Chief Apothecary Hildagard (quest)

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HordeChief Apothecary Hildagard
Start Fantei
End Chief Apothecary Hildagard
Level 25-30
Category Shattrath City
Experience 1150 EXP (or 69s at level 70)
Next H [25-30] A Haunted History


Speak with Chief Apothecary Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village.


The history of Shadowmoon Valley is a long and troubled one. Few study it for fear of breathing new life into the unspeakable atrocities that took place there.

Not all are so timid, though. Chief Apothecary Hildagard's research delves into the ghosts of Shadowmoon's past. It is a staggering undertaking, one with which she would welcome help, I'm sure.

If your travels bring you there, seek Hildagard at Shadowmoon Village, in the northwestern reaches of the valley.


You will receive:

  • 1150 XP (or 69s at level 70)


Fantei has a good memory. It's been months since I was last in Shattrath to buy reagents. He's right, though. I could use the help.


  1. H [25-30] Chief Apothecary Hildagard
  2. H [25-30] A Haunted History
  3. H [25-30] Spectrecles
  4. B [25-30] Teron Gorefiend - Lore and Legend
  5. Divination
  6. H [25-30] Teron Gorefiend, I am...

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