Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor

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Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor is a world event achievement earned by visiting the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.

Criteria of



Zone Region Coords
Ashenvale Astranaar [37, 49]
Azuremyst Isle Azure Watch [48, 49]
Bloodmyst Isle Blood Watch [56, 60]
Darkshore Lor'danel [, ]
Darnassus Craftsmen's Terrace [67, 16]
Desolace Nijel's Point [66, 7]
Dustwallow Marsh Mudsprocket [42, 74]
Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Isle [67, 45]
Exodar, The Seat of the Naaru [60, 19]
Feralas Feathermoon Stronghold [, ]
Northern Barrens Ratchet [62, 39]
Silithus Cenarion Hold [52, 39]
Stonetalon Mountains Thal'darah Overlook [, ]
Tanaris Gadgetzan [52, 28]
Teldrassil Dolanaar [56, 60]
Winterspring Everlook [61, 39]


Zone Region Coords
Ashenvale Splintertree Post [74, 60]
The Barrens Camp Taurajo [74, 61]
The Barrens The Crossroads [52, 30]
The Barrens Ratchet [62, 39]
Desolace Shadowprey Village [24, 68]
Durotar Razor Hill [51, 41]
Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village [36, 32]
Dustwallow Marsh Mudsprocket [41, 74]
Feralas Camp Mojache [75, 45]
Mulgore Bloodhoof Village [47, 61]
Orgrimmar Valley of Strength [54, 69]
Silithus Cenarion Hold [51, 39]
Stonetalon Mountains Sun Rock Retreat [47, 62]
Tanaris Gadgetzan [52, 28]
Thousand Needles Freewind Post [46, 51]
Thunder Bluff Lower rise [45, 64]
Winterspring Everlook [61, 39]

Notes (Horde)

If you are Hated or Hostile with the factions of the Steamwheedle Cartel, you will be attacked in Everlook, Ratchet, Mudsprocket, and Gadgetzan. If you are trying to get The Insane title, this may set you back a bit if you are already building your Steamwheedle Cartel reputations back up from Hated.

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Several new locations have been added to the list.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.

External links

Alliance Alliance Horde Horde

Other versions