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Image of Lionel
Gender Male
Race Frillfish (Beast)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Isle of Dorn [37.7, 63]
Status Alive

Lionel is a beached frillfish located on the isle in the bay of the southwestern Isle of Dorn.


On approach
Help! Help me! I need... water! Water!
Gossip on the rocks

Oh, please! Help me.

I am a magical fish from Dalaran. I survived the crash, and now I'm free!

Free to flounder here on these rocks, apparently.

I don't want my freedom to end this Way. Please, put me back in the water!

Gossip <Get the fish to the water.>

Did you just... kick me? Use my body like a sports ball? I guess you were trying to help...
Gossip on the beach

I am still weak! I don't think I can swim very far, and the tiniest wave could wash me back up on the shore.

Maybe a good meal would help? Hint, hint?

Gossip <Give Lionel the plump crabs.>

Thank you. Please, take this as a gift.
Lionel drops a Magical Treasure Chest besides him
Maybe I should try a net? Apparently there are lots of fish there. I could use a social outing...
Lionel swims off and disappears

Patch changes

External links

On the rocks In the water