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Returns a table containing one or more SpellPowerCostInfos, one for each power type this spell costs; May return nil if spell is not found or has no resource costs

powerCosts = C_Spell.GetSpellPowerCost(spellIdentifier)


number|string : SpellIdentifier


Field Type Description
type Enum.PowerType
name string - The name or 'power token' for this power type (ex: MANA, FOCUS, etc)
cost number - Full cost including optional cost; Optional cost is cost the spell will use but isn't required (ex: Rogue spell might cost 1CP but have optional cost of up to 5 more)
minCost number - Cost excluding optional cost; This is min required to cast the spell
costPercent number - Cost as a percentage of base maximum resource; May be 0 if the cost is simply a flat cost
costPerSec number - Cost as a percentage of base maximum resource consumed per second, used by channel spells; May be 0 if cost is simply a flat cost
requiredAuraID number - An aura the caster must have for the cost to apply; Usually based on things like active spec or shapeshift form
hasRequiredAura boolean - True if there is a requiredAuraID and the caster currently has that aura; Caster is either the current player or their pet, depending on spell type
Value Field Description
-2 HealthCost
-1 None
0 Mana Mana will range from 0 to the maximum mana a unit has. Player mana pools are of a fixed size for all specializations except Arcane Mages, whose mastery increases their maximum mana. Players naturally regenerate mana at a constant rate dependent on their specialization, both in and out of combat, and some abilities and effects (ex [Life Tap], [Power Word: Solace], [Resurgence]) can directly generate mana. This is the default power type for most non-player units, although there are exceptions.
1 Rage Rage is used by Warriors and Druids in bear form. Rage ranges from 0 to 100, but may be increased via player talents. Rage is generated by abilities and, for some specializations, taking damage or dealing damage with auto-attacks. Rage will decay to 0 while out of combat.
2 Focus Wrath-Logo-Small.png Focus is used by Hunters and their pets. Focus ranges from 0 to 100, though this can be increased by spec passives. It has a relatively slow passive regeneration rate, but certain abilities will generate focus directly.
3 Energy Energy is used by Rogues, Monks, and Druids in cat form. Energy ranges from 0 to 100, but may be increased via player talents and spec passives. Energy regenerates rapidly.
4 ComboPoints Warlords of Draenor Combo Points are used by Rogues and Druids in cat form. Combo Points range from 0 to 5, but can be increased up to 6 by the [Deeper Stratagem] Rogue talent or to 10 by the [Anticipation] Rogue talent. Combo Points are generated by abilities, talents, and passives, and are consumed by Finishing Moves to increase their potency. Combo Points will decay to 0 while out of combat. This value was previously used for hunter pets' happiness, which was deprecated in Cataclysm.
5 Runes Wrath-Logo-Small.png Runes are used as a power type for Death Knights. Deathknights have 6 runes available. As of Legion, Deathknights no longer have different types of runes, and instead all 6 runes can be used for any ability which consumes them. Up to 3 runes can be regenerating at a time, with the other 3, if depleted, effectively having a recharge time of up to twice the normal rune recharge time. Rune recharge rate can be accelerated through [Runic Corruption], or runes can be instantly activated by [Blood Tap] or [Runic Empowerment], as well as a number of talents and set bonuses.
6 RunicPower Wrath-Logo-Small.png Runic Power is used by Death Knights. Runic Power ranges from 0 to 100, though it can be increased by talents and set bonuses. It is gained by spending runes on abilities, or directly by certain abilities, talents, and passive effects. Runic Power is spent on a limited set of damaging abilities, many of which help regenerate additional runes. Runic Power will decay to 0 while out of combat.
7 SoulShards Wrath-Logo-Small.png [Soul Shards] are collected by Warlocks, and range from 0 to 5, represented the number of filled Soul Shards. As of Legion, this resources is now used by all 3 Warlock specializations. Soul Shards will naturally regenerate or decay as needed while out of combat until they reach 3 out of 5 filled. As of Patch 7.2.5, if the "unmodified" boolean argument to UnitPower is provided, the values returned for Soul Shards will range instead from 0 to 50, with each 10 representing a filled Soul Shard. This is to account for the ability of Warlock_talents#Destruction warlocks to generate fractional Soul Shards in increments of 1/10th, similar to how Burning Embers functioned in prior expansions.
8 LunarPower Legion Astral Power is used by Druids in moonkin form. Astral power goes from 0 to 100. Astral power will decay to 0 while out of combat.
9 HolyPower Wrath-Logo-Small.png Holy Power is used by Retribution Paladins. Holy Power ranges from 0 to 5, and will decay to 0 while out of combat.
10 Alternate Cataclysm New power type since Cataclysm. Known uses: sound level on Atramedes, corruption level on Cho'gall, consumption level while in Iso'rath.
11 Maelstrom Legion The new Shaman resource in Legion, used by both Enhancement and Elemental shamans. Maelstrom ranges from 0 to 100 for Elemental and 0 to 150 for Enhancement, though it can be increased by talents and artifact traits. Maelstrom will decay to 0 while out of combat.
12 Chi Mists of Pandaria Chi is used by Windwalker Monks. Chi ranges from 0 to 5, and will decay to 0 while out of combat.
13 Insanity Legion Insanity is used by Shadow Priests. Insanity is generated by most Shadow Priest abilities, and will be consumed at an ever-increasing rate while the priest is in [Voidform], until it reaches 0 and the priest leaves Voidform (or dies horribly if [Surrender to Madness] is active). Insanity will decay to 0 while out of combat even if the priests is not in [Voidform].
14 Obsolete Mists of Pandaria Burning Embers were used by Destruction Warlocks prior to Legion, which consolidated all warlock specs to use [Soul Shards]. Value returned would range from 1 to 3 (4 with  [Glyph of Burning Embers], representing number of completely filled Burning Embers. If a third argument "true" is included with UnitPower or UnitPowerMax, the value would instead range from 0 to 30 (40 with  [Glyph of Burning Embers]), representing the individual segments in each Ember. Each Ember had 10 segments, and most effects that generate Embers generate 1 segment per effect (for example, a cast of Incinerate generates one segment, so 10 casts generates a full Ember). As of Legion, this power type is now obsolete.
15 Obsolete2 Mists of Pandaria [Demonic Fury] was used by Demonology Warlocks prior to Legion, which consolidated all warlock specs to use [Soul Shards]. Value returned would range from 0 to 1000. As of Legion, this power type is now obsolete.
16 ArcaneCharges Legion Arcane Mage resource. Arcane Charges range from 0 to 5. They are generated by casting [Arcane Blast] and [Arcane Explosion], and consumed by [Arcane Barrage], though a number of abilities benefit from having charges without consuming them. Arcane Charges will decay to 0 while out of combat.
17 Fury Legion Havoc Demon Hunter. Fury is generated by [Demon's Bite], as well as a number of talents, and consumed by most Havoc abilities. Fury ranges from 0 to 100, though artifact traits can increase this to up to 170. Fury will decay to 0 while out of combat.
18 Pain Legion Vengeance Demon Hunter. Pain is generated by several Vengeance abilities (ex. [Shear], [Felblade]), and consumed by several others (ex. [Soul Cleave], [Demon Spikes]), predominantly for defensive purposes. A small amount of Pain is also generated when the Demon Hunter takes damage. Pain ranges from 0 to 100, and will decay to 0 while out of combat.
19 Essence Dragonflight Essence is used by Evokers. It ranges from 0 to 6, and will regenerate passively over time.
20 RuneBlood Added in 10.0.0
21 RuneFrost Added in 10.0.0
22 RuneUnholy Added in 10.0.0
23 AlternateQuest Added in 10.1.0
24 AlternateEncounter Added in 10.1.0
25 AlternateMount Dragonflight [Vigor] is used for Dragonriding. It ranges from 0 to a variable maximum of 3-6, depending on dragon traits, and regenerates slowly while grounded, or from effects while flying.
26 NumPowerTypes