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The Shadow Rising

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NeutralThe Shadow Rising
Start Alleria Windrunner
End Alleria Windrunner
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] The Bell Tolls
Next N [75-78] A Candle in the Dark


Kill the kobyss deepspeakers in the Veneration Grounds in Hallowfall.

  • Old Grim slain
  • Heartfang slain
  • Lighteater slain


I can sense three beacons of void ahead, all funneling their power into one massive font of darkness.

You will need to kill them. With them dead, I can bring down the shield.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,150 XP


I'm ready to end this.



Now to break through this shield.


On accept of both:

General Steelstrike says: Arathi! Push back the kobyss. Make them regret ever stepping onto our hallowed lands!
They charge west.

The named units are marked on the map, and are channeling a void spell into the big orb at the west.

Kill one:

Aelric Leid says: The Harbinger manipulates the kobyss through their hunger and the Arathi through their fear!

Kill the second:

Aelric Leid says: Yes! Yes! Night falls! Renilash begins!

Kill the third:

Aelric Leid says: Join me in the shadows. Bring the Harbinger joy!

Catch up with the gang at the western end of the quest area, near the shadow orb:

General Steelstrike says: Aelric's ritual is the source of this darkness. We need to break through this barrier!
Alleria Windrunner says: He draws strength from the darkness. So do I.


  1. N [75-78] To Mereldar
  2. N [75-78] The Bastion of Hallowfall
  3. N [75-78] Nightwatch
  4. N [75-78] Spar Day
  5. N [75-78] Mereldar's Light
  6. N [75-78] The Bell Tolls
  7. N [75-78] Crossroads of Twilight & N [75-78] The Shadow Rising
  8. N [75-78] A Candle in the Dark
  9. N [75-78] Consecrated Cleanup & N [75-78] The Flame Still Burns
  10. N [75-78] The Final Front
  11. N [75-78] Trapdoor Sprung & N [75-78] Running on Reserves
  12. N [75-78] The Reckoning

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