Carrion Fields
The Carrion Fields are the front-lines in the siege of Wintergarde Keep in the Dragonblight, where thousands of dead lay in the shadow of Kel'Thuzad's black fortress of Naxxramas. The area was formerly known as Wintergarde Village,[1] a large, thriving human settlement whose inhabitants welcomed the Alliance Vanguard's forces when the latter arrived and built Wintergarde Keep. Shortly after, the village was overrun by the Scourge and turned into a ruin.[2]
The Wintergarde Mausoleum was built underneath the old village. The Alliance forces in Wintergarde Keep were initially unaware of the mausoleum's existence until it was revealed by the village's undead ex-mayor, Godfrey Goodard.[3] The Carrion Fields also contain an abandoned blacksmith building and ruined barracks, both using an older design than the ones used by the Alliance.
When initially encountered, there will be villagers running around in this area.
Upon completion of [15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender, these villagers will be absent, having been airlifted to safety. Additionally, the inn in Wintergarde Keep will have some of those villagers present.
Patch changes
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.
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[15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 87
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[15-30] A Righteous Sermon