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This article is a player character biography page

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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About Me


Skreeran (73 Human Holy Paladin, Mining/Enchanting)

Skreerantwo (80 Blood Elf Discipline Priest, Herbalism/Alchemy)

Kitanga (80 Orc Enhancement Shaman, Mining/Blacksmith)

Ruin (77 Troll Blood Death Knight, Jewelcrafting/Enchanting)

Nakresh (71 Orc Arms Warrior, Mining/Skinning)

Iminyourbase (Level 63 Troll Combat Rogue, Goblin Engineering/Skinning)

Dag'rema (61 Orc Demonology Warlock, Tailoring/Enchanting)

Meraan (42 Draenei Arcane Mage, Tailoring/Enchanting.

(Soon! Bizzix Screwspigot, Goblin Hunter)

Roleplay Characters


Image of Kitanga
Gender Female
Race Orc
Level 80
Class Battle Shaman
Location Grizzly Hills
Status Alive

Kitanga is the daughter of Gorn and a Blackrock Warlock. She was born roughly two years after the Dark Portal, and after the siege of Blackrock Mountain, her father took her and several other refugees into the Badlands to escape the Alliance.

Kitanga was raised as a warrior, fighting the various hostile forces that threatened the camp. She knew nothing of Thrall's Horde and felt utterly alone against the world, besides her father and the few orcs that lived in the camp.

This all changed when Thrall reconciled the Orcs with the Elements. Kitanga knew nothing of this, but she was surprised when she heard the elements' call. She gradually learned the ways of the elements, and became the shaman of the Kargath Camp, in fact, becoming the first Shaman of the Burning Blade Clan since the rise of the Horde.

Several years later, Thrall's Horde found the camp and sent reinforcements and supplies to the camp, using it as a travel hub between the Horde's bases in the North and the camps in the South. Kitanga steadily learned more and more from the shaman that passed through, and eventually decided to leave and support the New Horde on other fronts.

I'm wrote a story on her origins, which you can read at: [1]


Image of Ruin
Gender Male
Race Troll
Level 80
Class Death knight
Location Icecrown Glacier
Status Undead

Used to be a Drakkari troll, killed right after Arthas fused with the Lich King, after which he was promptly resurrected as a Death Knight.

Though he was initially very strong willed, his will, and eventually his personality itself slowly eroded away into nothingness over his six years as a servant of the Lich King.

He was christened "Ruin" (as opposed to his original name, as most death knights use), as his purpose was to entirely wipe out anything left after an initial attack by the Scourge. He carried out his duty with startling efficieny. You see, the decay of his will has caused reduced him to completely objective driven single-mindedness. He would be given an order, and he would carry it out with with amazing efficiency until it was utterly complete or he was issued another order. Even the other Death Knights of the Scourge didn't interact with him beyond what was nessecary. The Death Knights had something of a brotherhood (as shown by Thassarian's concern for Koltira Deathweaver), but Ruin was too mindless to even be approachable by the others. To most of the other Death Knights he was barely different from the abominations: mindless, meticulous, and unstoppable.

After he was released from the Lich King's grasp, as a computer that is shut down in the middle of a program, he rebooted and accepted the first objective given after his release: the utter and total destruction of the Lich King. Unlike most other Death Knights, he harbours no feelings of pain, hate, anger, sadness, or revenge, he simply carries out his orders.

The Knights of the Ebon Blade barely trust him, fearing that like other Death Knights, he will return to the Lich Kings service. He still keeps to himself, never speaking, barely thinking, simply working constantly toward the destruction of his target.


Image of Nakresh
Gender Male
Race Orc
Level 80
Class Warrior
Location Isle of Conquest
Status Alive

Nakresh, son of Neklosh and Thelka, was born two years before the invasion of Azeroth, during the tumultuous period of infighting that took place before the invasion. He may have been exposed to the same life draining aging spells that Gul’dan and Blackhand had enforced, had it not been for Orgrim Doomhammer’s ascension to leadership of the Horde.

Nakresh stayed back with Kilrogg Deadeye in Khaz Modan with the other children while his parents fought in the great war, and he was taught from an early age—both by his parents and by those who mentored him—to respect and serve the Warchief, and Orgrim Doomhammer in particular. He was not taught a great deal of orcish history, and nearly nothing of any other race’s history, but was instead molded into a soldier, like his parents and their parents and their ancestors for generations beyond count.

He was soon reunited with his parents when the Horde was forced to retreat. There, in Blackrock Spire, his mother died, and his father was taken prisoner. He was taken soon after and commuted to an internment camp, although it was a different one from that of his father.

He languished in the camp for more than a decade, feeling broken and alone, his parents and hero missing or dead, and the spirit of his people shattered all around him. He lived there in squalor for years, making few friends and allowed little freedom to exercise his body or his mind, and merely waited. He waited for something to change.

His patience did not go unrewarded. He listened eagerly as rumours were whispered that Doomhammer had escaped. This thought fed his spirit until he heard the next bit of information. This time he heard that one of the camps had been sacked, under Doomhammer’s command. A few weeks later, an orc appeared in his encampment, speaking of freedom and life and spirits. Nakresh pledged himself to the orc’s cause, and was overjoyed when his people—his true people—came to deliver him, and with them came the Warchief. Nakresh, alongside dozens of others from his camp, pledged fealty to the Horde.

The second night that Nakresh slept in freedom, he was awoken to find that he had a visitor. His father had been among those freed in the first uprising, and had come as soon as he had heard that his son was among those rescued. They spoke all night long, and Nakresh learned that his mother was dead. He solemnly mourned, but did not feel pain for it, taking solace in the fact that she had returned to the ancestors.

He fought by the sides of his brothers in the liberation of the next three camps. When Doomhammer was killed, he began to feel broken again. Doomhammer was the heart of the Horde. Ever since he could remember, Doomhammer was a physical manifestation of the orcish spirit in his eyes. But Doomhammer had named a successor, and Nakresh swore to follow this new Warchief just as he would his hero or his father. He fought harder than he could ever remember fighting in the subsequent battle at Durnholde, fighting to avenge the Warchief and to keep the spirit of his people alive. And in his eyes, it was a success.

In the years that followed, as the Horde grew and the battles came slower, Nakresh took up a love of history. He learned everything that he could of the Horde’s history from the shaman and elders—in addition to the word of his father—and even took up the learning of Common. He still wanted nothing to do with the humans who had imprisoned him for so long, but it was the language of this world, and he needed to learn to read it in order to satiate his thirst for knowledge.

Eventually, Thrall gave the command to assemble the Horde and prepare to sail west. Nakresh didn’t understand quite why, but gave no pause in his obedience—Thrall was a shaman and Warchief, after all. Nakresh and his father took the same ship across the sea, and soon found themselves stranded on the coast of the land that Thrall had called “Kalimdor.” They were soon reunited with the rest of the Horde, and later met the Tauren, who intrigued Nakresh greatly, and he was quite happy to have them as allies. Days later, they found that the humans had followed them to this new land, and Nakresh found this very frustrating, as he believed they had come to take him back to the camps.

It was soon after that they had made the journey to the Prophet, and established a rough alliance with the humans, who, they learned, meant no ill intent toward the orcs. They also learned that the Warsong clan had once again partaken of the blood of demons, and Nakresh immediately went with the Warchief’s band to go put them down. Nakresh’s dislike of the Warsong stands to this very day because of this.

Nakresh later fought in the battle of Mount Hyjal, where his father perished to the demon Anetheron. It was in the aftermath of this battle that Nakresh was first initiated into the Kor’kron Guard. It was also in this battle that he met Grekka, a female, who would also be chosen for the Kor’kron.

They fought side by side in the Kor’kron, and eventually Nakresh asked her to go on a hunt with him. She agreed, and after some time, they decided to take each other as mates. Grekka eventually bore him a daughter, whom they named Themra. Nakresh and Grekka swore their lives to her: only duty to the Warchief could keep them from being with their daughter.

When the Dark Portal was reopened, Nakresh was selected to go with a Kor’kron company to the Blade’s Edge Mountains, while Grekka opted to stay with their child. It was there that Nakresh earned his family name, having broken his axe on the hide of a mountain gronn, and managing to bring the beast down with his bare hands. It was after these actions that he was invited to join the ranks of Thrall’s guard among the Kor’kron elite.

After returning to Azeroth, Nakresh stayed with his family in Durotar for a few months, until the Lich King assaulted Orgrimmar. Grekka and he agreed that he should go to defend his land while she stayed behind with Themra. Nakresh was stationed at Agmar’s Hammer in the Dragonblight, and later selected to fight in the battle for the Wrathgate. He witnessed the treachery of the Forsaken firsthand, and immediately went to Thrall for orders. He was taken to fight for the Undercity, and watched with increasing anger as the battle unfolded, ultimately climaxing with the human king attacking his Warchief.

After the battle, he returned to Northrend, this time being sent to do battle against the Alliance on the aptly named Isle of Conquest. He has remained here for the most part since then, although he continues to send letters back to his family.


Image of "Base"
Gender Male
Race Troll
Level 80
Class Rogue
Location Ravenholdt Manor
Status Alive

Name: Base, members of the inner circle of the Rogue‘s Guild know this to be due to his being the sole surviving member of Project B.A.S.E (Betrayer and Apostate Slaughter Engineer), but the most common explanation arises from the fact that he is incredibly well stocked in supplies and frequently, agents of Ravenholdt will seek him out to resupply while in the wild. Other explanations include the belief that he was once the Bassist in the Tenth Level Tauren Chieftains, a fact that may or may not be true.

Race: Troll

Record: Agent BASE was first noticed by the Manor approximately four (4) years ago, when he began turning in kills to which the Guild had assigned much more experienced assassins. In order to capitalize on his skill, he was formally invited to the Rogue’s Guild. (UPDATE: New information seems to contradict this, claiming that the troll now known as Base may have been taken in by the guild as many as twelve (12) years ago.) He was deemed talented enough and selected for the exclusive Project B.A.S.E.. Members of the Project were used to hunt down deserters of the Manor, as inside knowledge of all the members of the Guild could severely hurt profits. Base also chosen to take on various other kills that the Guild posted, (UPDATE: The following scenario may be fictitious, and has yet to be confirmed by other agents or Base himself...) including a job given by the Steamweedle Cartel, for the head of Duke Falrevere, the leader of the Bloodsail Buccaneers. While working on the job he met up with Tana, a rogue in the service of SI7, who was gathering information on the correlation between the Defias Brotherhood and the Bloodsail Buccaneers, leading to an initial conflict. Eventually though, Tana gathered the information he was seeking and allowed Base to claim his kill. Base killed the Duke, but also learned Duke Falrevere was not the first, and the he had simply inherited the name from the previous Duke. Within days, a new Falrevere had been placed, and the goblins would not accept the bounty. Knowing that no matter how many “Duke Falreveres” he killed, a new one would always be put in place, he wisely decided to abandon the job.

Identifying Characteristics: Base can be identified by his laid-back attitude and unusually light accent for a troll. He is also known to throw death threats lightly, especially to friends (UPDATE: This would appear to only apply to long term friends of masculine disposition).


The following information has been provided to the Rogue’s Guild by an anonymous source. Many aspects of the following scenario are unproven, and possibly false, but is plausible, at the least.

History: The troll that became known as “Base” is the child of a Winterfang female and a Drakkari male. Due to his unusual birth, he was smaller and “weaker” than the other Drakkari children, that is, weaker in physical strength. In truth, he was more agile and intelligent than the other children, and quickly learned to defend himself. As the Lich King slowly rose to power, High King Malakk demanded that all male trolls take up arms, and Base and a number of other young trolls attempted to flee south across the sea in a makeshift boat. However, the remaining Drakkari branded the refugees as traitorous cowards, and their witchdoctors cast a hex on the ship, leading it to be throttled in a violent storm. (UPDATE: Another source has claimed the Base was actually a Winterfang slave who staged an escape and sailed for Kalimdor with the other escapees.)

Base floated to the northern shore of Kalimdor after many days, and was rescued by the nearby Shatterspear trolls. The chieftain, Una J'iro, a troll of his own age, took a particular interest in him and accepted him into the tribe. There he learned to remain unseen whenever he ventured outside of the mountain gorge that they resided in. The trolls there were forced to contend with the native Night Elves of Darkshore for food and resources, and were vastly outnumbered. As a result, the few that left to forage for food had to remain hidden, lest they be killed by the vicious elves. (UPDATE: Another source has claimed the Base was a thief stealing from the elves before ever being adopted by the Shatterspears.) Eventually, Base decided to make his way into the world to help his foster tribe. His agility and stealth drew him into the professional killing business, first making his way into Ashenvale and working off of simple bounties offered by the Horde outposts at Zoram’gar and Splintertree Post. He eventually learned of the Rogues Guild at Ravenholdt and found his way to the guild. He was taken in and conditioned into a killing machine to hunt down enemies of the Manor as a part of Project B.A.S.E..

Ji'jiri & Ja'kala

Image of Ji'jiri/Ja'kala
Gender Male
Race Troll
Level 80
Class Druid/Wilderness stalker
Location Shatterspear Village
Status Alive

Ji'jiri and Ja'kala, or Ji and Ja, as they call eachother, are the two sons of the assassin Base, by Una Ji'ro. Ji is the elder by two years, and chose to take up the path of druidism, despite the tribe's rough standing with the elves. He speaks common and orcish fluently, like his father, and is very moderate of temper. He prefers the path of the claw, using his tiger and bear forms frequently, but also will shift to bird form, if speed or reconnaissance is needed.

Ja, on the other hand, possesses skills much closer to that of his father and took up the path of the stalker, defending the village from would-be invaders from the trees with his bow and daggers. He is slightly less mature in nature than Ji, making more jokes and more prone to taking things personally, but when seriousness is needed, he can focus and deal with a problem in a deliberate and steady manner. He prefers to use his bow to fight, waiting in the trees for hours or more at a time for his prey, before finally delivering a deadly shot from the shadows, but is quite capable with most, if not all throwing weapons and is adept at close-combat as well.

Note: These were characters that I used in Azeroth 20 Years Later Roleplay.


Image of Dag'rema
Gender Female
Race Orc
Level 80
Class Warlock
Location Venomspite
Status Alive

Dag'rema is the younger half-sister of Kitanga. Their Warlock mother was taken to an internment camp in the Arathi Highlands, where Dag'rema was born of another father. Her mother trained her in the ways of the warlocks from an early age, despite her difficulty in learning and initial aversion to killing. She grew to hate her mother and used that hate as a catalyst to fuel her magics with great success.

Shortly after her rescue from the camp by Orgrim Doomhammer, she killed her mother in her sleep and made it seem as if it were a suicide. She spent many years trying to escape her Fel addiction, but finally succumbed, joining the Shadow Council to serve the Legion.

Her status as a Warlock is a fact she keeps hidden, and while training with the master Warlocks, she learned how to keep her Fel Magics hidden from the senses of those who might detect her.

Her succubus, Nazevere, fell in love with her at some point during their relationship as master and slave, although Dag'rema merely finds that aspect of her minion annoying.

Gorthak Whiteclaw

HordeGorthak Whiteclaw
Image of Gorthak Whiteclaw
Gender Male
Race Orc
Level 80
Class Spirit Champion
Location Wherever the Shadow Council can be found
Status Alive

Was 8 years of age when he was magically aged by the Blackrock warlocks. From the Whiteclaw clan, he was forced to drink the blood of Mannoroth. He went through the dark portal and fought in the first war, albeit as a lower ranking soldier, due to his age, and was mainly made to due manual labour and/or gather food.

In the Second War, his clan was made to fight on the front-lines by Gul'dan, and was almost entirely obliterated for its resistance to his control and strong ties to the spirits. Gorthak barely survived, and was finally captured towards the end of the Second War.

After Thrall and Orgrim freed the orcs, Gorthak traveled across the sea to Kalimdor, serving as a grunt in the Horde until the end of the Third war when Grom and Thrall freed the orcs of the demon curse.

He spent a great deal of time wandering the Barrens, unsure of his purpose, until he was taken in by a group of Tauren nomads. With them, he reawakened his spiritual heritage, and found his ancestors in his dreams. He slowly began training, eventually learning to channel his ancestors, becoming a spirit champion.

He now works tirelessly to hunt down and slaughter any remnants of the Shadow Council that killed his clan and sold the orcs into slavery.

Rashahkk the Inexorable

Image of Rashahkk
Gender Male
Race Orc
Level 80
Class Warrior
Status Alive

Long ago, in the North of what is now known as the Blade's Edge Mountains, there was an orcish clan, who's original name has disappeared into the mysteries of time, that was peaceful, pacifistic. A clan that never killed, instead farming the land for vegetable crops. They possessed no weapon or armor save the tools they used for farming and were nicknamed the "Flowerpicker Clan" for their placid farming ways. Their different and complacent behavior earned them the hate of the nearby clans, and in one particularly hard year they were nearly wiped out by the others, their food stolen and their people slaughtered.

Outraged by this unprovoked attack, they slowly turned all their available resources to war, wiping out several smaller clans and adopting their weaponry and tactics. Building an army, they eventually earned their vengeance on the clans that attacked them, but continuing to feel the new thrill of war, waging further war on everyone around them. From then on, the Flowerpicker clan was a force to be reckoned with, nearly able to match the much larger Blackrock and Warsong forces in Nagrand, but never finding opportunity or convenience to launch a full-scale war because of the distance separating them. Instead, they lived off of smaller clans nearby, demanding tribute and taking it by force when it was withheld.

When the Horde was assembled, the Flowerpicker Clan reluctantly joined, wary of the other clans, but eager to crush the weak Draenei race.

Rashahkk, now known as The Inexorable for his ceaseless hunger for killing, was fourteen years of age when the Dark Portal was opened, and joyfully fought in the First and Second Wars. His spirit was never quenched in the internment camps, although this earned him many beatings, and he was overjoyed when he discovered that Orgrim Doomhammer had set about freeing the people. He was disgusted with the new attitude that the Horde had adopted, though, and only followed Thrall out of necessity.

Now he finds new spirit in Garrosh, and works alongside the general diligently, not serving him, but working for his cause of a mighty and renewed Horde.


Image of Ugly
Gender Male
Race Half-orc
Location Barrens
Status Alive

Ugly (later known as Bob) is the character I used in the Azeroth 20 Years Later RP. He's half-orc half-night elf, and the product of rape. His mother (the night elf) abandoned him as an infant and he was raised by the Orgrimmar orphanage. He was taunted and derided his whole life, and, having no real name, was simply called "ugly" by most.

He's practically asexual, virtually uninterested in a physical relationship, but truly desires love.

After having his heart broken, he went through crushing depression, and even once attempted suicide. He truly hates himself. He hates his appearance, he hates his weakness, and he hates how pathetic his self-loathing is.

Skreel Shadowbender

HordeSkreel Shadowbender
Image of Skreel Shadowbender
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Level 80
Class Shadow Priest
Location Brill
Status Alive

Skreel Shadowbender is an undead priest of the Forgotten Shadow. He seeks to bring peace to the Forsaken race, and while he supports Sylvanas' will, he tends to prefer a non-violent solution to a violent one. He doesn't believe that the humans will ever grant the Forsaken peace, but he does not like the idea of their extermination. He has come into conflict with other priests of the Shadow because of his views, but nevertheless, he is well respected for his wisdom by many Forsaken, even when they disagree with some of his ideals.