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Specific Personages

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NeutralSpecific Personages
Start Anub'azal
End Anub'azal
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards One of:
23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now
Next N [78-80] Stolen Influence, N [78-80] Dalaran's Most Distressed


Kill Zev'kall's minions for General Anub'azal.


Zev'kall has recently placed his own loyal lackeys in key positions around Siegehold. Killing them will force replacements, which will cause chaos and re-training.

All of which will make Zev'kall struggle. Get rid of all three.


You will receive one of:

You will also receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


All three must be removed from office.


Zev'kall knows that I am involved. I wanted him to know. But he can say nothing, because he is unable to make his own pheromone marks. I have used mine for his needs, so far.

If he admits he can't, everyone would question his authority... not to mention his status as a nerubian.

It is quite a scandal.


On accept:

Anub'azal says: Eliminating ZeVkall's lackeys is but the first move. Blackmail will be the death blow.
Monte Gazlowe says: I'm gonna salvage what I can here. Throw together an explosive or two!
Gazlowe walks over to his Busted Shredder X-3922.

Gazlowe has gossip:

My poor Shredder has seen better days, for sure.

Gossip What are you making now?

If I can find a few specific pieces, I'll be able to form some explosives. If our friends are in cages, we'll be able to bust 'em right out!

I don't think I have enough time to whip together a flamethrower, but I'll do my best here.

Outside, move around freely, but watch out for the Siege Dominators, which have truesight.

Mi'thk, the favorite, is to the south:

Mi'thk says: Attaching yourself to Anub'azal is a dead-end path!

At 10%, Mi'thk attempts to flee:

Mi'thk says: No! I can't lose like this!
Mi'thk yells: Help, HELP!!

Diu'mik, the tactician, is to the southeast:

Diu'mik says: Zev'kall is ready for insignificant pests like you.

Hevo'myk, the drone whisperer, is to the southwest:

Hevo'myk says: The drones are mine now. You are easy prey for them.

Kill the third:

Anub'azal yells: Oh no. Loyal voices silenced. Seems Zev'kall wasn't paying attention.
Zev'kall yells: I noticed you trying to defend your own obsolescence, you dusty ancient.


  1. N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift
  2. N [78-80] Rations and Revelations
  3. N [78-80] Scrappy Straggler
  4. N [78-80] Force Your Way & N [78-80] Strategic Edge
  5. N [78-80] Let Fly!
  6. N [78-80] Not Quite Dead
  7. N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now
  8. N [78-80] Specific Personages & N [78-80] General Admission
  9. N [78-80] Stolen Influence & N [78-80] Dalaran's Most Distressed
  10. N [78-80] Just Act Casual
  11. N [78-80] The General's Consensus

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