Neophyte Nemarn

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AldorNeophyte Nemarn
Image of Neophyte Nemarn
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Aldor Scryers
Affiliation(s) Aldor, Shattered Sun Offensive
Location Aldor Rise, Shattrath City
Status Alive

Neophyte Nemarn is a draenei located at the Aldor Rise in Shattrath City.


Neophyte Nemarn approaches from the south and stands in front of Adyen the Lightwarden.
Neophyte Nemarn says: Sir, I am here to deliver my report from the Scryer's Tier.
Adyen the Lightwarden says: Well, out with it, neophyte...
Neophyte Nemarn says: Sir, it's impossible to read anything into their actions.
Neophyte Nemarn says: Their movements are totally chaotic, as if they themselves know not what they are about.
Neophyte Nemarn says: My apologies, sir. I wish I had more to report.
Adyen the Lightwarden says: It is exactly as I expected, soldier. They know we watch them closely.
Adyen the Lightwarden says: They mask their intentions with meaningless movements to confuse us.
Adyen the Lightwarden says: In time, you may learn to see through their deceptions.
Adyen the Lightwarden says: Until then, your presence at your post will keep them on their toes.
Neophyte Nemarn says: As you command, sir.
Nemarn leaves.

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