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The Corruption of the Eredar

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1.

Thirteen thousand years ago,[1] the dark titan Sargeras came to Argus seeiking to recruit the Eredar to serve as commanders for his Burning Legion. The eredar were highly advanced, a race far more intelligent than any other Sargeras had encountered. The eredar hungered for knowledge above all else. By attaining it, they believed they could shape the universe into a better and more benevolent place.

Kil'jaeden, Velen, and Archimonde, leaders of the eredar when Sargeras appeared.

Sargeras communed with them under the guise of a radiant and elegant being, promising their three leaders, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, and Velen, knowledge and unimaginable power. He showed them worlds beyond count over which they might hold dominion, primitive places that the eredar could transform into sanctuaries of peace and intellectual thought. Sargeras vowed to share with the eredar not only the most obscure secrets of existence, but also the final answer to what he believed was the fundamental flaw in creation. In return, the denizens of Argus would devote themselves to Sargeras’s grand work and help him remedy that flaw.

The offer awed both Archimonde and Kil’jaeden, who were honored to be part of this grand undertaking. Velen, however, was not convinced. He sensed something strange about the seemingly beautiful and all-knowing creature who had appeared to them. A troubling vision soon came to Velen, who saw the eredar transformed into unspeakable demons. But despite Velen's misgivings, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden agreed to join Sargeras' Burning Legion. Kil'jaeden was one of the eredar race's most beloved leaders. With a mere word, he could sway the hearts and mind of his people. When he joined the demonic Burning Legion, many eredar blindly followed his path.[2]

Velen despaired at the fate of his people. In this moment of desperation, the same beings who had granted him his vision of the eredar’s downfall reached out to him. One of the naaru, K’ure, contacted the eredar leader and offered to shepherd him and his closest allies to safety. Filled with renewed hope, Velen sought out other eredar whom he believed he could trust. Velen specifically asked Talgath, an old friend and one of the Council to the Triumvirate, to bring Velen's family to the highest mountain of the land. Unfortunately, Talgath was himself seduced by those very promises and betrayed Velen and his cohorts to Kil'jaeden.[3] As Sargeras arrived on Argus to corrupt the unsuspecting eredar, Velen and his followers made their daring escape. They gathered aboard a massive naaru dimensional fortress known as the Genedar and fled their homeworld forever. From that day forward, Velen and his followers would be known as the draenei, or “exiled ones.”

The Triumvirate divided.

On Argus, Sargeras bent the other eredar to his unholy will. Fanatical fel whisperings surged through the minds of the world’s inhabitants, drowning out their ability to reason. Sargeras also infused the eredar with fel energies, twisting their forms to resemble hideous demons. The draenei would call their demonic brethren "man'ari" from that point on, meaning "unnatural beings" in their tongue. Sargeras found quick use for his new fel-corrupted converts. The eredar settled in as commanders within the Burning Legion. Kil’jaeden and Archimonde would stand as the most gifted and powerful among them. The eredar primary language, Eredun, would become the Legion's common language.[4] Argus became a demon world, and the stronghold of the Burning Legion.[5]

Argus, after being conquered by the Legion.

Sargeras molded Kil’jaeden’s innate cunning and intellect to suit the Legion’s designs. Known thereafter as “the Deceiver,” Kil’jaeden was charged with using his wits to beguile the mortal civilizations of the physical universe and transform them into agents of the Burning Legion. Sargeras also saw Archimonde’s talent in motivating his people as an invaluable tool to strengthen the Burning Crusade. Archimonde, henceforth known as “the Defiler,” would use his powerful will to drive the demonic masses to acts of extreme violence and barbarism. He would draw out and temper the furious strength in all those who served under him, remaking them into weapons of annihilation.

Under the eredar’s leadership, the ranks of the Burning Legion swelled with new demonic races, gathered from the Twisting Nether and the worlds of the Great Dark. Archimonde empowered the monstrous pit lords and conscripted them to serve as living siege engines. The mo’arg, a highly resourceful and industrious race of demons, became the Legion’s armorers. Kil’jaeden also brought in the devious succubi to infiltrate prospective worlds for conquest and gather intelligence about their civilizations. The brutal doomguard, demon warriors of unsurpassed strength and cruelty, fought as the Legion’s shock troops. The zealous shivarra became the Legion’s foremost mystics and advisors. Pleased with his burgeoning forces, Sargeras launched the demons into the Great Dark, renewing his Burning Crusade against creation. In the ages to come, the Legion would scour countless other worlds and civilizations from existence under the direction of the man'ari eredar.

The War of the Ancients

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to War of the Ancients Trilogy.

Ten thousand years ago, many man'ari eredar took part in the War of the Ancients. The reckless experimentation on the Well of Eternity by the Highborne attracted the attention of demonic entities from the Twisting Nether, including Sargeras and the Burning Legion. Discovering Azeroth's location, Sargeras mobilized his demonic legions and sought a way to reach the world. uch as he had done with the eredar on Argus, Sargeras reached out to the Highborne and capitalized on their hubris. He promised them immense power in exchange for summoning his agents to Azeroth. Enthralled, Queen Azshara and the Highborne used the Well's energies to bring the Legion's minions into their world, unleashing a wave of destruction.

The Ancient Guardian Malorne battling Archimonde during the War of the Ancients.

Archimonde himself would eventually be summoned into the world. Under Archimonde's direction, the Burning Legion's portal to Azeroth grew increasingly powerful, allowing more demonic reinforcements to flood through. Archimonde personally led the charge against the defenders of Azeroth, including the night elves and their allies. One of Archimonde's most significant acts during the war was his battle against Malorne, the great demigod stag and father of Cenarius. In a brutal confrontation, Archimonde utilized his immense magical prowess to grow in size and power, ultimately overpowering and killing Malorne.

Another man'ari eredar of note during the War of the Ancients was Sataiel. During the war Sargeras sought to break the will of the people of Azeroth with Ulthalesh, a weapon of unfathomable strength, which he gave to Sataiel, the first necrolyte. Sargeras commanded her to reap the souls of Azeroth's rebellious denizens, starting with the area that would later be known as Deadwind Pass. Countless trolls, were methodically slain, their spirits consumed by Ulthalesh, fueling its power to murder more. Sataiel also turned the blade on the land itself, draining it of life. The explosive force from the ritual carved a massive crater into the ground, and it roiled with unnatural energies, forming a magical nexus. Being notoriously ambitious, and fearless to the point of arrogance, Sataiel decided to keep the magical nexus for herself, and she cast potent wards to hide it from the outside world. Then she cut off all contact with the Legion, biding her time until she and Ulthalesh had the strength to challenge Sargeras himself.[6]

Despite the initial success of the Legion under Archimonde's command, the resistance, bolstered by the efforts of the night elves, their allies, and the intervention of powerful beings like the dragon Aspects, managed to slow their advance. Eventually, through the combined efforts of the night elf army which under the leadership of Jarod Shadowsong was bolstered by the inclusion of other races such as as the earthen, tauren, and furbolgs, as well as emergence of the Wild Gods and other fay creatures, a desperate assault against Zin-Azshari itself was executed. The battle would culminate with the destruction of the Well of the Eternity and as such the Legion portal it was sustaining, forcing Archimonde and the demonic invaders back into the Nether.

Sataiel would manage to stay on Azeroth however, for centuries, she guarded Ulthalesh and hoarded the magical nexus they had created. When Sargeras discovered her deception, he was furious and searched for an agent through whom to execute his punishment. Sargeras found his champion in Scavell, the Guardian of Tirisfal. He sent the Guardian visions of a dangerous entity lurking in Deadwind Pass, a demon awaiting the return of the Burning Legion. Scavell boldly took up the charge, hunting down Sataiel and, after an epic battle, slaying her with her own weapon. Her soul was cast screaming into the scythe.[7]

The Hunt for the Draenei

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 and 2.

Velen's rejection of Sargeras's grand vision and his subsequent escape enraged Kil'jaeden. Even though the draenei had vanished without a trace the Deceiver vowed never to stop hunting them, bent on vengeance for what he saw as Velen's betrayal. The legion hunted Velen and the draenei across dozens of worlds for thousands of years. Every time it seemed that the draenei had found a new home, the Burning Legion would fall upon them. The indigenous races of many worlds were oftentimes mutated by the man'ari's malevolent warlock powers and turned into demons, marking such twisted demonic beings as man'ari themselves. One such world was Fanlin'Deskor, whose surface was ripped apart by the Legion, after which nothing was left behind.[8]

Another was Shar'gel where the draenei were only able to escape through the heroic sacrifice of the priestess Askara, the wielder of  [T'uure, Beacon of the Naaru], and seventy other draenei who were able to distract the Legion and buy the rest of of their kin enough time to escape from Shar'gel. After the battle, T'uure fell into the Burning Legion's hands. Kil'jaeden bestowed T'uure to Lady Calindris, a man'ari priestess with an intimate knowledge of T'uure and the holy magics of the draenei.[9]

For millenia the Genedar was the draenei’s only true home. But traveling through the cosmos required incredible amounts of energy. The naaru’s spirits had to bear the burden of this extended journey, and over time, they weakened. As their radiant energies flagged, the Genedar threatened to fall apart. The naaru knew that the time for running had come to an end. They found a world the Legion had not yet touched, and they called on their dwindling powers in a desperate attempt to reach it. Two hundred years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the Draenei crash-landed on the planet they would name Draenor, meaning "Exile's Refuge" where they would settle and create a new civilisation of their own.

Twelve years before the Dark Portal, Talgath, who had been personally tasked by Kil'jaeden to track down the draenei, discovered them on Draenor. When the Genedar crashed on Draenor, the impact had sent waves of holy energy surging through the Twisting Nether. Talgath sensed this influx of power and investigated the strange phenomenon. For more than a century, Talgath tracked the contrails of holy power, until he reached Draenor. Talgath relayed information about the draenei and their way of life to Ki'jaeden, along with details of the orcs and the world’s other indigenous races.

Kil'jaeden initially desired to immediately annihilate the Draenei, but he refrained from doing so. Under the direct orders of Sargeras, he and the other commanders of the Burning Legion were tasked with discovering new races to join their forces. Kil'jaeden saw potential in the orcs for this purpose. Consequently, he instructed Talgath to continue monitoring Draenor and its inhabitants. Kil'jaeden needed to gather more information about the orcs and their customs before making any further decisions.

Kil’jaeden learned that the orcs are a resilient and manipulable race, ideal for vengeance against the draenei and future use in the Legion. He recruited Gul’dan, an exiled orc, promising power in exchange for corrupting the orcs. Gul’dan mastered fel magic and created chaos among the orcs, leading to their desperation and uniting them under false pretenses against the draenei. Kil’jaeden’s manipulations led to the formation of the Horde, with Gul’dan influencing the orc leader Ner’zhul and later appointing Blackhand as the Horde’s leader. Kil’jaeden facilitated the orcs’ corruption by having them drink Mannoroth's demon blood, binding them to the Legion.

The orcs waged a genocidal war against the draenei, destroying their cities and forcing Velen and survivors into hiding. Sargeras, pleased with the results, saw the orcs as a force to weaken Azeroth’s defenses for a future Legion invasion, leading to the opening of the Dark Portal and the start of the First War.

The First and Second War

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2 and 3.

In the years before the First War, Balaadur and his minions attacked mages loyal to the Council of Tirisfal. He created rifts in reality, forcing powerful conjurers and archmages into the Twisting Nether, where he killed them and took their weapons as trophies. As orcs rampaged through Stormwind, the mage Arrexis, following advice from Medivh (possessed by Sargeras), conducted a ritual at Karazhan meant to protect against demonic incursions. Instead, it opened a path to the Twisting Nether, leading to Balaadur's minions slaughtering Arrexis and his apprentices. Balaadur took Arrexis' staff,  [Ebonchill], as a trophy.[10]

Following Orgrim Doomhammer's take-over of the Horde and resulting in its victory during the First War, Kil'jaeden would reestablish contact with Gul'dan, telling the warlock to support Doomhammer. However Gul'dan would abandon the Horde at a crucial moment, having grown disillusioned with Kil'jaeden's promises, by going after the power within the Tomb of Sargeras instead. This lead to the defeat of the Horde from the Alliance during the Second War and thus dooming what would have also been a momentous victory for the Burning Legion.

Meanwhile Talgath would also make his way to Azeroth. There he stumbled upon an effective method of corruption: targeting the selfish, greedy, and ruthless to compete for power. This tactic proved effective with Azeroth's pirates, who raided each other for treasure without considering the risks. Talgath created a pair of nimble cutlasses, weapons favored by pirates, to corrupt them to the Burning Legion's cause. Around the Second War some Alliance ships reported encounters with pirates wielding glowing blades that emitted black smoke. These empowered pirates preyed on Alliance vessels, leaving no survivors. Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore led a hunt for them, eventually sinking their ship, the Bellwether. However, one pirate survived, burying the cursed weapons and treasure on an isolated island, where they remained hidden for years.[11]

After the Horde's defeat in the Second War, Kil’jaeden sought to avoid past mistakes by finding a powerful and loyal spirit to lead a puppet army. He chose Ner’zhul, who was captured and tortured, agreeing to serve Kil’jaeden in exchange for release. Transformed into the Lich King, Ner’zhul was bound to armor and a runeblade, tasked with creating a necromantic plague to weaken Azeroth’s defenses for a Legion invasion. Kil’jaeden sent the Lich King to Icecrown Glacier in Northrend and assigned dreadlords to oversee him. While appearing loyal, the Lich King manipulated the dreadlords, hiding his true power and intentions, and planning his eventual revenge against Kil’jaeden.

The Third War

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3.

Kel'Thuzad summoning Archimonde.

As the Scourge ravaged Lordaeron, the Lich King's machinations brought Arthas Menethil, the prince of Lordaeron, into the fold, eventually transforming him into a death knight. Arthas and the Scourge initiated the downfall of Lordaeron, Quel'Thalas, and Dalaran. The culmination of these events was Kel'Thuzad, a once Council of Six member turned Necromancer and later lich, summoning Archimonde to Azeroth using the Book of Medivh.

Though Kil’jaeden had laid the foundations for the Legion's second incursion to Azeroth, it was Archimonde, being the more seasoned battle commander, that would lead it. After being summoned Archimonde immediately targeted Dalaran, and cast a spell, reducing the city to rubble, fearing the magi would hinder the Legion's plans. Archimonde then transferred control of the Scourge to the dreadlords, believing the Lich King had fulfilled his purpose by creating an undead army for the Legion. He also ordered his forces assembled in Lordaeron to annihilate the remaining Alliance forces, ensuring no resistance would follow the Legion to Kalimdor. Archimonde sent Mannoroth and Tichondrius ahead to Kalimdor to prepare the way for the Legion’s invasion.

The invasion of Kalimdor would begin after the death of Cenarius which was caused by Mannoroth's machinations though the demon would fall as well. Archimonde left some demons and undead in the Eastern Kingdoms to maintain control while launching the rest of his forces into Ashenvale. Despite some resistance the demon army made swift progress. However Archimonde, who was a seasoned war leader, sought every advantage. He ordered Tichondrius, who possessesed the Skull of Gul'dan, to corrupt the forests and clear a path to the second Well of Eternity. This would lead to the creation of Felwood though Tichondrius would soon after be stopped by Illidan Stormrage.

Archimonde assaulting Nordrassil at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

As the Legion advanced up Mount Hyjal toward the second Well of Eternity, thousands of night elf Sentinels and druids, along with forest spirits, gathered to defend it, joined by Horde and Alliance forces. Despite their numbers, the defenders were fragmented and mistrustful. Sensing victory, Archimonde was unaware of Medivh’s presence and plans. Medivh united Thrall, Jaina Proudmoore, Tyrande Whisperwind, and Malfurion Stormrage, convincing them to set aside their differences. Malfurion proposed a drastic plan to ignite the powerful enchantments within the World Tree Nordrassil, causing an explosion that would destroy Archimonde and the Legion but also strip the night elves of their immortality.

As the defenders fought to buy time, many perished. When Archimonde reached Nordrassil, the druids had completed their work. Wisps emerged and channeled their energies into the World Tree, creating a shockwave that destroyed Archimonde and most of his forces, ending the Legion’s hopes of seizing the second Well of Eternity.

Kil'jaeden's fiery visage appears before Illidan at the Black Temple after Magtheridon's defeat.

Despite their defeat, Kil’jaeden believed the Burning Legion could still succeed using the Lich King, the remaining dreadlords, and the Scourge. However, the Lich King, growing independent, rallied Arthas Menethil, Kel’Thuzad, and the Scourge in Lordaeron, forcing the dreadlords to flee. Kil’jaeden realized the Lich King was a significant threat and sought a new weapon: Illidan Stormrage. After consuming the Skull of Gul’dan, Illidan had gained immense power and caught Kil’jaeden’s attention. Kil’jaeden offered him anything to destroy the Lich King, unaware of Illidan’s true goal to destroy the Legion. Illidan pretended to ally with Kil’jaeden, seeing it as a chance to learn more about the Legion and eliminate the Lich King, a Legion-created weapon.

Illidan failed to destroy the Lich King however and, fearing Kil’jaeden’s wrath, sought refuge in Outland. There, he overthrew Magtheridon with his allies' help. Kil’jaeden, learning of Illidan’s actions, appeared before him and demanded he return to Azeroth to kill the Lich King, threatening to destroy him if he disobeyed. Illidan obeyed but despite his best efforts, failed again, stopped by Arthas Menethil. He retreated to Outland again, drawing Kil’jaeden’s ire, who then prepared to launch an attack on Outland to punish Illidan.

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

In Outland Illidan built a formidable army and found ways to attack Legion-controlled worlds. Kil’jaeden realized Illidan aimed to destroy the Legion, possibly even striking Argus. To counter Illidan, Kil’jaeden sent an army led by Highlord Kruul. However, Illidan had closed many portals, delaying the Legion's advance. Fearing Illidan's potential attacks, Kil’jaeden devised a new strategy. He planned to manipulate the Horde and the Alliance into attacking Illidan, using their fear of his demon-fueled army. This would distract them and leave Azeroth vulnerable to a Legion invasion on a second front.

Kil’jaeden decided to lead this attack himself, recognizing that previous failures required his direct involvement. Instead of targeting the heavily guarded Well of Eternity, Kil’jaeden saw an opportunity with the Sunwell, which Kael'thas Sunstrider, an ally of Illidan who had helped him defeat Magtheridon, and the leader of the blood elves, had destroyed but which could be restored. Kil’jaeden learned of Anveena Teague, an avatar containing the Sunwell’s energy, through his spies in Quel’Thalas. Kael’thas Sunstrider was crucial to Kil’jaeden’s plan. Kil’jaeden would eventually manage to sway Kael'thas to his side and planned to use him to transform the Sunwell into a gateway for the Legion’s invasion.[12]

When Velen and his followers decided to commandeer the Exodar and seek allies in Azeroth, Kil’jaeden, aware of their plan, chose not to intervene, despite his desire to exterminate the draenei he believed that them reaching Azeroth would incite its inhabitants to fight Illidan and inadvertently aid the Legion.[13] While the draenei managed to take control of the vessel and take off for Azeroth, a man'ari eredar named Sironas alongside a group of blood elves who had been inside the Exodar when it left Netherstorm sabotaged the Exodar causing it to crash land in Azuremyst Isle. After surving the crash Sironas rounded up the blood elves survivivors of the wreck and retreated to what became Bloodmyst Isle. From there, they began causing major problems for the budding outpost of Blood Watch. [14]

At some point after the death of Medivh, the tower of Karazhan sealed itself.[15] Before the closing, demonic agents of the Burning Legion, led by Prince Malchezaar, managed to enter into Karazhan, as the tower is a portal into the Twisting Nether.[16]

In the year 26 after the Dark Portal, Kil'jaeden ordered the demon forces in Outland and what demons remained in Azeroth from the Third War to gather on their respective sides of the Dark Portal. Kil'jaeden guided them in a great ritual that led to the opening of the portal for the first time since the Second War. Soon after the Horde and the Alliance would mobilize their armies and launch them into Outland, while at first their focus was on the gathered Burning Legion forces soon they would set their eyes on Illidan and his forces who had also caused much harm on the inhabitants of Outland.[17]

Kil'jaeden emerges into Azeroth at the Sunwell.

Many man'ari eredar were present in Outland during this campaign. In Hellfire Peninsula, adventurer's faced against Arazzius the Cruel who commanded the Legion ground forces in Hellfire.[18] In Terokkar Forest, Levixus, a draenei turned man'ari, had been binding the tortured souls of Auchindoun to his will.[19] In Nagrand, Reth'hedron the Subduer lorded over Twilight Ridge,[20] while Demos oversaw Forge Camp: Hate. In Blade's Edge Mountains, Baelmon the Hound-Master maintained the ritual that kept the portal in Death's Door functioning, a portal from which Wrath Hounds were being summoned.[21] Another man'ari of note in the area was Terrordar the Tormentor who used to lead the demon forces Forge Camp: Terror.

In Netherstorm, the Burning Legion forces there were lead by Socrethar,[22] who was once Exarch Othaar but betrayed the draenei at some unknown point after their arrival in Draenor. A wrathguard named Azarad served as the overseer of Manaforge Ara.[23] Furthermore, inside the Arcatraz, Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates, who held position of honor among the wrathguards, was being detained.[24] In Shadowmoon Valley, Warbringer Razuun served as the Legion's overseer in Legion Hold.[25] While most man'ari in Outland served as commanders and overseer for the Burning Legion troops, some such as Illidari Lord Balthas served Illidan instead.

After Varedis Felsoul was killed at the Black Temple, his demonic soul entered the Twisting Nether, where Kil'jaeden found and tormented him. Kil'jaeden manipulated Varedis by suggesting the Illidari betrayed him during the battle. Kil'jaeden, with other man'ari, performed a painful ritual, infusing part of his soul into Varedis, transforming him into a demon loyal to the Burning Legion. Varedis's weapons had also been changed by the ritual, now the Twinblades of the Deceiver. Another demon hunter, Caria Felsoul, willingly joined the Burning Legion in exchange for power and Kil'jaeden bestowed her the ancient Aldrachi Warblades.[26]

Eventually Illidan and his forces would fall against the combined efforts of the Alliance and the Horde. Including Kael'thas Sunstrider, though Kil'jaeden had expected this outcome and made sure that his minions return the fallen prince to life. While the Horde and the Alliance directed their forces at the Black Temple, Kael'thas was sent to Azeroth, where he infiltrated Silvermoon City, took the dark naaru M'uru, and traveled to the Isle of Quel'Danas where he planned to use the Sunwell as a gateway for Kil'jaeden to enter the world. Kil'jaeden used the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, which he had retrieved from Ner'zhul after Draenor's destruction, to aid Kael'thas in opening the portal.[27] Adventurers fought their way through Kael's minions and Burning Legion demons, including many man'ari such as Grand Warlock Alythess and Lady Sacrolash, to reach the Sunwell, just in time to see Kil'jaeden begin pulling himself through. Anveena was held in an arcane barrier, her powers being drained to feed the portal, but later in the battle she sacrificed herself to weaken the Deceiver, who was then successfully banished back into the Nether.[28]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel.

After Garrosh Hellscream's defeat in the Siege of Orgrimmar, and subsequent escape to an alternate timeline of Draenor with the help of the bronze dragon Kairoz, he convinced Grommash Hellscream to distrust Gul'dan, preventing the orcs' corruption by the Blood Curse, and ruining Kil'jaeden's plans. Garrosh and Grommash gathered the orc clans, creating the Iron Horde and building a new Dark Portal in Tanaan Jungle. They launched an invasion of Azeroth, quickly overtaking parts of the Blasted Lands. However the Alliance and Horde united to repel the Iron Horde, and managed to push the invaders back through the portal and into this alternate Draenor where they would wage a war against the Iron Horde. With Kil'jaeden's plan falling to pieces, Archimonde took control of the Legion's invasion of Draenor himself. Under Archimonde, the Burning Legion was much more forceful and out in the open than they were in the main timeline.

The Halls of the Sargerei inside of Hellfire Citadel.

Just like in the main timeline, Exarch Othaar would betray the draenei and become a servant of the Burning Legion, transforming into a man'ari and changing his name to Socrethar.[29] However this time around he would also form the Sargerei, a faction consisting of draenei loyal to his cause many of whom would transform into man'ari as well. Before the reveal of his betrayal he, unsuccessfully, tried to get rid of Exarch Maladaar by giving him up to the Iron Horde,[29] and assassinated Exarch Hataaru.[30] Sargeri agents would help the Shadow Council infiltrate Auchindoun where Teron'gor would feast on the souls of the dead. In Shadowmoon Valley, they had opened a summoning portal where they were planning on summoning an army of demons.[31] Eventually the Sargerei were able to take over Shattrath but their occupation was short lived and Socrethar would be killed in the offensive.[32]

After Gul'dan claimed control of the Iron Horde, he brought his "gift" to the Sargerei, transforming them all into man'ari when before only a few had been.[33] Soon thereafter, the Sargerei, led by Tyrant Velhari, assaulted Auchindoun again and blew a hole into its lower grounds in order to find Teron'gor.[34] They also attacked the Temple of Sha'naar in Tanaan.[35] The Sargerei relocated to Hellfire Citadel, where most of them were killed by the champions of the Alliance and Horde when they raided the fortress, including Tyrant Velhari, and Socrethar who was able to return by inserting his soul inside a fel-twisted Vigilant body.

Ultimately Gul'dan summoned Archimonde himself into Draenor but the demon lord would be defeated by the combined efforts of the Alliance, the Horde and their allies. Before his death Archimonde launched Gul'dan through a portal to the main timeline Azeroth.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Gul'dan encounters his master once again.

After Archimonde's defeat in Hellfire Citadel, and Gul'dan's arrival in Azeroth, he was guided telepathically by Kil'jaeden to the Tomb of Sargeras, in the Broken Shore, where he was to open a portal to the Twisting Nether and start a new demon invasion of Azeroth. There Gul'dan faced Archmage Khadgar in battle, whom he was able to defeat after convincing Kil'jaeden to infuse him with the tomb's power. After his victory, instead of opening the portal for the Legion, Gul'dan used his new power to confront Kil'jaeden directly, accusing him of betrayal. Kil'jaeden however managed to convince Gul'dan to stay loyal to the Legion this time, unlike what happened with the main timeline Gul'dan, and thus the portal was opened and the Burning Legion's third great invasion of Azeroth began.[36]

Numerous man'ari eredar would be deployed during this invasion. Many of them were present in the Broken Shore during the Alliance-Horde offensive, and would later be seen around the Broken Isles and other parts of Azeroth. After the joined faction assault in the Broken Shore failed, the Legion launched invasions in different parts of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, many of these invasions were commanded by man'ari eredar, and many other man'ari would serve under them as soldiers. The Vault of the Wardens would also be assaulted, by a legion army lead by the man'ari Bastillax, forcing the Wardens to release the demon hunters that had been imprisioned there after Illidan's defeat in the Black Temple.[37]

Soon the defenders of Azeroth would set their eyes upon the rest of the Broken Isles where they hoped that by collecting the Pillars of Creation they might be able to stop the demonic invasion. After Dalaran was moved in the skies above the isles, champions from the Alliance, Horde and elsewhere would gather under the banners of different Class Orders and go into missions seeking powerful Artifact weapons that would aid them in the war.
