WANTED: A Black Stalker Egg

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NeutralWANTED: A Black Stalker Egg
Start Wind Trader Zhareem
End Wind Trader Zhareem
Level 30 (Requires 30)
Type Heroic Daily
Category Underbog
Experience 16,250
Reputation +350 Cenarion Expedition
+350 Consortium
Rewards 13g 20s
Repeatable Random Daily

WANTED: A Black Stalker Egg is one of the random heroic mode Daily Quests given by Wind Trader Zhareem in Shattrath City.


Wind Trader Zhareem wants you to obtain a  [Black Stalker Egg]. Deliver it to him in Shattrath's Lower City to collect the reward.

This quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.


There is only ever one great mother of the marsh walkers in Zangarmarsh. She is always known as the Black Stalker, and she hatches from one of the eggs left behind when her mother dies.

I have a buyer who is interested in one of those eggs. He mentioned something about adding her as a zoo attraction.

If you are interested in the reward I am offering, travel to the Underbog and slay the Black Stalker for her egg.


You will receive:


We're speaking again because you have the egg? Outstanding, let me see it!


Is it not amazing to feel the life pulsing within the egg? I must hurry to deliver it to the purchaser. We wouldn't want it hatching here now would we?

Your payment is ready.

Come back tomorrow and I will have another request for you to fulfill.


This quest simply requires completing Heroic Underbog. It was added in 2.3 as part of a series to give more incentive to run Heroic instances.

Patch changes

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