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Image of Seth
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Lower City
Location Shattrath Infirmary, Shattrath City[63.9, 15.5]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Zahlia (mother)

Seth is a human child located in the Shattrath Infirmary in Shattrath's Lower City alongside his mother, Zahlia. He is from Lakeshire and compares the Aldor's pace in rebuilding Shattrath to Foreman Oslow's much slower and less successful work on rebuilding the Everstill Bridge. He is friends with some of the children at the Shattrath orphanage.[1]



Main article: A Cure for Zahlia#Notes
I've been watching the Aldor working on the walls. They're gonna rebuild the whole city, you know.
They work much faster than old Foreman Oslow did back home in Lakeshire. He kept losing his tools in the lake, or the gnolls would take his supplies.
I should ask the Aldor to send him some help. They'd have that bridge fixed faster'n anything.
Dialogue with Zahlia
Zahlia says: Don't go too far away Seth. You know mommy doesn't like it when she can't hear you.
Seth says: Coming, momma!

Patch changes


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