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Let Fly!

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NeutralLet Fly!
Start Flynn Fairwind
End Anub'azal
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] Force Your Way, N [78-80] Strategic Edge
Next N [78-80] Not Quite Dead


Stow away into a box to be carried into Siegehold.

  • Inconspicuous Box


Hm. This Anub'azal gave the orders that led to the prisoners' escape. Zev'kall here didn't seem very pleased with that.

So how about this--you sneak into Siegehold, and make an alliance with Anub'azal.

I've noticed a lot of cargo being ferried over, I'm sure no one would notice if we just swapped out the contents of a particular crate.

In the meantime, I'll share our discoveries with the Weaver. Hopefully that'll be enough to trade for something to help with this venom...


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


What an interesting "delivery" you are.

I have use for you.


On accept:

Flynn Fairwind says: We've got a plan now! Sneak into a crate and get a lift to Siegehold. Find this Anub'azal. Meanwhile, I'll get this intel to the Weaver... and get that antidote.
Flynn disappears.

Back in the main part of Rak-Zakaz is an inconspicuous box. Hop in, and a nerubian flyer swings by to pick up the box and heads west to Siegehold, and drops the box off inside a building, where Anub'azal is speaking with two Siegehold Armorsmiths:

Anub'azal says: What an interesting delivery...
Anub'azal says: Everyone! Return to your duties. Now!
The armorsmiths run off.
Anub'azal says: Approach, intruder.

Before Anub'azal are the corpses of Monte Gazlowe, Sara Lorry, Rylen Fairfeather, Nori Minesmith, and the Busted Shredder X-3922, Gazlowe's Sweet Ride in a pile of spoils.


  1. N [78-80] The Weaver's Gift
  2. N [78-80] Rations and Revelations
  3. N [78-80] Scrappy Straggler
  4. N [78-80] Force Your Way & N [78-80] Strategic Edge
  5. N [78-80] Let Fly!
  6. N [78-80] Not Quite Dead
  7. N [78-80] I Think I'm a Drone Now
  8. N [78-80] Specific Personages & N [78-80] General Admission
  9. N [78-80] Stolen Influence & N [78-80] Dalaran's Most Distressed
  10. N [78-80] Just Act Casual
  11. N [78-80] The General's Consensus

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