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Mogul Razdunk

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For the MOTHERLODE!! boss encounter, see Mogul Razdunk (tactics).
Image of Razdunk
Title President,[1] Mogul
Gender Male
Race Goblin
Class Icon-RPG.png Steam warrior
Affiliation(s) Venture Company
Occupation Leader of the Venture Company
Location The MOTHERLODE!!
Status Killable (WoW), Deceased (lore)[2]

Mogul Razdunk, also known as President Razdunk,[1] was the leader of the goblin Venture Company.[3]


Razdunk hired the leper gnome Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle, something that the trade princes did not approve of.[4] He also gave orders to stripmine Azuremyst Isle of its crystals.[3] Additionally, he personally approved the equipment requisitioned by Supervisor Fizsprocket in Mulgore, and asked the author of the Venture Co. Documents to remind Fizsprocket of the Venture Company's interest in setting up operations throughout Kalimdor.[1]

Razdunk and the Venture Company eventually took over The MOTHERLODE!!. The company made a deal with the Bilgewater Cartel and the Horde to refine Azerite for the Horde's war with the Alliance, but Mogul Razdunk backed out of the deal and Bilgewater's Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix sought revenge to get what they were owed.[5] He also stole  [Ironfoe] from the Dark Iron dwarves.[6] Having never been able to ascend to trade prince, Razdunk is certain that becoming the world's foremost Azerite baron will bring him fame and fortune beyond his station,[7] as he weaponizes Azerite and sells it to the highest bidder.[8]

Through his business, he sought to earn the title of trade prince, but he met an explosive end in his latest mine operation, the Motherlode[2] by Gallywix.[9]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Mogul Razdunk in the RPG.

Mogul Razdunk, a steam warrior, is the founder and ruler of the Venture Company.[10]

A large suit of steam armor looms threateningly, its mithril construction speaking of sharpness and speed rather than elegance. A long, mithril-and-wood rifle, its barrel the size of a human head, replaces its left arm. Its right hand is a huge, distorted claw-fist, and above it on the arm sits a perforated iron nozzle projecting from a dragon’s mouth. Arcing over the contraption’s back, like spider legs, are two spindly arms. One ends in a pair of scissor-like blades, while the other ends in a circular saw that whines as it spins. The pilot, a goblin with a mad grin, is visible through a rectangular window in the thing’s front. The goblin’s hands dart among a bewildering array of levers, buttons and hanging chains.

Razdunk’s steam armor is legendary on Kezan, and he prefers to intimidate and threaten his opponents into submission rather than actually attack them. When forced into combat, Razdunk begins by using his arcitech connection ability to imbue frost nova into his long rifle (opening a small hatch in the armor’s side to touch the weapon), then blasts away with it. After this tactic, he takes great joy in all of his armor’s weapons, flailing away with rifle, dragon mouth, steam fist and slicers. If Razdunk is having problems hitting his opponents, he calms down enough to make single attacks with his steam fist. If the battle looks grim, he attempts to escape with the help of invisibility.

Razdunk's familiar is a toad named Bernard.[11]

Notes and trivia

See also
