User:Lon-ami/Elemental characters

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Personal page for research about elemental characters.

Elemental lords and princes

Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall AirLord.gif Al'Akir Elemental lord, windlord Al'Akir Killable Throne of the Four Winds Skywall Elemental Plane
NeutralIconSmall Thunderaan.gif Thunderaan Prince, wind seeker Al'Akir Killable Crystal Vale Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Thunderaan.gif Sarsarun Prince, herald of Al'Akir Al'Akir Killable Ahn'Qiraj Terrace Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall EarthLord.gif Therazane Elemental lord Therazane Alive Therazane's Throne Deepholm Elemental Plane
NeutralIconSmall Theradras.gif Theradras Crown princess Therazane Killable Zaetar's Grave Maraudon Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall FireLord.gif Ragnaros Elemental lord, firelord Ragnaros Killable Firelands Elemental Plane
NeutralIconSmall FrostLord.gif Ahune Frost lord Neptulon Killable Slave Pens Outland
NeutralIconSmall SoundLord.gif Murmur Killable Screaming Hall Shadow Labyrinth Outland
NeutralIconSmall WaterLord.gif Neptulon Elemental lord Neptulon Alive Abyssal Maw Elemental Plane


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall Air.gif Aeranas Ruler of the eastern winds Al'Akir Alive Den of Haal'esh Hellfire Peninsula Outland
NeutralIconSmall Air.gif Akkiris Lightning-Waker Al'Akir Killable Arcatraz Outland
NeutralIconSmall Air.gif Cyclonian Wind lord Al'Akir Killable Chillwind Point Alterac Mountains Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Air.gif Cyclothar Al'Akir Alive Camp Winterhoof Howling Fjord Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Air.gif Kalandrios Fury of Air Earthen Ring Alive Throne of the Elements Nagrand Outland
NeutralIconSmall Air.gif Windreaver Al'Akir Killable Twilight Post Silithus Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Earth.gif Avalanchion Therazane Killable Avalanchion's Vault Deepholm Elemental Plane
NeutralIconSmall Earth.gif Rok'Alim Therazane Killable Whitereach Post Thousand Needles Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Entropy.gif Charr Baron Ragnaros Killable Fire Plume Ridge Un'Goro Crater Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Blazerunner Ragnaros Killable Fire Plume Ridge Un'Goro Crater Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Emberseer Pyroguard Ragnaros Killable Hall of Binding Blackrock Spire Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Geddon Baron Ragnaros Killable Molten Core Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Hauteur Ragnaros Killable Moonwing Den Azuremyst Isle Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Incendius Lord Ragnaros Killable Shadowforge City Blackrock Depths Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Incineratus Fury of Fire Earthen Ring Alive Throne of the Elements Nagrand Outland
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Infernus Ambassador Ragnaros Killable Angor Fortress Badlands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Pyron Overmaster Ragnaros Killable Grinding Quarry Blackrock Mountain Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Scald Ragnaros Killable Cauldron Searing Gorge Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Fire.gif Temper Earthen Ring Alive Emberglade Azuremyst Isle Kalimdor
HordeIconSmall IceElemental.gif Lokholar Ice Lord Frostwolf clan Killable Alterac Valley Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Lava.gif Bokk Magma Lord Ragnaros Killable Draco'dar Burning Steppes Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Lava.gif Garr Ragnaros Killable Molten Core Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Lava.gif Roccor Lord Ragnaros Killable Halls of the Law Blackrock Depths Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Aborius Fury of Water Earthen Ring Alive Throne of the Elements Nagrand Outland
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Alluvion Killable Blackwind Lake Terokkar Forest Outland
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Aquanis Baron Killable Moonshrine Ruins Blackfathom Deeps Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Aquantion Killable Lake Elrendar Ghostlands Eastern Kingdoms
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Aquementas Killable Circle of Aquementas Tanaris Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Aqueous Alive Hidden Reef Bloodmyst Isle Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Churn Killable Blistering Pool Borean Tundra Northrend
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Eck'alom Killable Mystral Lake Ashenvale Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Glacius Minion of Kanthin Sunfury Killable Manaforge Duro Netherstorm Outland
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Hydraxis Duke Hydraxian Waterlords Alive Bay of Storms Azshara Kalimdor
NeutralIconSmall Water.gif Tempestria Princess Neptulon Killable Lake Kel'Theril Winterspring Kalimdor


Name Role Faction Status Subzone Zone Continent
NeutralIconSmall RevenantAir.gif Az'Barin Prince Al'Akir Killable Amphitheater of Anguish Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantAir.gif Halefnir Servant of Loken Yogg-Saron Killable Terrace of the Makers Storm Peaks Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantAir.gif Ionar Yogg-Saron Killable Thundering Overlook Halls of Lightning Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantAir.gif North Wind Al'Akir Killable Temple of Life Storm Peaks Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantEarth.gif Erathius King Therazane Killable Amphitheater of Anguish Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantFire.gif Everblaze Lord Ragnaros Killable Forlorn Woods Crystalsong Forest Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantFire.gif Singen Duke Ragnaros Killable Amphitheater of Anguish Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantWater.gif Aquanos Kirin Tor Alive Threads of Fate Dalaran Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantWater.gif Gargoral Lord Neptulon Killable Amphitheater of Anguish Zul'Drak Northrend
NeutralIconSmall RevenantWater.gif Ichoron Neptulon Killable Violet Hold Northrend