Haelga Slatefist

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AllianceHaelga Slatefist
Image of Haelga Slatefist
Title <Alterac Valley Battlemaster>
Gender Female
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 85 Elite
Class Battlemaster
Affiliation(s) Stormpike Guard
Location Unknown
Relative(s) Thelman (brother)

Haelga Slatefist was an elite level 85 Alterac Valley battlemaster located in the Lower City of the neutral Shattrath City during the Call to Arms: Alterac Valley.

She used to sometimes attempt to start a conversation with the quiet Lylandor, who just replied with "Mmm". She also said she hadn't seen her brothers in ages.

She was only available during the monthly (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley).


How are ye? Had yer fill o' Outland, and ready ta head back ta Alterac Valley and give the Horde what for?
Battlemaster I would like to go to the battleground.

Patch changes

External links