XML schema

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In World of Warcraft addons, XML files are used to define User Interface elements. XML is however not required since most functionality is also supported in Lua via the Widget API. Similar to Lua files, XML files are referenced from the TOC file.

It's advisable to use an editor like VS Code with the Red Hat XML extension.


  • A tag begins with < and ends with >; for example <Frame>.
  • A tag can have attributes; for example <Frame name="ShinyRedApple".
  • An element consists of a start tag, end tag and anything in between; for example <Frame>content</Frame>.

XML schema

Each XML file consists of a Ui element. The xmlns and xsi attributes are optional but essential for XML parsers and validation.

<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
<!-- can also be formatted like this for readability purposes -->
<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/"


See also: XML user interface

Shows a texture on the center of the screen.

<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/
    <Frame parent="UIParent">
        <Size x="64" y="64"/>
            <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
            <Layer level="ARTWORK">
                <Texture file="interface/icons/inv_mushroom_11" setAllPoints="true"/>

API CreateFrame mushroom.png

Widget hierarchy

Core tags <Frame> subtypes <Animation> subtypes

Frame (wip)


Name Type Default Lua Equivalent
alpha xs:float 1.0 Frame:SetAlpha
clampedToScreen xs:boolean false Frame:SetClampedToScreen
clipChildren xs:boolean false Frame:SetClipsChildren
collapsesLayout xs:boolean false ScriptRegion:SetCollapsesLayout
depth xs:float 0.0
dontSavePosition xs:boolean false Frame:SetDontSavePosition
enableKeyboard xs:boolean false Frame:EnableKeyboard
enableMouse xs:boolean false ScriptRegion:EnableMouse
enableMouseClicks xs:boolean false ScriptRegion:SetMouseClickEnabled
enableMouseMotion xs:boolean false ScriptRegion:EnableMouseMotion
fixedFrameLevel xs:boolean false Frame:SetFixedFrameLevel
fixedFrameStrata xs:boolean false Frame:SetFixedFrameStrata
flattenRenderLayers xs:boolean false Frame:SetFlattensRenderLayers
frameBuffer xs:boolean false Frame:SetIsFrameBuffer
frameLevel xs:int Frame:SetFrameLevel
frameStrata ui:FRAMESTRATA PARENT Frame:SetFrameStrata
hidden xs:boolean false Frame:Hide
hyperlinksEnabled xs:boolean false Frame:SetHyperlinksEnabled
id xs:int 0 Frame:SetID
ignoreParentAlpha xs:boolean false Frame:SetIgnoreParentAlpha
ignoreParentScale xs:boolean false Frame:SetIgnoreParentScale
inherits xs:string
intrinsic xs:boolean false
jumpNavigateEnabled xs:boolean false
jumpNavigateStart xs:string false
mixin xs:string
movable xs:boolean false Frame:SetMovable
name xs:string
parent xs:string ScriptRegion:SetParent
parentArray xs:string
parentKey xs:string Object:SetParentKey
passThroughButtons xs:string ScriptRegion:SetPassThroughButtons
propagateHyperlinksToParent xs:boolean false
propagateKeyboardInput xs:boolean false Frame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput
propagateMouseInput PROPAGATE_MOUSE ScriptRegion:SetPropagateMouseClicks
protected xs:boolean false
registerForDrag xs:string Frame:RegisterForDrag
resizable xs:boolean false Frame:SetResizable
retainClickThroughOverride xs:boolean false
scale xs:float 1.0 Frame:SetScale
secureMixin xs:string
secureReferenceKey xs:string
setAllPoints xs:boolean false ScriptRegionResizing:SetAllPoints
toplevel xs:boolean false Frame:SetToplevel
useParentLevel xs:boolean false Frame:SetUsingParentLevel
virtual xs:boolean false


<Ui> encloses all other tags.

<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/.. \FrameXML\UI.xsd">
	<Include />
	<Script />
	<!-- and all widgets -->

<Include> loads a file.

file (xs:string) - Relative path to a *.lua or *.xml file.

<Script> executes Lua code.

file (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Relative path to a *.lua file, in lieu of coding Lua inside the XML file.


<LayoutFrame> abstracts tags and attributes common to most widgets.

	<Size />
	<Anchors />
	<KeyValues />
	<Animations />
name (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Adds a reference to _G, substituting $parent with a parent's name.
parentKey (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Adds a reference to the widget's parent.
parentArray ((xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Inserts a reference to an array in the widget's parent.
inherits (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Inherits a comma-separated list of XML virtual templates.
virtual (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Creates an XML virtual template instead of a widget (requires name).
mixin (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Inherits a comma-separated list of Lua mixins.
secureMixin (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Inherits a comma-separated list of Lua mixins, wrapping inherited functions to force secure execution.
setAllPoints (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Sets the top-left and bottom-right anchors to match the parent widget.
hidden (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls the frame's initial visibility.

<Anchors> defines a widget's anchors by enclosing <Anchor> tags.

<Anchor> defines a single point to align a <LayoutFrame>.

point (ui:FRAMEPOINT) - Point to align.
relativeTo (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Another widget to align against (in _G).
relativeKey (string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Another widget to align against (sibling).
relativePoint (ui:FRAMEPOINT?Optional) - Point on the other widget to align against (defaults to the same as point)
x (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Horizontal offset.
y (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Vertical offset.

<Size> (inherits from <Dimension>) sets the width and height.

<KeyValues> defines additional properties by enclosing <KeyValue> tags.

<KeyValue> assigns a single key/value pair to the widget's runtime table.

key (xs:string) - Key in the widget's table.
value (xs:string) - Value to be assigned.
keyType (ui:KEYVALUETYPE) - nil, boolean, number, string (default) or global
type (ui:KEYVALUETYPE) - nil, boolean, number, string (default) or global

<Animations> encloses one or more <AnimationGroup> tags.


<Frame> (inherits from <LayoutFrame>, creates a Frame widget) handles events and user interaction, and may contain other widgets.

	<ResizeBounds />
	<HitRectInsets />
	<Layers />
	<Frames />
	<Scripts />
alpha (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Sets the alpha.
scale (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Sets the scale.
parent (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Parents another frame to this one.
toplevel (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Renders in front.
flattenRenderLayers (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Flattens child regions.
useParentLevel (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Prevents incrementing the frame level above its parent.
movable (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables dragging.
resizable (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables resizing.
frameStrata (ui:FRAMESTRATA) - Sequences overlapping frames.
frameLevel (xs:int?Optional. Could be nil.) - Further sequences overlapping frames in the same frameStrata.
id (xs:int?Optional. Could be nil.) - Assigns an id.
enableMouse (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables all mouse input.
enableMouseClicks (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables mouse clicks only.
enableMouseMotion (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables mouse motion only.
enableKeyboard (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables keyboard input.
clampedToScreen (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Prevents dragging off screen.
protected (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Declares the frame protected for secure code execution.
depth (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Frame:SetDepth(depth)
dontSavePosition (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Prevents saving the position of a movable frame.
propagateKeyboardInput (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Propagates keyboard input to the parent frame.
ignoreParentAlpha (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's alpha.
ignoreParentScale (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's scale.
intrinsic (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Creates an intrinsic frame.
clipChildren (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Clips overflowing children.
propagateHyperlinksToParent (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Propagates hyperlink interaction to the parent frame.
hyperlinksEnabled (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables interactive hyperlinks.

<ResizeBounds> limits resizing with <minResize> and <maxResize> child tags that inherit from <Dimension>.

<HitRectInsets> (inherits from <Inset>) shrinks (+) or expands (-) mouse focus from the frame's edges.

<Layers> encloses <Layer> tags to sequence overlapping graphical regions parented by the same frame.

<Layer> encloses regions (<Texture>, <FontString>, etc.) in a single draw layer.
level (ui:DRAWLAYER) - Sequences graphical regions as "BACKGROUND", "BORDER", "ARTWORK", etc..
textureSubLevel (xs:int?Optional. Could be nil.) - Further sequences overlapping <Texture> widgets inside the same level.

<Frames> encloses other <Frame> tags with a parent/child relationship.

<Scripts> contains widget script handlers such as <OnLoad> or <OnUpdate>.

Each widget script may enclose Lua code between the tags.
function (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a function instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
method (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a widget method instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
inherit (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hooks (prepend, append) other scripts inherited through an XML virtual template.
intrinsicOrder (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hooks (precall, postcall) other scripts when copied as an intrinsic frame.
autoEnableInput (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)


<Button> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a Button) responds to clicks.

<Button text="" registerForClicks="" motionScriptsWhileDisabled="">
	<NormalTexture />
	<PushedTexture />
	<DisabledTexture />
	<HighlightTexture />
	<NormalColor />
	<HighlightColor />
	<DisabledColor />
	<ButtonText />
	<PushedTextOffset />
	<NormalFont style="" />
	<HighlightFont style="" />
	<DisabledFont style="" />
text (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Displays a label.
registerForClicks (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls which mouse buttons will trigger OnClick.
motionScriptsWhileDisabled (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Enables OnEnter and OnLeave while disabled.

<NormalTexture>, <PushedTexture>, <DisabledTexture>, and <HighlightTexture> appear by state; inherit <Texture>.

<NormalColor>, <HighlightColor> and <DisabledColor>, colors the label by state; inherit <Color>.

<ButtonText> controls the label; inherits <FontString>.

<PushedTextOffset> moves the label when pushed; inherits <Dimension>.

<NormalFont>, <HighlightFont>, and <DisabledFont> styles the label by state.

style (xs:string)


<CheckButton> (inherits from <Button>, creates a CheckButton) adds a 'checked' state.

	<CheckedTexture />
	<DisabledCheckedTexture />
checked (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - True shows the texture; false hides it.

<CheckedTexture> appears when checked; inherits <Texture>.

<DisabledCheckedTexture> appears when checked and disabled; inherits <Texture>.


<ItemButton> is an intrinsic frame extending <Button>.


<ColorSelect> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a ColorSelect widget) selects a color by hue and shade.

	<ColorWheelTexture />
	<ColorWheelThumbTexture />
	<ColorValueTexture />
	<ColorValueThumbTexture />

<ColorWheelTexture> produces a color wheel of hues; inherits <Texture>

<ColorValueTexture> produces a gradiant of shades; inherits <Texture>.

<ColorWheelThumbTexture> and <ColorValueThumbTexture> mark the current selection; inherit <Texture>.


<Cooldown> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a Cooldown widget) overlays another frame with a rotating edge, swipe, and bling.

<Cooldown reverse="" hideCountdownNumbers="" drawEdge="" drawBling="" drawSwipe="" rotation="">
	<EdgeTexture />
	<SwipeTexture />
	<BlingTexture />
reverse (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Reverses the direction.
hideCountdownNumbers (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hides the seconds remaining.
drawEdge (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Draws the edge.
drawSwipe (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Draws the swipe.
drawBling (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Draws the bling.
rotation (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Rotates the origin.

<EdgeTexture> rotates from the origin; inherits <Texture>.

<SwipeTexture> fills between the origin and edge; inherits <Texture>.

<BlingTexture> animates briefly when the cooldown finishes; inherits <Texture>.


<EditBox> (inherits from <Frame>, creates an EditBox widget) recieves text input.

<EditBox font="" letters="" blinkSpeed="" numeric="" alphabeticOnly="" password="" multiLine="" historyLines="" autoFocus="" ignoreArrows="" countInvisibleLetters="" invisibleBytes="">
	<FontString />
	<HighlightColor />
	<TextInsets />
font (xs:string) - See <Font>.
letters (xs:int?Optional. Could be nil.) - Maximum number of letters; or zero for no limit.
blinkSpeed (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil. - speed of cursor blinking, interval in seconds between "blinks".
numeric (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - if true, then only digits 0-9 can be entered in this EditBox
password (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - if true, then asterisks will be displayed instead of whatever text you enter.
multiLine (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - multi-line EditBox
historyLines (int?Optional. Could be nil.) - Number of lines to keep as a "history" for this editbox. You can cycle through editbox' history with arrows Up and Down (or Alt+Up, Alt+Down if attribute ignoreArrows set to true)
autoFocus (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - if true, then this EditBox will automatically receive keyboard focus when it is displayed.
ignoreArrows (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - if false, then pressing arrows on keyboard will move cursor around the EditBox. If set to true, then EditBox will ignore arrows and they will instead turn around your character in game world. In this case you can still move text cursor around your editbox with Alt-arrows.
countInvisibleLetters (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
invisibleBytes (int?Optional. Could be nil.)


<HighlightColor> inherits <Color>

<TextInsets> defines padding (+) or overflow (-) of the FontString relative to the EditBox; inherits <Inset>.


<GameTooltip> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a GameTooltip widget) formats a tooltip.

<GameTooltip />


<MessageFrame> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a MessageFrame widget) prints messages.

	<FontString />
	<TextInsets />
font (xs:string)
fade (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - True causes messages to fade slowly; false causes them to disappear instantly.
fadeDuration (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Default 3.0
fadePower (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Default 1.0
displayDuration (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Default 10.0
insertMode (ui:INSERTMODE) - "TOP", or "BOTTOM" (default)


<TextInsets> defines padding (+) or overflow (-) of the FontString relative to the MessageFrame; inherits <Inset>.


<Model> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a Model widget) renders a 3D model.

file (xs:string) - Relative path to a resource starting from Interface/.
modelScale (xs:float)
fogNear (xs:float)
fogFar (xs:float)
glow (xs:float)
drawLayer (ui:DRAWLAYER) - See <Layer>.

<FogColor> inherits from <Color>.


<PlayerModel> (inherits from <Model>, creates a PlayerModel widget) displays a pose of the player character.


<DressUpModel> (inherits from <PlayerModel>, creates a DressUpModel widget) trials equipment appearances on the player character.


<TabardModel> (inherits from <PlayerModel>, creates a TabardModel widget) trials tabard appearances on the player character.


<CinematicModel> (inherits from <Model>, creates a CinematicModel widget) displays a creature in a pose.

facing (boolean) - Whether or not the model is facing left.


<UiCamera> (inherits from <Model>, creates a UiCamera widget) -- needs summary.


<ScrollFrame> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a ScrollFrame widget) provides a scroll bar for the user to scroll a <ScrollChild> frame.

	<ScrollChild />

<ScrollChild> inherits from <Frame>.


<ScrollingMessageFrame> is an intrinsic frame, extending <Frame>


<SimpleHTML> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a SimpleHTML widget) renders HTML content.

<SimpleHTML font="" file="" hyperlinkFormat="" resizeToFitContents="">
	<FontString />
	<FontStringHeader1 />
	<FontStringHeader2 />
	<FontStringHeader3 />
font (xs:string) - See <Font>.
file (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
hyperlinkFormat (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Defaults to |H%s|h%s|h, similar to the hyperlink escape sequence.
resizeToFitContents (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)


<FontStringHeader1> (inherits from <FontString>) defines the <H1> font.

<FontStringHeader2> and <FontStringHeader3> similarly apply to the <H2> and <H3> fonts.


<Slider> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a Slider widget) selects a value within a range.

<Slider drawLayer="" minValue="" maxValue="" defaultValue="" valueStep="" orientation="" obeyStepOnDrag="">
	<ThumbTexture />
drawLayer (ui:DRAWLAYER) - See <Texture>.
minValue (xs:float) - Sets the left or bottom limit of the range of selectable values.
maxValue (xs:float) - Sets the right or top limit of the range of selectable values.
defaultValue (xs:float) - Normally in the range of minValue and maxValue
valueStep (xs:float) - Sets the increment by which values jump as the slider is dragged.
orientation (ui:ORIENTATION) - HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL (default).
obeyStepOnDrag (xs:boolean)

<ThumbTexture> inherits from <FontString>.


<StatusBar> creates a bar that fills from minValue to maxValue.

<StatusBar drawLayer="" minValue="" maxValue="" defaultValue="" orientation="" rotatesTexture="" reverseFill="">
	<BarTexture />
	<BarColor />
drawLayer (ui:DRAWLAYER) - See <Texture>.
minValue (xs:float) - Value when the bar is empty (e.g. 0 for a health bar).
maxValue (xs:float) - Value when the bar is full (e.g. UnitHealthMax).
defaultValue (xs:float) - In the range of [minValue, maxValue].
orientation (ui:ORIENTATION) - "HORIZONTAL" (default), "VERTICAL"
rotatesTexture (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
reverseFill (boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)

<BarTexture> inherits from <Texture>.

<BarColor> inherits from <Color>.


<ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame widget) marks an archaeology dig site.

<ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame filltexture="" bordertexture="" />
filltexture (xs:string)
bordertexture (xs:string)


<ScenarioPOIFrame> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a ScenarioPOIFrame widget) marks a scenario point of interest.

<ScenarioPOIFrame filltexture="" bordertexture="" />
filltexture (xs:string)
bordertexture (xs:string)


<QuestPOIFrame> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a QuestPOIFrame widget) marks a quest location.

<QuestPOIFrame filltexture="" bordertexture="" />
filltexture (xs:string)
bordertexture (xs:string)


<Texture> (inherits from <LayoutFrame>, creates a Texture widget) draws an image, solid color, or gradient.

	<TexCoords />
	<Color />
	<Gradient />
file (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Loads a BLP, JPEG or TGA.
mask (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Applies a <MaskTexture>.
alphaMode (ui:ALPHAMODE?) - Blends overlapping textures.
alpha (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Sets opacity from 0 to 1.
scale (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Scales the widget's coordinate system.
snapToPixelGrid (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
texelSnappingBias (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.)
hWrapMode (ui:WRAPMODE)
vWrapMode (ui:WRAPMODE)
ignoreParentAlpha (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's alpha.
ignoreParentScale (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's scale.
nonBlocking (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
horizTile (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
vertTile (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
atlas (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Loads a predefined file and coords.
useAtlasSize (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
desaturated (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Removes color.

<TexCoords> samples part of an image file, using either four edges or a <Rect> child element.

left (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) -Left edge, normalized from left (0) to right (1).
right (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Right edge, normalized from left (0) to right (1).
top (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Top edge, normalized from top (0) to bottom (1).
bottom (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Bottom edge, normalized from top (0) to bottom (1).
<Rect> has eight attributes to define an affine transformation from arbitrary (non-right-angled) corners.
ULx (xs:float) - Upper-left, x coord, normalized from left (0) to right (1).
ULy (xs:float) - Upper-left, y coord, normalized from top (0) to bottom (1).
LLx (xs:float) - Lower-left, x coord, normalized from left (0) to right (1).
LLy (xs:float) - Lower-left, y coord, normalized from top (0) to bottom (1).
URx (xs:float) - Upper-right, x coord, normalized from left (0) to right (1).
URy (xs:float) - Upper-right, y coord, normalized from top (0) to bottom (1).
LRx (xs:float) - Lower-right, x coord, normalized from left (0) to right (1).
LRy (xs:float) - Lower-right, y coord, normalized from top (0) to bottom (1).

<Color> sets color using RGB values or a ColorMixin, and alpha.

r (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Red component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
g (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Green component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
b (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Blue component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
a (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Alpha (opacity) from 0.0 to 1.0 (default).
name (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a ColorMixin made with CreateColor().

<Gradient> defines a gradient between two solid colors, <MinColor> and <MaxColor>.

orientation (ui:ORIENTATION) - "HORIZONTAL" (default) or "VERTICAL"
<MinColor> and <MaxColor> inherit from <Color>


<MaskTexture> (inherits from <Texture>, creates a MaskTexture widget) applies a mask to other textures.

		<MaskedTexture />

<MaskedTextures> encloses one or more <MaskedTexture> tags.

<MaskedTexture> identifies a texture upon which to apply this mask.

childKey (xs:string) - The parentKey of another <Texture> in the same Frame.
target (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)


<Line> (child of <Layer>, creates a Line widget) draws a line.

<Line thickness="">
	<StartAnchor />
	<EndAnchor />
thickness (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Defaults to 4.0

<StartAnchor> and <EndAnchor> inherit from <Anchor>


<FontString> (inherits from <LayoutFrame>, creates a FontString) draws text.

	<FontHeight />
	<Color />
	<Shadow />
font (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
bytes (xs:int?Optional. Could be nil.) - Defaults to 255.
text (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
spacing (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.)
outline (ui:OUTLINETYPE) - "NORMAL", "THICK".
monochrome (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
nonspacewrap (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
wordwrap (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
maxLines (xs:unsignedInt?Optional. Could be nil.)
indented (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
alpha (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Sets the alpha.
ignoreParentAlpha (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's alpha.
ignoreParentScale (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Prevents resizing due to the parent frame's scale.

<FontHeight> sets the font height.

val (xs:float) - Sets the font height, scaling dependent.

<Color> sets color using RGB values or a ColorMixin, and alpha.

r (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Red component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
g (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Green component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
b (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Blue component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
a (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Alpha (opacity) from 0.0 to 1.0 (default).
name (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a ColorMixin made with CreateColor().

<Shadow> places a shadow behind text with a <Color> child tag.

x (xs:float) - Left (+) or right (-), scaling dependent.
y (xs:float) - Up (+) or down (-), scaling dependent.


<Font> (creates a Font object) defines a font for text-containing elements like <FontString> and <EditBox>.

	<FontHeight />
	<Color />
	<Shadow />
name (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Similar to <LayoutFrame>; normally required but may be omitted inside a <FontFamily>
inherits (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Similar to <LayoutFrame>.
virtual (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Similar to <LayoutFrame>.
font (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
spacing (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.)
outline (ui:OUTLINETYPE ?) - "NONE" (default), "NORMAL", "THICK"
monochrome (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
justifyV (ui:JUSTIFYVTYPE ?) - "TOP", "BOTTOM", "MIDDLE" (default)
justifyH (ui:JUSTIFYVTYPE ?) - "LEFT", "RIGHT", "CENTER" (default)
height (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.)
fixedSize (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)
filter (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)

<FontHeight> sets the font height.

val (xs:float) - Sets the font height, scaling dependent.

<Color> sets color using RGB values or a ColorMixin, and alpha.

r (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Red component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
g (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Green component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
b (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Blue component from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.
a (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Alpha (opacity) from 0.0 to 1.0 (default).
name (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a ColorMixin made with CreateColor().

<Shadow> places a shadow behind text with a <Color> child tag.

x (xs:float) - Left (+) or right (-), scaling dependent.
y (xs:float) - Up (+) or down (-), scaling dependent.


<FontFamily> (creates a Font object) has a <Member> for each alphabet (character set), each enclosing a <Font> tag.

<FontFamily name="" virtual="">
	<Member alphabet="">
		<Font />
name (xs:string) - Similar to <LayoutFrame>.
virtual (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Similar to <LayoutFrame>.

<Member> encloses a single <Font> tag; and one member is chosen when the game loads.

alphabet (xs:string) - "roman", "korean", "simplifiedchinese", "traditionalchinese", "russian"


<AnimationGroup> (creates an AnimationGroup widget) encloses <Animation> tags.

	<Animation />
	<Scripts />
name (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Adds a reference to _G, substituting $parent with a parent's name.
inherits (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Inherits a comma-separated list of XML virtual templates.
virtual (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.) - Creates an XML virtual template instead of a widget (requires name).
parentKey (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Adds a reference to the widget's parent.
parentArray ((xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Inserts a reference to an array in the widget's parent.
looping (ui:ANIMLOOPTYPE) - Defaults to false.
setToFinalAlpha (xs:boolean)

<Scripts> contains widget script handlers such as <OnLoad> or <OnUpdate>.

Each widget script may enclose Lua code between the tags.
function (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a function instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
method (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a widget method instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
inherit (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hooks (prepend, append) other scripts inherited through an XML virtual template.
intrinsicOrder (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hooks (precall, postcall) other scripts when copied as an intrinsic frame.
autoEnableInput (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)


<Animation> abstracts tags and attributes common to Animations that animate a <LayoutFrame>.

	<Scripts />
name (xs:string) - See <LayoutFrame>.
inherits (xs:string) - See <LayoutFrame>.
virtual (xs:boolean) - See <LayoutFrame>.
target (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
targetKey (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
parentKey (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
childKey (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.)
startDelay (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Delay in seconds until the animation begins.
endDelay (xs:float?Optional. Could be nil.) - Delay in seconds after the animation finishes.
duration (xs:float) - Duration of the animation in seconds.
order (ui:AnimOrderType) - Whole number between 1 (default) and 100
smoothing (ui:ANIMSMOOTHTYPE) - NONE (default), IN, OUT, IN_OUT or OUT_IN

<Scripts> contains widget script handlers such as <OnLoad> or <OnUpdate>.

Each widget script may enclose Lua code between the tags.
function (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a function instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
method (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Name of a widget method instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
inherit (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hooks (prepend, append) other scripts inherited through an XML virtual template.
intrinsicOrder (xs:string?Optional. Could be nil.) - Hooks (precall, postcall) other scripts when copied as an intrinsic frame.
autoEnableInput (xs:boolean?Optional. Could be nil.)


<Alpha> (inherits from <Animation>, creates an Alpha animation) changes a Region's alpha.

<Alpha fromAlpha="" toAlpha="" />
fromAlpha (xs:float) - Starting alpha as the animation begins.
toAlpha (xs:float) - Finishing alpha as the animation ends.


<Scale> (inherits from <Animation>, creates a Scale animation) resizes a Region.

<Scale scaleX="" scaleY="" fromScaleX="" fromScaleY="" toScaleX="" toScaleY="" />
scaleX (xs:float) - Defaults to 1.0.
scaleY (xs:float) - Defaults to 1.0.
fromScaleX (xs:float) - Defaults to 1.0.
fromScaleY (xs:float) - Defaults to 1.0.
toScaleX (xs:float) - Defaults to 1.0.
toScaleY (xs:float) - Defaults to 1.0.


<LineScale> inherits from <Scale>; creates a LineScale animation.


<Translation> (inherits from <Animation>, creates a Translation animation) moves a Region.

<Translation  offsetX="" offsetY="" />
offsetX (xs:float) - Defaults to 0.0.
offsetY (xs:float) - Defaults to 0.0.


<LineTranslation> inherits from <Translation>; creates a LineTranslation animation.


<Path> (inherits from <Animation>, creates a Path animation) moves a region through control points.

<Path curve="">
		<ControlPoint name="" offsetX="" offsetY="" />
curve (ui:ANIMCURVETYPE) - NONE (default), SMOOTH.

<ControlPoints> encloses <ControlPoint> tags.

<ControlPoint> describes offset coordinates from the region's position.

name (xs:string)
offsetX (xs:float)
offsetY (xs:float)


<Rotation> (inherits from <Animation>, creates a Rotation animation) rotates a Region around an origin.

<Rotation degrees="" radians="">
	<Origin point="">
		<Offset />
degrees (xs:float)
radians (xs:float)

<Origin> defines the point about which the region rotates.

point (ui:FRAMEPOINT) - See <LayoutFrame>; defaults to "CENTER".

<Offset> inherits from <Dimension>



See also

Not documented:

Not intended for user-made AddOns:

Removed or no longer used: