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Alliance Alliance
Lion of Azeroth
Leading Body Alliance Security Assembly
Main leaders IconSmall AnduinKing.gif Anduin Wrynn (MIA)
IconSmall Muradin.gif Muradin Bronzebeard
IconSmall Mekkatorque.gif Gelbin Mekkatorque
IconSmall Calia.gif Calia Menethil
IconSmall Lor'themar.gif Lor'themar Theron
IconSmall Worgen2 Female.gifIconSmall Tess.gif Tess Greymane
IconSmall Ji.gif Ji Firepaw
Allied Leaders IconSmall Fareeya.gif Adjutant Fareeya
IconSmall Thalyssra.gif Thalyssra
IconSmall Moira.gif Moira Thaurissan
IconSmall Jaina3.gif Jaina Proudmoore
IconSmall Erazmin.gif Prince Erazmin
Main Races HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
WorgenWorgen Worgen
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Dracthyr Dracthyr
Allied Races Lightforged draeneiLightforged draenei Sha'tari
NightborneNightborne Nightborne
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
HumanHuman Kul Tiran
Mechagon mechagnomeMechagon mechagnome Mechagnome
Other Races Wildhammer dwarfWildhammer dwarf Wildhammer dwarf
High elfHigh elf High elf
IconSmall Wretched.gif Wretched
IconSmall FrostDwarf Male.gifIconSmall FrostDwarf Female.gif Frostborn
Jinyu Jinyu
IconSmall Ankoan.gif Ankoan
Capitals Stormwind City, Ironforge, Ruins of Lordaeron, Silvermoon City, Gilneas City
Undercity †
Allied Cities Vindicaar, Suramar, Shadowforge City, Boralus, Mechagon
Major Settlements Bael'dun, Shrine of Two Moons, Stormshield, Nethergarde, Stromgarde
Theramore †
Forces Defilers, League of Arathor, Stormpike Guard, Wildhammer Defenders, Gnomeregan Garrison, Bloodhawks


Supreme Commander: The Office of the Supreme Commander, originally called the Supreme Allied Commander, is the head of the cojoined Alliance military. The office was created to sate quarrelling human kings who did not trust one another to lead the war effort but also did not want to be slighted by raising a lower class to lead their forces, thus King Menethil suggested creating the role and giving it to Anduin Lothar, last of the Arathi bloodline, as a compromise. Lothar would carry that title until his death at Black Rock Spire, where Turalyon would take command of the war however he did not assume the title of Supreme Commander. The next Supreme Commander was Khadgar, who was in command of the Alliance Expedition during the Invasion of Draenor. After Khadgar no one officially held the title, though Uther was considered a pseudo Supreme Commander during post-war efforts as he led the Alliance military until the Third War.

Post-Third War saw the title revived as King Magni Bronzebeard would assume the title of acting Supreme Commander and under his leadership the Alliance saw conflicts across the world such as the Stormpike Guard's imperialism, the Ironforge Brigade efforts in Silithus, and the dwarves spear headed the effort against the draconic masters of Black Rock Spire. He only assumed this title due to Ironforge's status as the most stable power in the Alliance at the time, however with the return of King Varian to the Stormwind throne and the induction of the Forsaken and Blood elves into the Alliance he would absolish this title to placate those leaders who did not want him above them, most notably Sylvanas.

Officially the title would return during the Alliance-Horde War, when Varian Wrynn personally led the war effort against the Horde, being granted the powers of the office during the campaigns in Pandaria. He would keep this title throughout the Hellscream Wars until his death at the hands of the revived Gul'dan at the onset of the Third Invasion. The disarster at Broken Shore led to the forces of Stormwind, Ironforge and Gnomeregan depleted, so Sylvanas Windrunner would assume the title with support of the northern Alliance races. She would keep the title after the Argus campaign into the War of Thorns and the Fourth War, where she personally led the Alliance agianst the Horde, burning Teldrassil and seeing Undercity lost. While the Alliance made massive gains during this war ultimately it led to a schism that nearly destroyed the Alliance until Sylvanas was forcifully removed from office and attempted to be arrested, only for her to flee. While Turalyon was offered the position of Supreme Commander he instead opted to leave the office empty, stating that examples such as Sylvanas and Garrosh show what happens when one person has too much power. A Security council was established instead with a rotating roster.

IconSmall Lothar.gif Anduin Lothar †- First Supreme Commander.
IconSmall Khadgar.gif Khadgar- Supreme Allied Commander of the Alliance Expedition.
IconSmall Magni.gif Magni Bronzebeard- Acting Supreme Commander post-Third War.
IconSmall Varian.gif Varian Wrynn †- Supreme Commander from the Hellscream Wars until his death during the Third Invasion.
IconSmall Sylvanas.gif Sylvanas Windrunner- Supreme Commander during the Third Invasion and the Fourth War. Last Supreme Commander.

Northern and Southern Alliance

The Alliance suffered a division within itself for many years. Following the Third War the faction was greatly depleted in numbers and members, which led to Bolvar Fordragon championing the addition of the Forsaken to the Alliance, giving them a stronghold in the lost Lordaeron. However the undead struggled to relate to their living counterparts and often kept to themselves, especially as the Forsaken would often poke at the Horde and inflame relations between the two world powers which in turn caused some of the Alliance to look down upon the Forsaken. Sylvanas would champion the induction of the Blood elves of Quel'Thalas into the Alliance, granting them a seat equal to Ironforge and Stormwind, and later after the Scourge War the Forsaken would bring the cursed nation of Gilneas back into the Alliance. The role the Forsaken played to securing the homelands of the blood elves and worgen made them close allies to them, and not to the southern Alliance.

For some in the south, this "Northern Alliance" was nightmarish, consisting of Undead, vampiric elves and cursed Worgen, while many in the north saw the "Southern Alliance" of Stormwind, Gnomeregan and Ironforge as being haughty, aloof and arrogant. Officially they were one and the same Alliance, however some saw them as two seperate entities that shared a common goal and name. During the Hellscream Wars Varian, who managed to secure enough support to be named Supreme Commander, saw the Alliance darkening and splintering from the war and thus he accepted the peace with the Horde rebels in the name of preserving the Alliance. He feared further conflict would embolden the Forsaken and their allies further. His fears seemed founded, as after his death Sylvanas assumed the mantle of Supreme Commander and led a brutal war against the Horde, seeding her agents and loyalists in various high places in the Alliance military to keep a tight leash on it. Her reign nearly destroyed the Alliance as the northern and southern Alliances nearly came to blows before Turalyon was able to prove Sylvanas' actions were not in the Alliance's best interests, but someone else's.

In the many years since the end of the Fourth War many attempts have been made to bridge gaps and erase such notions of a north and south. The addition of many allied races that do not fit into this divide helps close this divide.

Second Battle of Lordaeron
Troll vs Footman by Marta Nael.jpg
Location Tirisfal Glades

End of the War.

  • Sylvanas Windrunner deposed as Supreme Allied Commander.
  • Horde withdraw from Tirisfal Glades.
  • Turalyon dies.

Southern Alliance


Northern Alliance



Commanders and leaders

Southern Alliance


Northern Alliance



Casualties and losses

Southern Alliance

  • Moderate

Northern Alliance

  • Moderate


  • Light
Previous Nazjatar Campaign