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Image of Nemuraan
Title Soultender
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Class Priest
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Auchenai, Exodar
Occupation Keeper of the dead in Auchindoun
Location Ring of Observance, Terokkar Forest[37.47, 64.21]
Status Alive
In Auchindoun.

Nemuraan is an Auchenai Soultender. He is an ally of the Alliance forces led by Danath Trollbane and loathed the orcs bitterly. He and the other Auchenai have reclaimed Auchindoun.


Beyond the Dark Portal

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Nemuraan was one of the survivors of the genocide of the draenei. He discovered Grizzik, an arakkoa leading a group of new creatures he had never seen before through the ruins of Auchindoun. Nemuraan demanded an explanation for the intrusion and used his powers to learn the newcomers' language. Their leader Danath Trollbane explained that they were an alliance of races from another world and have come to end the orcish threat. After some considering, Nemuraan believed them though he was still unwilling to show his people's hideout, but offered to aid the Alliance forces in freeing their friend Kurdran Wildhammer.

He summoned Boulestraan and other ghosts of the draenei army that had fallen during the war. He was at first worried about upsetting his new allies but they readily agreed to his delight. Their combined forces stormed Auchindoun and rescued the dwarf, but he was badly wounded. Using his Light-given powers, the priest healed Kurdran.

Following their victory, Danath offered Nemuraan and his people to return to Azeroth but the draenei declined, stating that their place was in Draenor. He wished his new friends farewell and luck in defeating the orcs and stated that his people and the Alliance would perhaps one day fight alongside each other again against the forces of darkness. This became true decades later when the draenei joined the Alliance.[1]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Decades later, Nemuraan can be found amongst the Auchenai who worked to reclaim and restore the ruins of Auchindoun. Nemuraan binds broken draenei souls to vigilants so that they may heal.[2] He later attended the Tishamaat in the Exodar. He can be seen speaking with the ghost of Restalaan in the Trader's Tier.


Auchindoun gossip

I apologize, but we are in the midst of a soulbinding ritual.

There is much to be done for the spirits in our care before we voyage to the Exodar to answer the Prophet's call to the Tishamaat.

Is there something that requires our urgent attention?

Gossip I thought Auchindoun was abandoned after the war.

Not entirely. Some of us hid from the orcs here.

After the invaders were driven from its sacred halls, we began the slow work of repairing the damage that the Shadow Council did to Auchindoun.

The dead deserve the rest that Auchindoun promised them. The orcs will not have taken that from them, nor from the others who will one day join them.

Gossip Our dead are still being interred here?


Those who died in Shattrath were cremated after the city was reclaimed. Slowly, we have been relocating their ashes to Auchindoun and giving their souls the rites they were denied.

Eventually, the same will be done to those who yet languish in the "Path of Glory."

<Nemuraan's face twists into a grimace, then hardens with determination.>

Gossip I want to talk about something else.
Gossip I want to talk about something else.

Gossip What are you doing with these vigilants?

When Auchindoun was destroyed, most souls housed here were torn to shreds. Many who survived succumbed to madness.

Yet some were not so fargone that they could not be saved. We knew that binding souls to vigilants often had a calming effect, not unlike swaddling a child. The weight of a physical body seems to ground their emotions.

We keep them in the vigilants only temporarily. It is but a splint for a broken bone while the limb heals.

Gossip Where do you get the vigilants from?

Ah, High Artificer Ataanya manufactures them for us in Shattrath.

We are aware it is not her specialty, but she insisted on making them herself.

Gossip I want to talk about something else.
Gossip I want to talk about something else.
Exodar gossip

Thank you for helping us bring these spirits to the Tishamaat, <name>.

One of the hardest parts of being Auchenai is knowing that you cannot save every soul.

But for the ones you can... it makes all the difference to them, and that is enough.

Notes and trivia


Patch changes


External links

Unused WoD Terokkar Forest Exodar