User:Morec0/Horde Roleplaying Characters

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
For links to other fan-creations by this user, see User:Morec0.

A list of my Horde-allied characters that I use for roleplaying. Enjoy, and be sure to look at my Alliance and Neutral characters, as well as the organizations and locations I've created.

Urokor Bloodrager

HordeUrokor Bloodrager
Image of Urokor Bloodrager
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Wolf rider
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar, Horde, Frostwolf Clan, Warsong Clan
Occupation Adventurer
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Wiseeyes (wolf mount)
Alignment Chaotic good
"Gar'mak gol'kosh!"
— Urokor

Urokor is a Frostwolf-born orc, but his heart and soul lies with the battle-proud Warsong clan. Young and with fire in his heart, he searches for his ultimate destiny across the world, his companion Wiseeyes as his side. Prone to violent action, he seeks to bring glory to his name and to the Horde through the accomplishment of great deeds throughout Azeroth.










The Lighteye Family

  • IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Thurian Lighteye (and IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Gali'a Lighteye) - Grandparents of the current youngest generation of the Lighteye family. Thurian lost his life protecting Quel'Thalas from the Horde's invasion during the Second War. Gali'a was slain during the Scourge's conquering of Silvermoon.
    • IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Bal'thier Lighteye (and IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Malisina Lighteye) - Current heads of the Lighteye noble family, parents of the current youngest generation of the family. Originally loyal to Prince Kael'thas, after his return from Outland and his allegiance to the Legion was established they cut their ties and devoted all of their wealth to seeing Silvermoon and Quel'Thalas returned to its former glory.
      • IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Cedrian Lighteye - Eldest of the Lighteye siblings, heir to the Lighteye family title. He witnessed Kael'thas' theft of M'uru from the Hall of Blood and promptly sided with the rest of Horde against his former monarch. Now serves as the face of his family's efforts to rebuild their people's homeland.
      • IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Nilon Lighteye - Second-born of the Lighteye siblings, fled to Stormwind during Garithos' attempts to regain Lordaeron from the Scourge and joined the Alliance, partially-forgoing his priestly roots and training as a paladin.
      • IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Glori'ann Lighteye - Eldest sister of the Lighteye siblings, left with Prince Kael'thas' forces for Outland during the first exodus, returned with them during their takeover of Quel'Danas. Has not been seen by her family since, despite all efforts by Cedrian to locate her.
      • IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Silian Lighteye - Youngest of the Lighteye siblings. Was originally training to become a priestess like her elder sister, but upon hearing about Nilon's taking up the path of the paladin became inspired and forwent her family's wishes to train with the Blood Knights.

Cedrian Lighteye

HordeCedrian Lighteye
Image of Cedrian Lighteye
Title <Lord>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Priest, Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Blood Knights
Occupation Noble of Silvermoon
Status Alive
Relative(s) Nilon Lighteye (Brother), Glori'ann Lighteye and Silian Lighteye (Sisters), Thurian Lighteye and Gali'a Lighteye (Grandfather and Grandmother), Bal'thier Lighteye and Malisina Lighteye (Father and Mother)
Alignment Lawful good
"I am Cedrian, heir to the Lighteye family name and all titles and powers that come with... Who are you to address me?"
— Cedrian Lighteye


Cedrian Lighteye







  • Cedrian was originally known as "Cedric", but the name was changed to something that sounded more "blood elfy".

Glori'ann Lighteye

HordeGlori'ann Lighteye
Image of Glori'ann Lighteye
Title <Lady>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Priestess, Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Sunfury, Dawnblade, (Formerly)
Burning Legion
Occupation Noble of Silvermoon (Formerly)
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Cedrian Lighteye and Nilon Lighteye (Brothers), Silian Lighteye (Sister), Thurian Lighteye and Gali'a Lighteye (Grandfather and Grandmother), Bal'thier Lighteye and Malisina Lighteye (Father and Mother)
"The Prince knows best."
— Glori'ann's repeated mantra during her time in Outland.


Glori'ann during her time assisting Prince Kael'thas in Outland.
Glori'ann during her training as a Priestess.







  • Glori'ann was originally known as "Gloria", but the name was changed to something that sounded more "blood elfy".

Sithia Frozenbone

HordeSithia Frozenbone
Image of Sithia Frozenbone
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Undead)
Class Mage
Mists of Pandaria Shadowmage
Affiliation(s) Forsaken
Mists of Pandaria Shadowheart Disciples
Location Cataclysm Buried in Brill Graveyard
Mists of Pandaria Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Status Cataclysm Deceased
Mists of Pandaria Active
Relative(s) Morec (former on-again-off-again lover)
Alignment Neutral good
Mists of PandariaNeutral evil
"What's the matter? Got cold feet?"
— Sithia making a bad pun.

Sitha is a former-mage now-Shadowmage of the Forsaken loyal to the Shadowheart Disciples, specialized in the frost aspect of magic with the darkness of the Void as a source of enhancement. She carries a one-handed sword that she forged out of arcane magic at Dalaran's blacksmith during her time studying in the magical city. She is slightly insane, but nowhere near as completely out of her mind as Morec is.


Sitha was born Sitha Gaerl and raised in Stratholme for all of her early life, living with her parents who worked for Fras Siabi. Upon her eighteenth birthday she was accepted by Dalaran to study the arts of the arcane. After three years of study, she proved to be skilled in the use of frost and basic arcane spells. By the time the year she was scheduled to graduate in rolled around, she was very close to being able to be considered a master of the element of frost, although her skills in the use of basic arcane had wavered by this time.

Unfortunately, she never had the chance to graduate, because that same year Arthas led the Scourge to Dalaran and slaughtered every living creature he could in the magocratic nation. Sithia learned too late that her icy magics had little effect on the undead, and was viciously torn to pieces by the undead. A necromancer came across her broken corpse while the Scourge were sacking the city and decided to raise her into undeath for his own purposes. He had parts taken from other Scourge members to rebuild her, and used her as a slave for many years.

Sithia before her second death.

When the Lich King's powers started to wane, Sithia - now saying her last name to be Frozenbone - managed to break free from his grasp and sided with Sylvanas' coup. She quickly learned how to use her icy spells in a fashion that harmed the undead as well as the living, and poured all of her effort into helping the Dark Lady crush both the Scourge and the Dreadlords' forces.

After the Capital City was claimed by them, she served among Sylvanas' Deathguard for some time as a magic specialist. She, however, eventually got bored with that and left to spend her time hunting down and killing the Scarlet Crusade and Scourge in the Tirisfal Glades. When the Hand of Vengeance set out for Northrend, she was quick to side up with it. During her time in Northrend, she met and joined forces Vrem Dartskul and Morec - the latter of who she later became infatuated with.


Unlike Vrem and Morec, she did not assist the Forsaken in their attempt to take Gilneas for the Horde. This would turn out to be her greatest mistake, for while her two allies were gone she was captured by the Scarlet Crusade, tortured, and finally put to death. Upon learning this, Morec and Vrem massacred the Crusade before retriving her un-ressurectable body and burying it in the Brill graveyard. Her death caused a split between Vrem and Morec, and also left Morec even more mentally unstable then he already was.

New Alliances

Sithia after her ressurection by the Disciples

It is unclear exactly when, but as Amanda forged the alliance between herself Vrem, Vala'Sin Seeker, and the death knight Morec the grave Sithia had been buried in was exhumed by the Shadowheart Disciples. Her body had decayed badly, but with a little help from Vala'Sin's company she was restored to just as she had been before her death. Then the Disciples took the matter into their own hands, and through the unholy magics of Hannah Soultouched, Sithia was returned to the fold of undeath and rejoined the Forsaken. Now embracing the darker path of the Shadowmage, she serves as one of the principle arcanists for the Shadowheart Disciples.


Sithia's flesh is as tinged by death as any Forsaken's and her black hair is pulled up in a pair of boar tails. Her robes are dark, like many other Forsaken mages and casters. She is rarely seen without a smile. Her boney fingers have a slight layer of rime covering them, and the arcane sword she carries is pale blue in color. She stands at four feet five inches and weighs ninety pounds.

Since her resurrection by the Disciples she has remained virtually the same, although she no longer wields the sword she once had.


Despite her race and last name, Sithia has a surprisingly warm personality. She couldn't be called "the embodiment of joy" by a long shot, but, when compared to Vrem at least, she is probably the most jovial of all the undead. Even so, she tends to be a bit sarcastic at times, the supposed humor - whether truly funny or not - that often results from these situations is found appealing by Morec. She also, of course, has no problem with killing the living, but only when it serves her means. This often puts her at odds with Vrem and Morec's ideas about how to deal with the living, but never so much that they part ways, being as her ideas often makes sense.

Since her resurrection she has been a more calculating person, measuring each scenario and acting accordingly as she lets others handle it before her. She has not become cold, but in some ways she feels distant - less personal despite her insistence on involving herself with as many matters as possible - after the aforementioned weighing of the situation. She has become a strong adherent to the Shadowheart Disciples teachings and beliefs, possible either due to or resulting in her new-found usage of the Void.


Sitha is a master of frost magics, and, despite her lack of skill in offensive spells of the arcane nature, she is also capable of opening portals. These portals are often unstable, however when told about this she insures the person speaking that they are "perfectly safe." She also has managed to retain the skills to reforge her arcane blade if it is ever damaged in battle, and has managed to become impressively skilled with it. Her main battle strategy is simple: freeze something completely, and then slowly unfreeze them so you can hear and giggle at their agonizing cries as the heat is sapped from their bodies.

Since her resurrection she has augmented her icy magics with shadow, enhancing them, or simply using the raw entropy of the Void as a weapon itself. She is all the more powerful for it, but her preferred method of killing - slow and painful execution from freezing - has not changed. She can speak Common, Orcish, and Gutterspeak.


  • "They're perfectly safe!" (when Vrem comments on her lack of ability to create a stable portal)
  • "I'm sorry, but I'm married" (lying to people about her marital status)

Amanda the Shadowheart

Image of Amanda
Title The Shadowheart, Bishop
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Undead)
Class Shadow Priest, Necrolyte,
Necromancer (Presumed)
Affiliation(s) Forsaken, Shadowheart Disciples,
CataclysmNecrohunters (Presumed)
Occupation Priestess of the Forgotten Shadow, Leader of the Shadowheart Disciples sub-cult,
Cataclysm Second-in-Command of the Necrohunters (Presumed)
Location Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Status Active
Alignment Lawful neutral
"Through my respect of my enemies, I will not fall to them. Through my unfailing tenacity, I will never be halted in my goals. Through my vast power, I will destroy all who attempt to prevent me from gaining more. Through my compassion for my people, the Forsaken will stay strong. Through all of these, I will become Death."
— Amanda's daily prayer and the Creed of her disciples.

Amanda the Shadowheart has no past life before her undeath. She has simply always served the Forsaken as a Priestess of the Forgotten Shadow since her resurrection after the fall of the Lich King. She holds deep loyalty to Sylvanas, but even deeper loyalty to herself - should the two conflict, her self-loyalty will always win out.


The corpse that would become Amanda the Shadowheart was buried in was an unmarked grave on the edge of the town the Forsaken would name Deathknell. It remained there, undiscovered and undisturbed by any of the Forsaken operating in the area until long after the Fall of the Lich King.


Amanda at the start of her rise to power.

The grave was found and Amanda was raised into undeath after the Fall of the Lich King by Sylvanas' val'kyr. She was one of the few non-death knight undead to possess the rare quality of glowing blue eyes instead of yellow, and she herself was quick to notice this as she embraced the Forsaken and their ideals. She came to see it as a sign from the Shadow - which, through her tutelage and path to becoming a Priestess of, she was becoming more and more acquainted with - that she was destined for great things.

There might have been some truth in her theory, for she excelled within her particular school of magic. She grasped and mastered one lesson about the Shadow after another, taking in what she was taught by her mentors with ease. After learning much she struck out on a pilgrimage around Azeroth, following visions she believed were given to her by the Shadow in hopes of finding her destiny, before ultimately returning to Forsaken society. Three months after her resurrection, it was proposed by one of her mentors to the others that she was ready to take up responsibility within Forsaken society. She was granted the recently-left-minister-less church in Brill to preach from, and it was upon arriving there that she began to take her destiny by the horns rather than simply seek it.

Her very first sermon was a passionate plea for all Forsaken to see the superiority of undeath and not only embrace it themselves without even the slightest of self-loathing, but to actively seek to be othher living creatures into the fold of - as she put it - "the truest Shadow". The Light was blinding, painful, and when one closes their eyes to escape it they are comforted by the dark - thus the Shadow must be the truest source of comfort in the world; and if life was Light, than undeath was Shadow - for death was nothing but inaction and stank of the sin of pacifism. Most of those who heard this rallying cry left the chapel in disgust, knowing such thoughts would lead to a bad end for them and all who listened, but three individuals stayed. Those three Forsaken were named Hannah, Maria, and Hansel. Each one agreed with Amanda's views and eagerly wished to learn more about what each thought she could teach her.

It was then that Amanda had an epiphany. It was then that she truly understood what she had been brought back from the grave to do: remake the ideals of the Forsaken, of the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, from the ground up. The balance of Light and Shadow was but one element to existence, and ultimately embracing the shadow - and the undeath that embodied it - was the ultimate goal of life. It was then that she took on the name Shadowheart - for she kept the Forgotten Shadow dearest in her heart - and formed her cult; the Shadowheart Disciples. From these three she quickly garnered more followers, to the point her small cult became one that was seen as a threat by the other Priests of the Shadow. They attempted to remove her politically and by force, but both means were repelled by the now too-powerful Shadowheart and her residence in Brill became permanent.

New Alliances

Amanda the Shadowheart, her power and influence grown.

As Pandaria was revealed, Amanda turned to other Forsaken: the leader of the Necrohunters, Vrem Dartskul, the head of an embalming company Vala'Sin Seeker, and a death knight of the Ebon Blade known simply as Morec. She made a proposal to them: a confederation between their groups, one to strengthen the Forsaken but, more importantly, see all of their goals met. Amanda hopes to use these individuals from all walks of Forsaken life to strengthen her position in Forsaken culture, thus making her rise to Archbisohp all the more assured.

Amanda's first goal is to establish a great Cathedral of Shadow for her Disciples and the cult, and with it ensure the rise of the cult into a true church. She has many locations in mind of where this structure might be built or what citadel might be annexed to serve as their base, first and foremost being the almost-empty-of-crusaders Scarlet Monastery.


She stands at five feet eleven inches, weighs twenty-five pounds, wears dark robes and a malefic-looking cowl, and is noticeably flat-chested. The only skin or muscle she has is what is not covered up by her robes, underneath them she is nothing but a skeleton. The most striking thing about her, though, is glowing-blue eyes - a new and rare trait seen only in Val'kyr-resurrected Forsaken - that Amanda believes to be a sign of a great destiny for her granted by the Shadow. Whether or not this belief is true or not has yet to be seen.


Amanda is a powerful practitioner of the Shadow and can deal out pain and suffering like almost no other. One of her favorite tactics in battle is to disperse a number of pain spell onto a target - either to damage them or keep their defense preoccupied - while she conjures a lance of darkness to strike her opponents with. As time has passed and her studies into the Shadow have continued she has trained to master some of the most forgotten aspects of the original masters of the shadow - the orcish necrolytes of old. She has steadily mastered the ability to conjure souls into armor to protect herself and her followers - a skill more-mastered by Hannah - and to use the shadows as a dark looking glass - although it takes her considerable meditation and effort for even the slightly-more-than-momentary of glances.

There are rumors among the Priesthood of the Forgotten Shadow that Amanda may be overstepping her bounds, not only studying the Shadow but also delving into the world of Necromancy. These claims, however, are based on pure speculation and may only be the result of the general suspicion and distrust between Shadow Priests - in reality, though, they are very much true; though Amanda sees the art of necromancy as merely another aspect of the Shadow, one to be mastered by all those who study its ways, and relies more heavily on the other worshipers in her following to preform the deed themselves. She can speak Common, and Gutterspeak.


Amanda considers herself an embodiment of the three virtues of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow; she Respects her foes enough to no under or overestimate their powers, her Tenacity makes her steadfast in her resolve and unwavering in seeking her desires, and she is constantly striving for more and more Power. She embodies Death as a member of the Forsaken, and shows Compassion to her fellow Forsaken when they need it most - and even though she is less-than tolerant of the living's views of her people she attempts to find common ground with them through the duality of Light and Shadow. Because of her extreme views on the Shadow she finds it difficult to cooperate with others that have not embraced her ideals, but even more-so despises the very existence of Shadow Priest Skreel Shadowbender.

Although she mostly preaches from within Brill, she and a small portion of her following with sometimes move from place to place within and sometimes outside of Forsaken lands - though Amanda believes all of the Plaguelands are the rightful property of the Forsaken, using both religious views and political ideals of "we were the ones to die for it" to stress this belief.


  • "I am Amanda, the Shadowheart, the Mistress of the Disciples; I will be the Archbishop of a unified Church of the Forgotten Shadow, and none of you will stop me!"
  • "My power already dwarfs yours, and it will only continue to grow! Such is my destiny!"

Vala'Sin Seeker

HordeVala'Sin Seeker
Image of Vala'Sin Seeker
Gender Male
Race(s) Half-elf/Half-human (Undead) (Undead)
Class Spellbreaker
Affiliation(s) Forsaken,
Cataclysm Shadowheart Disciples, Necrohunters (Presumed)
Occupation Owner and Operator of Illustrious Embalmers
Location Undercity
Status Active
Relative(s) Unknown Father, Unknown Mother
Alignment Neutral evil
"My name is Vala'Sin Seeker, and I look forward to working with you."
— Vala'Sin

Despite lacking no strong ties to the blood elves but a shared ancestry through his high elven-half-parentage, Vala'Sin has mastered the art of bending others' magic to his will and even breaking those spells he cannot control. He does not often leave Forsaken lands, but when he does he always travels with the company of two other Forsaken - from the Disciples, the other from the Necrohunters.


His parents unknown to anyone, Vala'Sin was left at a Lordaeron orphanage as a baby. There he was raised, unaware of his difference from the other children until his later-childhood when it became a source of ridicule for him. Instead of hiding his half-blood heritage, though, he embraced it as a part of himself, and carried it as a badge of honor for the rest of his life - even well into his adulthood, where the mockeries turned to distrustful gazes and whispers behind his back.

When the Scourge ravaged Lordaeron, Vala'Sin was among the few to outlast them for some time. When he and the refugees he had joined with attempted to escape into the Alterac Mountains, however, he was cut down by the forces of Sylvanas Windrunner - then still under the Lich King's control - and resurrected as an undead in her service. When she was freed from the Lich King's grasp, so was he. He was one of the undead present when she claimed the Ruins of Lordaeron and named them the Forsaken. It is here that any meaningful history of him vanishes for years, his life spent working as a laborer within the Undercity rarely seen outside of it.


It is not until near the end of the Cataclysm that Vala'Sin's presence returned to the world, and especially to the Forsaken. Through a combination of alchemy and arcane magic, Vala'Sin developed a unique type of embalming and preservative fluid on par with some of the Royal Apothecary Society's most common concoctions and began distribution of his product - quickly contending with the already-set embalming industry in the Forsaken with lower prices on his product (largely due to the Banshee Queen's recent loss of interest in the Apothecary Society's work). His small and lightly-staffed company, Illustrious Embalmers, amassed him small fortune by the start of the events in Pandaria through thousands of successful sales, but wealth was not Vala'Sin's end-goal.

New Alliances

Vala'Sin was approached by Amanda the Shadowheart with a proposal of unifying his company with her Disiples and others. She offered him what he wanted most of all: power, magical energies of all kind granted by the studies of her organization, and the knowledge of how to master such power. Eagerly, he accepted. Out of this alliance, Vala'Sin has gained a dedicated consumer based from from Amanda's sub-cult and a full security detail for his company - reluctantly provided by the Necrohunters. However, he keeps an eye on Amanda's promise.

Skilled with a sword





  • "I mean you no ill will - but if you cross me again, then I will end you."
  • "Weapons have but one use: to protect one from their enemies by any means necessary."


Vala'Sin 1.jpg
Vala'Sin 2.jpg
  • The original concept of Vala'Sin's appearance was much darker, but the idea was scrapped as it blended too much with the looks of his associates: Vrem Dartskul and Amanda the Shadowheart. It also featured him with elven ears, a trait that was later reconsidered.


Image of Sul'jen
Gender Male
Race(s) Troll (Half-Farraki/Half-Zandalari) (Humanoid) (Humanoid)
Class Berserker
Affiliation(s) Sandfury Tribe, Zandalar Tribe (formerly)
Location Unknown
Status Alice
Relative(s) Sul'a (twin sister)
Alignment Neutral good
"Zanda... lari... not mah... friends..."
— Sul'jen

Sul'jen and his sister, Sul'a, are the result of a Zandalari experiment. Robbed of their childhood, they were aged to adulthood by dark magics and taught how to fight. Sul'jen was experimented on further, turning him into a powerful but mostly-mindless troll berserker.








Image of Sul'a
Gender Female
Race(s) Troll (Half-Farraki/Half-Zandalari) (Humanoid) (Humanoid)
Class Hydromancer
Affiliation(s) Sandfury Tribe, Zandalar Tribe (formerly)
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) Sul'jen (twin brother)
Alignment Neutral good
"We not gonna be no part ah sum war machine. Our destiny be our own."
— Sul'a, on herself and her brother

Sul'a and her brother, Sul'jen, are the result of a Zandalari experiment. Robbed of their childhood, they were aged to adulthood by dark magics and trained for war. Sul'a was trained in the ways of Farraki hydromancy, and can bring the tides and even rains to her aid.


Sul'a with staff in hand.





Trakges Longrunner

HordeTrakges Longrunner
Image of Trakges Longrunner
Gender Male
Race Mag'har Orc (Humanoid)
Class Shaman
Affiliation(s) Mag'har
Location Mag'har Post or Garadar
Wrath-Logo-Small.png Warsong Hold
Cataclysm Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kuraga (Sister, Deceased)
Mentor(s) Mists of Pandaria Kal'shaga Steelstorm
Alignment Lawful neutral


Trakges 1.jpg



Trakges after joining the Horde





No image available
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Soldier (Formerly),
Mists of Pandaria Monk
Affiliation(s) Dominance Offensive (Formerly), Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria Huojin
Status Alive
Mentor(s) "Den"
Alignment Chaotic good








Kayu'mee Moonspark

HordeKayu'mee Moonspark
No image available
Gender Female
Race Highborne (Humanoid)
Class Uncorrupted Warlock
Affiliation(s) Shen'dralar (Formerly)
Self, Crimson Ring Horde Warlocks
Occupation Slaver
Status Alive
Relative(s) Aria Flameleaf (Descendant)
Companion(s) Pullix Puulzrigg (Partner)
Alignment Neutral evil
The price of power is so easily bargained.
— Kayu'mee

Kayu'mee is a Highborne night elf once affiliated with the Shen'dralar. She chose to leave Dire Maul when many other Highborne did, but very invested in maintaining the fel powers she'd gathered over the years she sought out the Crimson Ring and various warlock groups of the Horde, allying with them to ensure her continued freedom and power.


While those of her people that chose to return to play a part in the politics of Azeroth proper sided with the Alliance, Kayu'mee had long ago chosen a darker path. She was among those Highborne that worked with Prince Tortheldrin to keep the demon Immol'thar imprisoned and under control, but as many of the Shen'dralar left she realized the prudence of such a move herself. Aware of the Crimson Ring's operations within the walls of Dire Maul, she used her dark arts to accumulate a small team of slaves to win matches within the arena and, eventually, seek out warlocks outside of the Shen'dralar.

Having no leaning towards or even interest in serving the burning Legion, and knowing that the Alliance would be unfit a place for her to both ply her slave trade and practice her demonic magics, she turned to the Horde. Contacting the warlocks within it she made dark deals and gave up darker secrets to ensure their aid of her, and though she does so in disguise she now walks the streets of the Horde cities and travels their territories.








Cahnd Grimtotem

HordeCahnd Grimtotem
Image of Cahnd Grimtotem
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Class Warrior,
Cataclysm Priest
Affiliation(s) Grimtotem clan (Formerly); Thunder Bluff,
Cataclysm Sunwalkers
Location Kalimdor
Status Alive
Alignment Lawful good



Cahnd 2.jpg


Cahnd before renouncing his ties to the Grimtotem Clan



