Intercepting the Mana Cells

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The subject of this article or section is part of the Shattered Sun Offensive storyline and was removed at the commencement of phase 2B. The in-game information in this article or section is kept for historical purposes, and for players on new realms that have not yet completed the world event.
NeutralIntercepting the Mana Cells
Start Exarch Nasuun
End Exarch Nasuun
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Daily
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 5g 70s
Reputation +250 Shattered Sun Offensive
Rewards  [Shattered Sun Supplies]
4g 40s
Repeatable Yes

Intercepting the Mana Cells is part of the Shattered Sun Offensive storyline. This quest is made available to players once they have recovered the Sun's Reach Sanctum on the Isle of Quel'Danas. Once players have activated the Sunwell portal in Shattrath City, N [25-30 Daily] Maintaining the Sunwell Portal replaces this quest.


Obtain 10 Smuggled Mana Cells and return them to Exarch Nasuun on the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City.


I have devised a plan to acquire a power source strong enough for the creation of our portal.

The ethereal forces at Bash'ir Landing, atop the northwestern Blade's Edge Mountains, have been smuggling mana cells out of Tempest Keep and transporting them to the Sunwell for Kael'thas.

They have hidden the cells, but there is a way for you to find them; the ethereal carry phase devices that you can use to see the smuggled goods.

Just beware the mana cells' phase wyrm guardians.


You will receive:  [Shattered Sun Supplies] and 4g 40s.


Did you acquire the mana cells?


These mana cells are vital to our efforts. We will have the portal to the Sunwell Isle created in no time!

Return tomorrow and I will send you out to acquire more of them from our Bash'ir 'friends'.


As the quest text hints at, the mana cells are hidden. All ethereals in the area may drop the  [Bash'ir Phasing Device] which will put the caster, party members and pets in a phased state that allows them to see the mana cells (which look like pale glowing purple boxes) and hide from the ethereals and other wildlife in the area, but allows nearby phase wyrms to attack the players and vice versa. Players can mount up and fly around or do any of the rest of their abilities while phased, but once players leave Bash'ir Landing, the buff will fade.

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