Enter, the Deceiver...

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NeutralEnter, the Deceiver...
Start General Tiras'alan
End Archmage Ne'thul
Level 25-30
Category Isle of Quel'Danas
Experience (or 1g 89s at 70)

Enter, the Deceiver... is the introduction quest to the Shattered Sun Offensive and the Isle of Quel'Danas.


Report to Archmage Ne'thul on the Isle of Quel'Danas, north of Quel'Thalas.


Despite our best plans, Kael'thas' sinister plans have been carried out. The Sunwell has been re-ignited in preparation for the Deceiver's arrival.

The object that stands before me and below A'dal is a representation of the status of the Sunwell's current defenses. Mighty barriers have been raised, stymieing our attacks against the inner chambers. If ever there was a time our world needed assistance, it would be now.

Report to Archmage Ne'thul at the Isle of Quel'Danas, north of Quel'Thalas


Kil'jaeden bears down upon this world with the full force of the Burning Legion. Should the summoning complete, our world will once more be flung into the throes of chaos.


Upon completion of this quest you will receive: __ XP (or 1g 89s at 70)

Patch changes

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