Due to Mograine's reluctance to wield the blade, Zorro's death, and the disappearance of Roberts and Ginsan after the fall of the Lich King, Benson currently co-owns the weapon with Stonefist, although it is most commonly seen with the latter.



  • Battlegear of Might - This gear was forged in the endless heat of the area surrounding the Molten Core by the Thorium Brotherhood. It was specifically designed to withstand the fire magic of many of the elementals in the area, while still providing protection from blades.
  • Battlegear of Wrath - Originally created by Horde blacksmiths for the raid on Blackwing Lair, this armor was meant to combat the wild and chaotic magicks of the Lair's denizens. It was also made into a weapon itself to showcase the brutality of the Horde and the wrath of their retribution. Sam recreated the pieces himself after seeing the armor and looting it off of fallen opponents.
  • Conqueror's Battlegear - Created by blacksmiths in the Cenarion Circle, along with the help of the Brood of Nozdormu to combat the Qiraji. The design is not only based on the natural armor of the Qiraji, but is partially made from the incredibly hard chitin as well.
  • Field Marshal's Battlegear - Sam earned the gilded shining armor reserved for officers in the Alliance army after a great many battles and contributions to the war effort. Although not officially an officer, Sam is both a Battlemaster and Justicar.
  • Warbringer Armor - Forged by Sam (with assistance from Altruis) using the materials and design of the Burning Legion, this demonic-looking plate armor protects its wearer from fel energies and demonic taint.
  • Destroyer Armor - This imposing armor was made famous by the champion fighters of Kael'thas's army and was said to be designed by Kael'thas himself. Sam re-purposed the armor of the champions that were slain and refitted them for himself.
  • Onslaught Armor - This bulky plate armor is extremely heavy and dense, effectively turning its wearer into an unstoppable juggernaut. Created by blacksmiths in the Black Temple and refined by the Ashtongue Deathsworn, this armor is stylized off of the massive plates that cover a pit lord's body.
  • Valorous Dreadnaught Plate - Forged by Argent Dawn blacksmiths based on the style and form of the legendary Dreadnaught's Battlegear, originally developed by Korfax. The newer version was created to be more of a weapon itself, as opposed to the practical, smooth form of the original version.
  • Siegebreaker Plate - Forged by Sam with help from many of Dalaran's blacksmiths to emulate the regal, yet imposing armor of the Titan constructs in Ulduar.
  • Wrynn's Battlegear - This practical armor was developed for use in the Argent Tournament, based off specifications from the King himself.
  • Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Plate - This armor was originally made for use by the Ymirjar Lords in the service of the Lich King. Its design helps to withstand the constant chill of Icecrown. After finding pieces throughout Icecrown Citadel, Sam redesigned it (with much assistance from Crusader Grimtong) to fit himself.
  • Wrathful Gladiator's Battlegear - This dark battlegear was designed by goblins for use by arena gladiators. It is extremely lightweight, yet still very durable. Sam purchased this armor after success in the arena, and continues to use it often as it is one of his preferred sets to wear.
  • Earthen Battleplate - Forged by earthshapers and blacksmiths in the Earthen Ring from the extremely dense and tough materials of Deepholme, this armor is extremely cumbersome, but possibly one of the best in the world at turning away any type of blade.
  • Colossal Dragonplate Armor/Battlegear - Forged by Sam from the hunks of elementium that fell from Deathwing at the Siege of Wyrmrest Temple and stylized off the look of the Destroyer himself. Sam owns two separate sets of this armor: a red-accented one that is hardened by fires emanating from the earth itself and tempered with black dragon blood, as well as a blue-accented one that is hardened by dragonfire and tempered in twilight dragon blood.

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