Shattrath City NPCs
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The following NPCs can be found in Shattrath City.
Draenei Orphan (Children's Week)
[10-80] Auchindoun and the Ring of Observance (Children's Week)
[10-80] A Trip to the Dark Portal (Children's Week)
[10-80] Jheel is at Aeris Landing! (Children's Week)
[10-80] The Seat of the Naaru (Children's Week)
[10-80] Time to Visit the Caverns (Children's Week)
[10-80] Back to the Orphanage (Children's Week)
Blood Elf Orphan (Children's Week)
[10-80] Hch'uu and the Mushroom People (Children's Week)
[10-80] A Trip to the Dark Portal (Children's Week)
[10-80] Visit the Throne of the Elements (Children's Week)
[70] When I Grow Up... (Children's Week)
[10-80] Time to Visit the Caverns (Children's Week)
[10-80] Back to the Orphanage (Children's Week)
[15-30D] Auchindoun... (Dungeon)
[25-30D] How to Break Into the Arcatraz (Dungeon)
[70D] Harbinger of Doom (Dungeon)
[30H] Trial of the Naaru: Mercy (Heroic)
[30H] Trial of the Naaru: Strength (Heroic)
[30H] Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity (Heroic)
[70D] Revered Among the Sha'tar
Adyen the Lightwarden
[15-30] Marks of Kil'jaeden
[15-30] Single Mark of Kil'jaeden (Repeatable)
[15-30] More Marks of Kil'jaeden (Repeatable)
[15-30] Marks of Sargeras
[15-30] Single Mark of Sargeras (Repeatable)
[15-30] More Marks of Sargeras (Repeatable)
Andrion Darkspinner <Shadoweave Specialist>
[70] Becoming a Shadoweave Tailor (Tailoring)
Apprentice Tasserel
[70] Archmage Alturus
Arcanist Adyria
[15-30] Voren'thal's Visions
[15-30] More Basilisk Eyes (Repeatable)
Arcanist Savan
[25-30] Report to Spymaster Thalodien
Dathris Sunstriker
[25-30] Duty Calls
Defender Grashna
[15-30G2] The Skettis Offensive (Group)
"Dirty" Larry <Ruffian>
[15-30] The Master's Grand Design?
Emissary Mordin
[25-30 Daily] Gaining the Advantage
Exarch Nasuun
[70 Daily] Intercepting the Mana Cells
[15-30G3] What Book? I Don't See Any Book. (Group)
Fantei <Reagents>
[25-30] Zorus the Judicator
[25-30] Chief Apothecary Hildagard
General Tiras'alan
[25-30] Enter, the Deceiver...
[70R] Oooh, Shinies!
Haggard War Veteran
[15-30] A'dal
Ishanah <High Priestess of the Aldor>
[15-30] Restoring the Light
[15-30] A Cleansing Light
[15-30] Fel Armaments (Repeatable)
[25-30G5] Deathblow to the Legion (Group)
Khadgar <Sons of Lothar>
[15-30] City of Light
[15-30] Allegiance to the Aldor
[15-30] Allegiance to the Scryers
[15-30] Ishanah
[15-30] Voren'thal the Seer
[70D] Entry Into Karazhan (Dungeon)
[70D] The Second and Third Fragments (Dungeon)
[70D] The Master's Touch (Dungeon)
[70] The Violet Eye
[30] The Tempest Key
Lord Torvos
[25-30 Daily] Sunfury Attack Plans
Magister Falris
[65] Losing Gracefully
Magistrix Fyalenn <The Scryers>
[15-30] Firewing Signets
[15-30] Single Firewing Signet (Repeatable)
[15-30] More Firewing Signets (Repeatable)
- Sunfury Signets
- Single Sunfury Signet (Repeatable)
- More Sunfury Signets (Repeatable)
Nasmara Moonsong <Mooncloth Specialist>
[70] Becoming a Mooncloth Tailor (Tailoring)
Nether-Stalker Mah'duun
[25-30] WANTED: Arcatraz Sentinels (Daily Dungeon)
[20-30] WANTED: Coilfang Myrmidons (Daily Dungeon)
[20-30] WANTED: Malicious Instructors (Daily Dungeon)
[25-30] WANTED: Rift Lords (Daily Dungeon)
[20-30] WANTED: Shattered Hand Centurions (Daily Dungeon)
[25-30] WANTED: Sisters of Torment (Daily Dungeon)
[20-30] WANTED: Sunseeker Channelers (Daily Dungeon)
[20-30] WANTED: Tempest-Forge Destroyers (Daily Dungeon)
Nutral <Flight Master>
[70] Learning to Fly
[70] Learning to Fly
Oloraak <Fish Merchant>
[15-30] Can't Stay Away
Orphan Matron Mercy
[10-80] Children's Week (Children's Week)
[10-80] Children's Week (Children's Week)
Rilak the Redeemed
[15-30] The Eyes of Skettis
[15-30] Seek Out Kirrik
[15-30] Countdown to Doom
[15-30] Crackin' Some Skulls (Group)
[15-30] It's Just That Easy? (Group)
[15-30] Rather Be Fishin'
Sha'nir <The Aldor>
[15-30] Strained Supplies
[15-30G2] A Cure for Zahlia (Group)
Spymistress Mehlisah Highcrown
[20-30D] Trouble at Auchindoun
The Rokk <Master of Cooking>
[30 Daily] Manalicious
[30 Daily] Revenge is Tasty
[30 Daily] Soup for the Soul
[30 Daily] Super Hot Stew
Tobias the Filth Gorger
[25-30] The Bundle of Bloodthistle
[20-30] Speak with the Ogre
[15-30] The Outcast's Plight
[15-30] More Feathers (Repeatable)
Voren'thal the Seer
[15-30] Synthesis of Power
[15-30] Arcane Tomes (Repeatable)
[25-30G5] Turning Point (Group)
Wind Trader Lathrai
[15-30] A Personal Favor
[15-30] Investigate Tuurem
Wind Trader Zhareem
[30] WANTED: A Black Stalker Egg (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: A Warp Splinter Clipping (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Aeonus's Hourglass (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Bladefist's Seal (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Keli'dan's Feathered Stave (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Murmur's Whisper (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Nazan's Riding Crop (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Pathaleon's Projector (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: Shaffar's Wondrous Pendant (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Epoch Hunter's Head (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Exarch's Soul Gem (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Headfeathers of Ikiss (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Heart of Quagmirran (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Scroll of Skyriss (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Signet Ring of Prince Kael'thas (Daily Heroic)
[30] WANTED: The Warlord's Treatise (Daily Heroic)
Yuula <Recruitment Officer>
[15-30] Threat From Above
[15-30] To Skettis!
Class Trainers
Alaressa <Mage Trainer> (Scryers only)
Raluhi <Mage Trainer> (Aldor only)
Iorioa <Portal Trainer>
Mi'irku Farstep <Portal Trainer> (Scryers only)
Baelir <Druid Trainer>
Muha <Druid Trainer>
Blood Knight Argaron <Paladin Trainer> (Scryers only)
Ordo <Paladin Trainer> (Aldor only)
Bratu <Warrior Trainer> (Aldor only)
Tarlhir <Warrior Trainer> (Scryers only)
Darahu <Shaman Trainer> (Aldor only)
Luknar <Shaman Trainer>
Derithela <Hunter Trainer> (Scryers only)
Irva <Hunter Trainer> (Aldor only)
Matron Ismara <Priest Trainer> (Scryers only)
Salha <Priest Trainer> (Aldor only)
Pathstalker Arpalir <Rogue Trainer> (Scryers only)
Windstalker Ifram <Rogue Trainer>
Fel-Caller Guloto <Warlock Trainer>
Summoner Durael <Warlock Trainer> (Scryers only)
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers
Aelthin <Alchemy Trainer>
Alchemist Kanhu <Alchemy Trainer>
Lorokeem <Alchemy Trainer>
Boduro the Seeker <Archaeology Trainer>
Barien <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Kradu Grimblade <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Onodo <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Zula Slagfury <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Jack Trapper <Cooking Trainer>
Kylene <Barmaid> (Specialty Cooking Trainer)
Enchantress Andiala <Enchanting Trainer>
Enchantress Volali <Enchanting Trainer>
High Enchanter Bardolan <Enchanting Trainer>
Zurii <Enchanting Trainer>
Engineer Sinbei <Engineering Trainer>
Technician Mihila <Engineering Trainer>
Mildred Fletcher <First Aid Trainer>
Botanist Alaenra <Herbalism Trainer>
Jijia <Herbalism Trainer>
Scribe Lanloer <Inscription Trainer>
Recorder Lidio <Inscription Trainer>
Hamanar <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
Kirembri Silvermane <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
Nemiha <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
Darmari <Leatherworking Trainer>
Daenril <Leatherworking Trainer>
Korim <Leatherworking Trainer>
Fono <Mining Trainer>
Hanlir <Mining Trainer>
Dremm <Skinning Trainer>
Irduil <Skinning Trainer>
Seymour <Skinning Trainer>
Miralisse <Tailoring Trainer>
Weaver Aoa <Tailoring Trainer>
Aaron Hollman <Blacksmithing Supplies>
Ahemen <Staff Vendor>
Almaador <Sha'tari Quartermaster>
Amshesha Stilldark <Reagent Vendor>
Andrion Darkspinner <Shadoweave Specialist>
Anwehu <Weapons & Armorsmith>
Arodis Sunblade <Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts>
Arcanist Xorith <Scryer Apothecary>
Asuur <Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts>
Brendan Turner <Meat Vendor>
Cro Threadstrong <Leatherworking Supplies>
Eiin <Specialty Tailoring Supplies>
Eral <General Goods>
Ernie Packwell <Trade Goods>
Fantei <Reagent Vendor>
G'eras (Badge Rewards Vendor)
Garul <Food and Drink Vendor>
Gidge Spellweaver <Spellfire Specialist>
Granny Smith <Fruit Seller>
Griftah <Amazing Amulets>
Haris Pilton <Socialite>
Inessera <Jewelcrafting Supplies Vendor>
Innkeeper Haelthol <Innkeeper>
Inscriber Saalyn <Aldor Inscriptions>
Inscriber Veredis <Scryer Inscriptions>
Jim Saltit <Cooking Supplier>
Karokka <Poison Supplies>
Kelara <Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms>
Kevin Browning <Coffee Aficionado>
Kylene <Barmaid>
Linsa <Tabard Vendor>
Lisrythe Bloodwatch <Fence>
Lissaf <Blade Merchant>
Madame Ruby <Enchanting Supplies>
Mahir Redstroke <Dagger Vendor>
Muffin Man Moser <Bread Merchant>
Nakodu <Lower City Quartermaster>
Nalama the Merchant <General Goods>
Nasmara Moonsong <Mooncloth Specialist>
Oloraak <Fish Merchant>
Ontuvo <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
Quartermaster Endarin <Aldor: Quartermaster>
Quartermaster Enuril <Scryers: Quartermaster>
Quelama Lightblade <Wand Vendor>
Riha <Guild Vendor>
Selanam the Blade <Sword Vendor>
Shaarubo <Bartender>
Skreah <Alchemy Supplies>
Trader Endernor <Trade Goods>
Urumir Stavebright <Staff Vendor>
Veynna Dawnstar <Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms>
Viggz Shinesparked <Engineering Supplies>
Vinemaster Alamaro <Wine Vendor>
Wind Trader Lathrai <Engineering Supplies>
Yurial Soulwater <Enchanting Supplies>
Various Services
Adam Eternum <Arathi Basin Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
Eye of the Storm Emissary - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
Iravar <Eye of the Storm Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
Haelga Slatefist <Alterac Valley Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
Isle of Conquest Emissary - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
Jonru <Battlemaster>
League of Arathor Emissary - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
Lylandor <Warsong Gulch Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
Marsa Keybrand <Isle of Conquest Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
Mijiri <Battlemaster>
Silverwing Emissary - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
Stormpike Emissary - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
Strand of the Ancients Emissary - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
Vinvo Goldgear <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
Asara Dawnblaze <Battlemaster>
Defilers Envoy - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
Eye of the Storm Envoy - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
Frostwolf Envoy - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
Isle of Conquest Envoy - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
Keldor the Lost <Arathi Basin Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
Jojindi <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
Montok Redhands <Warsong Gulch Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
Orgo Ribcrusher <Isle of Conquest Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
Saeld Brightflare <Battlemaster>
Strand of the Ancients Envoy - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
Warsong Envoy - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
Wolf-Sister Maka <Alterac Valley Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
Yula the Fair <Eye of the Storm Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
Aldor Vindicator (Directions)
Berudan Keysworn <Banker>
Auctioneer Braku <Horde Auctioneer>
Caylee Dak
Droha (Shattrath) <Guild Master>
Gromden <Banker>
Ilthuril <Stable Master>
Innkeeper Haelthol <Innkeeper>
Auctioneer Itoran <Alliance Auctioneer>
Auctioneer Kalaren <Alliance Auctioneer>
L'lura Goldspun <Banker>
Auctioneer Lyrsara <Horde Auctioneer>
Mendorn <Banker>
Minalei <Innkeeper>
Nutral <Flight Master>
Oruhe <Stable Master>
Scryer Arcane Guardian (Directions)
Shattrath City Peacekeeper (Directions)
Zephyr (Teleport to Caverns of Time, requires Keepers of Time: Revered)
Other Notable NPCs
Caylee Dak
Dusky <Caylee's Pet>
Oric Coe - (Call to Arms: Arathi Highlands)
Albert Quarksprocket
Anchorite Nindumen
Archer Delvinar
Battle-Tiger <Adam Eternum's Pet>
Bergrisst <The Tauren Chieftains>
Captain Dranarus
Chief Thunder-Skins <The Tauren Chieftains>
Commander Steele
"Creepjack" <Ruffian>
Enchanter Aeldron <Apprentice Enchanter>
Enchanter Salias <Apprentice Enchanter>
Enchantress Metura <Apprentice Enchanter>
"Epic" Malone <Ruffian>
Farmer Griffith
Gargoth <Kitchen Assistant>
General Tiras'alan
Grand Anchorite Almonen
Grisy Spicecrackle <Kitchen Assistant>
Harbinger Erothem
Lady Liadrin <Blood Knight Matriarch>
Lonika Stillblade <Rogue Academy Proprietor>
Loremaster Skosiris
Magister Falris
Mai'Kyl <The Tauren Chieftains>
Marksman Bova
Maxima Blastenheimer <Darkmoon Faire Cannoneer> (Darkmoon Faire)
Neophyte Nemarn
Nicole Bartlett <Matron>
Olodam Farhollow
Perry Gatner
Raliq the Drunk
Ricole Nichie <Ex-Socialite> (Requires Eye of Divinity)
Sig Nicious <The Tauren Chieftains>
Tinkerbell <Haris Pilton's Pet>
Whirligig Wafflefry <Gnomish Inventor>