Enchanted tiki

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Enchanted tiki
Tiki Lord Mu'Loa.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Horde, Zandalari Empire, Darkspear tribe, Jambani, Gurubashi Tribe, Blood trolls
Atal'zul, Drakkari Empire
Homeworld Azeroth
Language(s) Zandali, Orcish

Enchanted tikis are magically animated masks created by trolls of almost all tribes and their gods by using voodoo magic or by placing a soul inside of it. Trolls usually use these masks as guardians, warriors, and messengers, while some use them to strengthen their bonds with the spirit world.[1] And seemingly they are easy enough to mass produce to pose a serious threat.[2]

Creators of enchanted tikis are able to see, hear and speak through them while they are far away from them.[3][4]



As a companion pet


See also
