User:Plaguekiller/World of Warcraft: Fury of the Legion

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

World of Warcraft: Fury of the Legion is a suggested expansion pack idea to succeed World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. As hinted in the game by several occurrences, most notably the Battle for the Undercity and the return of Mal'Ganis, as well as Eligor Dawnbringer's hints that Detheroc may still be alive in Cataclysm, as well as Blizzard Entertainment's tendency to introduce surprising storylines as basis for new expansions (Vanilla contained a mix of all threats (mostly the Old Gods, though), TBC focused on Illidan Stormrage and the Illidari (with bits about the Legion, mainly SWP/Magtheridon), WotLK focused mainly on the Scourge (and on the Old Gods in Ulduar), Cataclysm wholly focused on the Old Gods' minions: most notably Deathwing, but also Al'Akir and Ragnaros and the Naga, as well as the Twilight's Hammer and War of the Ancients) are great evidences that speculatively this is the closest expansion pack idea to the successor of Cataclysm, as it is unlikely for Blizzard to continue on the same archetype of villains throughout two expansions (as if the Emerald Dream was caused by the Old Gods, which is most likely, Blizzard is unlikely to put another expansion against the Old Gods).

The return of the Burning Legion would be a fitting continuation of the storyline with preparations laid out in mainly Battle for the Undercity, the roles of Balnazzar and Mal'Ganis in the Scarlet Crusade and hints that Detheroc may still be alive, as well as still unexplained roles of Mephistroth, Azgalor, the Sayaad and the Shivarra and the racial leaders of all demonic races, as well as hints of the Shadow Council still surviving. With a fitting, more deceptive and unique World Event that is now triggered by the races of Azeroth themselves, as well as unique ways to execute the new expansion, this will be sent as a grand suggestion to Blizzard Entertainment to succeed Cataclysm.

Lore and Storyline

As with much expansion packs, Fury of the Legion is rich with lore and reason to explain the opening of the new instances, the new zones and the social/political situation at the time of the expansion.

Preceding Events

Chapter I: The Final Triumph Against the Old Gods

With Deathwing lying dead and his Black dragonflight and Twilight dragonflight dissoluted, divided in those who were redeemed and added to the Wyrmrest Accord and in those who still cling to their dead master, as well as the final of the Old Gods, N'Zoth, defeated and forever sealed from the world, the heroes of Azeroth stand victorious over the corpses (or "remains") of their nemeses' dead bodies. While political instability grows and grows as the unresolved feuds from the urgent Shattering begin to build up, the ending is not always a happy ending for the superpowers of Azeroth: the Alliance and the Horde. Instead, the end of the war against the Old Gods only destroyed their solidarity and unity with whisperings of the past, unfinished feuds coming to face them.

The ending of the last Old God and the Aspect of Evil, Deathwing, may not have necessarily fully eradicated the Twilight's Hammer. Although greatly weakened in power and left leaderless and with no beliefs to cling to, the vengeful cultists now roam the lands mindlessly seeking to avenge their dead masters, but with little effect. Even organized camps are not found of them anymore, instead much of them roam the lands as savage 'lone wolves' who are either maddened and vengeful or still as tricky, but this time following nobody's rules and thus only serving themselves by either robbery or scattered, unnoticeable criminal murders.

But not only the Twilight's Hammer was destroyed as a malicious order. Following the great uprise of heroes in the events known as the Cataclysm, much of Azeroth's sinister, independent orders were destroyed; namely orders such as Lord Godfrey's, the Defias Brotherhood, the Syndicate and much of the Kvaldir. Despite the diversity in each Azerothian's beliefs, much of Azeroth now fell to the superpowers of the Alliance and the Horde, the powers that eliminated the other Azerothian superpowers such as the Scourge, the Twilight's Hammer, the Black dragonflight and the Twilight dragonflight and allied themselves with the more powerful residents; the Dragonkin and Ancients.

And the Horde and the Alliance were not without their sins. Their constant war against each other seemed to become a natural habit, a forced acceptance of each other as old enemies and recently, most of the time, their rival comrades and allies. However, what truly tore the two factions apart is the political instability that threatened their nations. The greatest sufferer from political instability was, of course, the Horde.

Chapter II: A Decade of Conflict

Azeroth went through a severe decade of political conflict shortly after Deathwing's demise. Much of the states in the Horde and the Alliance went through internal conflicts that war against the opposing faction seemed difficult and refused out of the question.

The Horde's Political Status in the Following Two Years

Garrosh turned in time of weakness to his father figure, Thrall, for guidance.

Shortly after Deathwing's demise, the Battle for Gilneas City was won by the Alliance and thus the Worgen retained control of their home city, setting it as their new political home and refuge. This loss greatly angered Garrosh Hellscream, the Warchief of the Horde, that he admitted in fact to having the want to almost kill Sylvanas Windrunner for the strategical losses she caused, as well as putting the Horde's name in shame after their loss at one of Azeroth's most heated battles. Finding trouble in his rule and difficulty over controlling his now-revolutionary state leaders, such as Baine Bloodhoof, Vol'jin and the Dark Lady herself, Garrosh for once turned to his remaining father figure in the world, none other but the Lord of the Clans himself; Thrall. To prevent other heads of state from recognizing his internal weakness, Garrosh opened a top secret meeting at Grommash Hold and only invited Thrall in to discuss with him.

Though first the conversation started as lighthearted, a solving of a few old deeds, and a semi-acknowledgement by Garrosh of his weakness in leadership compared to Thrall; after Thrall refused to give Garrosh step-by-step guidance to regaining the trust of all of his racial leaders, and instead told him tips that Garrosh dismissed as "nonsense", a small quarrel ensued and eventually Garrosh dismissed Thrall out of Orgrimmar.

Although Garrosh knew he was wrong, he was mentally fighting to show he is stronger than Thrall thinks he is. He knew, deep down inside him, that Thrall was right. Changing his mind after calming down, Garrosh decided to indeed do what Thrall had advised him, and through a lot of personal challenges, Garrosh was finally able to execute a major Horde leader summit at Grommash Hold: racial leaders such as Vol'jin, Baine Bloodhoof and Lor'themar Theron attended, as well as respected war veterans such as Varok Saurfang, and even major diplomatic-political figures such as Eitrigg who, in their quest for peace, pretty much annoyed Garrosh. But it was an annoyance he had to take for the sake of the Horde's stability. For once, Garrosh had acted as a very wise leader. Significantly, Thrall wasn't invited to the summit.

The summit went smoothly with Garrosh addressing leaders as once again returning equal to the Warchief in force, establishing more rights for peons and certifying a lot of rewards to non-Orcish soldiers who participate in Horde battles in order to encourage them to loyalty. But the Warchief wasn't all soft on the other leaders. Garrosh demanded several demands; first off, he asked Lor'themar Theron to start arranging a new Council of Silvermoon to rule Silvermoon City instead of keeping the title Regent-Lord and to certify his leadership and arrange his nation both politically and through its military. Next, he asked Sylvanas Windrunner to take in more Orcish soldiers to oversee the actions in the Undercity, and urged Baine Bloodhoof to take action against the betrayers of the Grimtotem tribe in the Thousand Needles, ensuring Horde troop support should Baine start his campaign. Bloodhoof, thirsty to avenge his father, gladly accepted Garrosh's offer. Finally, Garrosh insisted that the Echo Isles be more fortified and more habitable as a city for trolls, ensuring that peons should start work there on a fortified Darkspear troll city should Vol'jin allow them. Vol'jin reluctantly gave Garrosh's peons the green light, hiding his inner hate for the Warchief by instead trying to gain from him some benefits.

The Silvermoon Interregnum

The Silvermoon Interregnum
Location Quel'Thalas, mostly Silvermoon City
Result Crushing, decisive victory of the Sin'dorei Resistance, Kor'kron and the Forsaken, the kidnapping of Bragor Bloodfist and Rokhan and the re-establishment and rehabilitation of Silvermoon City and Quel'Thalas.

Sin'dorei Resistance


Burning Legion

Commanders and leaders

Sin'dorei Resistance


Burning Legion

Following the Grommash Hold Summit, which occurred approximately a year after the fall of Deathwing, an unexpected crisis hit the streets of Silvermoon City when news arrived bearing that Lor'themar Theron was slain on his way back to Quel'Thalas by a large band of demons led by a powerful, high-ranking Fiend lord named Lord Avanoxus. The political factions of the Elven kingdom; the Blood Knights, Farstriders and Magisters, seized this as an opportunity to wage war against each other when all control was lost by Theron's death. Shortly after the instability began, Grand Magister Rommath announced his loyalty to the Burning Legion and that he had been the new lord of the Blood Elves since Kael'thas's death. Following Rommath was almost more than half of the Magisters, along with the majority of the warlocks of The Sanctum. Rommath took over Sunfury Spire with the aid of the traitors in the Blood Elves' ranks and with the aid of the surviving Felblood elves, led by the unscarred Selin Fireheart, who has managed to live through his wounds when adventurers of the Shattered Sun didn't pay much attention to assuring his death.

As Halduron Brightwing tried to unite the Blood Knights with his own Farstriders to counter the new threat, their hopes were crushed when the gates of Silvermoon City itself were broken by the malicious Lord Avanoxus, the Murderer of Lor'themar, along with thousands of his demonic soldiers. He was also joined by Baroness Pradasha, a very powerful Shivarra priestess who had come to the aid of the Legion forces.

Seeing himself outnumbered, Halduron Brightwing planned to alarm his Horde allies of the threat and call for their aid through magical portals, but he could see that a majority of the Magisters were under control by the Legion, and the few loyal ones were imprisoned inside the Sunfury Spire, their magical powers siphoned by the treacherous Rommath to open a portal to the Nathrezim homeworld of Xoroth. Seeing no other way than geographically reaching the nearest Horde checkpoint, which would be in this case the Undercity, Brightwing gathered a band of powerful and brave Blood Knights, Magisters and Farstriders for them to escape Silvermoon and report to the Undercity before the city itself is lost. Brightwing accompanied his new powerful comrades, known as the Emissaries of the Sun, and managed with their help to cut their way through the numerous Legion troops and exit Quel'Thalas to warn the Forsaken and the rest of the Horde. The Emissaries of the Sun, with their unmatched fighting prowess and magical talent, managed to reach the Undercity almost unharmed by the Legion under the command of Brightwing.

When the Dark Lady was informed of the ongoing war in Silvermoon, the shards of good still left in her undead heart managed to provoke her to long for her home and come to its defense as the former Ranger-General, as she accompanied the Emissaries of the Sun back to Quel'Thalas, along with a great number of her Forsaken and Dark Rangers. The rest of the Horde also sent reinforcements (although not wholeheartedly), with the majority of them being Kor'kron under the command of Captain Bragor Bloodfist; Overseer of the Undercity, who also accompanied Sylvanas and the Emissaries of the Sun. A portion of Darkspear trolls also answered the call to battle under the command of the renowned Shadow Hunter Rokhan.

The united Horde forces managed to cut their way through Quel'Thalas (once again) and reach the Shepherd Gate of Silvermoon, where they noticed the great forces of the Burning Legion. Giving it her best shot (because she didn't want to fail Quel'Thalas once again), Lady Sylvanas bravely used her strategical prowess to help Brightwing free the city, as she managed to retake the Walk of Elders and set it as the new refuge for attacked Blood Elven citizens to escape to. Since then, the Horde forces split into several powerful sub-legions to retake parts of the City. Sylvanas, seeing Murder Row as the second most-strengthened Legion-controlled part of the city, took it to herself and the Emissaries of the Sun, under Brightwing's command, along with the defenses of Silvermoon, to focus on that part of the city and slay Lord Avanoxus, who now has control of the district. Indeed, their efforts were successful as Avanoxus fell to the might of the united forces, while Bragor Bloodfist and Rokhan succeeded in freeing The Bazaar from Demonic forces by destroying the Felblood elves there and killing Selin Fireheart once and for all.

As the Horde began to march for victory, the battle at Farstriders Square was also won by slaughtering Baroness Pradasha and uniting the cause of all Blood Elves. The final, decisive Horde-Legion battle went in the Court of the Sun, where Dark Ranger Cyndia fell against the forces of the Legion under Rommath. However, Halduron Brightwing and his Emissaries managed to gather a strategic place to trap Rommath for his final fate, as they trapped him using a paralyzing Elven-designed arrow that Halduron sent to paralyze him, as Sylvanas took it to herself to end the traitor's life. As the Horde forces marched to Sunfury Spire to cleanse it of all remaining Burning Legion soldiers and Rommath-aligned traitors, they found that their goals were far from achieved when they broke into the Spire. There, with the arcane powers trapped inside the Spire by the ancestors of the Quel'dorei, the powerful Lord Dagrell from the malicious Tothrezim, along with his Tothrezim servitors, was casting a spell to summon his Nathrezim master. As the Horde forces set to defeat the ever-so-powerful Tothrezim, Dagrell bought the time to complete the summoning spell and eventually summoned the powerful dreadlord Varimathras, who was responsible for the Battle for the Undercity. This is the dialogue that ensued:

Halduron Brightwing says: My Lady, a summoning spell is ongoing here. The summoned one appears to be a dreadlord.
Varimathras yells: I have arrived, foolish mortals! Cower before the might of the new Warlord of the Nathrezim, Right Hand of Mephistroth; Varimathras!
Lord Dagrell says: Master, you.. are finally.. here.
Varimathras says: Tell me, Dagrell. Are we successful?
Sylvanas and the Horde break into the conversation.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Save yourself the endless self-praise, Varimathras! You will never be successful against my might!
Varimathras yells: SYLVANAS!
Varimathras yells: DAGRELL! What is the meaning of this?! Have you failed the master once again?!
Lord Dagrell says: I didn't mean to.. there were not enough commanders.. to prevent them from escaping, the Blood Elves. But we killed their Regent-Lord...
Varimathras yells: But the invasion has FAILED! You have FAILED me and the master, filthy tothrezim! I will take it to myself to punish you!
Varimathras casts a spell at Lord Dagrell, siphoning his life and killing him.
Varimathras yells: This is the fate of all who fail to serve the master. And as for you, Sylvanas..
Varimathras yells: Let me see what your might is.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: I won't deny you that request! This time, I won't spare your life!
Lady Sylvanas and the other commanders rush to battle Varimathras.
Bragor Bloodfist yells: LOK'TAR!
Varimathras is near 20% health.
Varimathras yells: Perhaps it was foolish to battle all of you at once! I think this is a time for retreat. But I will not return alone!
Varimathras casts Fel Prison on Bragor Bloodfist and Rokhan, and draws them to him through the Portal.
Darkspear Headhunter yells: ROKHAN! What dis be demon doin', mon!
Magister Kaendris says: He is apparently casting a spell to return them with him and corrupt them. We must stop him!
Varimathras yells: You are too late, "champions"! We shall meet soon..
Varimathras vanishes into the Portal, kidnapping Rokhan and Bloodfist along with him.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Such a tragic end to a battle. But for the time present, Silvermoon is freed.
Halduron Brightwing yells: On this day, brothers and sisters from the sin'dorei, we have proved to the demons that we are stronger than we ever were. On this day, we proved to them that dividing us and separating us to kill one another is not valid.. not anymore! We are one as the Blood Elves, as the Sin'dorei, as the descendants of the great Quel'dorei. No magical addictions stand between us, not anymore. No politics stand between our unity, not anymore. On this day, we have shown all disbelievers that WE ARE ONE! WE ARE QUEL'THALAS!

After the victory at the Interregnum, many Forsaken soldiers and Dark Rangers stayed inside Silvermoon to take residence while also many other returned back to the Undercity. This led to the retaking of the Ruins of Silvermoon from Scourge remnants and eventually turning it into a new district of Silvermoon City; Theron's Terrace, named in honor of Lor'themar Theron, though mostly inhabited by redeemed Magisters and Forsaken (i.e. the lower parts in sin'dorei society).

The leadership of the Sin'dorei was finally handed to the most significant leader of its Resistance, Halduron Brightwing. Under Brightwing, Quel'Thalas's ruling system changed from hereditary monarchy to elected leadership. Democratic elections would ensue each four years or "term" in Quel'Thalas between all political factions (Brightwing entered two new factions to participate; the Sunreavers and the Reliquary), and the winner of the elections will be set as the new Lord of Quel'Thalas, as well as the Overlord of the Emissaries of the Sun, now a fully established faction in Silvermoon. Halduron Brightwing is the new faction leader, surrounded by Lady Liadrin of the Blood Knights, Magister Kaendris of the Magisters, Scout Captain Elsia of the Sunreavers (in place of Aethas Sunreaver, who must always be in Dalaran) and Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher of the Reliquary.
