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Queen Azshara, perhaps the greatest sorceress the world of Azeroth had ever known.[1]

Sorcerers (or sorceresses, also spelled sorcerors) are practitioners of magic, such as arcane, fel, shadow, or necromantic magic. They come from various races and organizations, which they serve as powerful casters and scholar of their magical field. Using their destructive powers to defeat their enemies, most sorcerers are primarily mages, but they can also be warlocks or necromancers.

The most experienced sorcerers may be recognized by the title of "High Sorcerer"[2][3] or "High Sorceress",[4][5] while those delving in the secular arts are often referred to as "dark sorcerers".[6][7]

According to Illidan Stormrage, any sorcerer would keep parts of their mind sealed, as everyone had dark secrets and longings that they wanted no one to see.[8]


Blue dragons attacking the Highborne sorcerers in the forest of Moonsong.

Night elves

At the time of the Ancient Kalimdor, the Highborne were the upper class composed of the most powerful sorcerers of the ancient night elf civilization,[9] they became obsessed with unlocking the Well of Eternity's secrets and began rigorously studying the lake's arcane energies.[10] The Moon Guard were also an elite group of night elf sorcerers and served as peace-keepers of the Empire, among them, Illidan Stormrage was once the personal sorcerer of Lord Ravencrest.[11] Following the War of the Ancients, the organization was disbanded, and its surviving members renounced the sorcery that had once been their primary purpose.[12]

6,000 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, a group of Highborne sorcerers infiltrated the lair of the blue dragonflight in Northrend, the Nexus, and succeeded in learning the dragons' techniques. When the dragons confronted them in the forest, the elves attempted to crystallize part of the area and draw magic from the crystals to fight the dragons off, but the spell was much more powerful than anticipated and transformed the entire region as well as twisting the elves' spirits.[13]


In the Nazjatar Empire, while males are more suited for melee combat, female naga are incredible sorcerers, commanding the power of water and ice at their fingertips. At the head of the Empire, their ancient Queen Azshara is known as one of the most powerful magic-users in Azeroth's history,[14] and perhaps the greatest sorceress the world of Azeroth had ever known.[15]


In Pandaria, the Emperor of the mogu Zian of the Endless Shadow was a powerful sorcerer who used the title of "Sorcerer King" during his reign, and kept the kingdoms in check through terror and darkness,[16] using the  [Lantern of the Sorcerer King] to fuel his most powerful spells.[17]


During the Second War, the Magocracy of Dalaran pledged its support to the Alliance of Lordaeron and gave large amounts of aid, magi, and sorcerers to the war effort. It was home to the four towers, sanctum to Lordaeron' greatest sorcerers.[18] During the Third War, the Sorcerer's League defended Dalaran against the Scourge, but was eventually destroyed by the undead. During the Nexus War, former sorcerers and sorceresses of the Kirin Tor joined Malygos's side in the hopes of retaining power or to protect Azeroth from the use of uncontrolled magic, sharing the blue dragon's point of view.

The human mage Jaina Proudmoore is described as one of the most gifted sorceresses to train in Dalaran for generations. Her mentor, the Archmage Antonidas, has claimed that she may become the greatest sorceress humanity has ever produced.[19]


Sorcerer King Mar'gok of the Gorian Empire.


In Draenor, the arakkoa revered the dread raven god Anzu for many generations due to the teachings of the avian sun goddess Rukhmar, they also studied the arcane magic that he had excelled in, becoming great sorcerers as well.[20] Two hundred years after the fall of the Apexis, a remnant of the Skalaxi led by Yonzi sought to help rebel ogres against their ogron slavemasters by teaching them in the ways of arcane sorcery,[21] they were later cruelly betrayed by their apprentice ogre sorcerers.


For over a thousand years, the ogre sorcerer kings of the Gorian Empire maintained an iron grip over their empire using a variety of artifacts.[22] Among them, Imperator Mar'gok used the title of "Sorcerer King" during his reign, and has mastered techniques that would be considered fringe arcane studies by Azerothian mages.[23] Following the Great Wars, most expatriate ogres from Draenor focus on the path of the warrior or the ranger, but a small percentage choose a life of sorcery as ogre-magi. Among them, Cho'gall, one of the first ogre-magi, was referred to as an immensely powerful sorcerer.[14]


The Wakeners were an order of eredar magi and sorcerers led by the Thal'kiel several years before Sargeras' arrival on Argus. As specialists in the arts of conjuration and binding, they were renowned for their clever arcane constructs — which helped build the Argussian capital's wondrous architecture — and their exploration of new frontiers in summoning.[24] Ultimately, they were destroyed by the eredar leadership for consorting with demons and attempting to install Thal'kiel as dictator of Argus.

When Kil'jaeden and Archimonde accepted Sargeras' offer to join his Burning Crusade, the eredar who followed them became skilled man'ari sorcerers in both fel and shadow magics, and were often found in command of contingents of demon forces in the invasions of the Burning Legion.[25]


Main article: Sorcerers and sorceress
High Elf Sorceress in World of Warcraft, intended to look like a sorceress from Warcraft III.
Name Occupation Status
Alliance  High Sorcerer Andromath One of the most powerful sorcerers in Stormwind City.[26] Alive
Neutral  Azj'Aqir Original owner of the  [Scepter of Azj'Aqir]. Deceased
Neutral  Queen Azshara Empress of the Nazjatar Empire and queen of the naga. Alive
Neutral  Helya Ruler of Helheim; sorceress twisted into a val'kyr by Odyn. Active
Neutral  Illidan Stormrage Jailer of Sargeras, Lord and master of the Illidari. Alive
Alliance  Jaina Proudmoore Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras and advisor to King Anduin. Alive
Neutral  Kael'thas Sunstrider The Sun King, formerly Lord of the Blood elves. Deceased
Neutral  Imperator Mar'gok Sorcerer King and Imperator of the Gorian Empire. Deceased
Neutral  Medivh The Last Guardian of Tirisfal and Master of Karazhan. Active
Neutral  Salavass Sorcerer-Lord of the Apexis and leader of the Skalaxi order. Deceased
Neutral  Sorcerer-thane Thaurissan Emperor of the Dark Iron clan and summoner of Ragnaros. Ghost
Neutral  Thal'kiel Leader of the Wakeners and greatest sorcerer of Argus. Deceased
Neutral  Xavius[27] First and lord of the satyrs, ruler of the Emerald Nightmare. Deceased
Neutral  Zalazane[28] Traitor of the Darkspear, self-proclaimed ruler of the Echo Isles. Deceased
Mob  Zian of the Endless Shadow Tyrannical Sorcerer King of of the Mogu Empire. Ghost
Icon-RPG.png  Drek'Thar Chieftain and Elder Shaman of the Frostwolf clan. Alive
Icon-RPG.png  Rhonin Former Archmage and leader of the Kirin Tor. Deceased


In Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Main article: Sorceress (Warcraft III)
High elf Sorceress unit portrait in Warcraft III: Reforged.

As with the elven priests, the elven sorceresses who remained in Lordaeron paid little heed to their race’s departure from the Alliance. These female magic users, serving as agents to the Kirin Tor of Dalaran, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance in times of peril.[29] These female magi, sent by the Magocrats of Dalaran to watch over the volatile battle magi, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance forces whenever Humanity is imperiled. Although their powers are not often used directly in combat, the sorceresses are able to aid the Alliance warriors with a wide array of specialized conjurings and magical effects.[30] In the Halls of Magic at the mystical city of Dalaran, sorceresses diligently study their mysterious arts within the depths of the arcane sanctum.[31]

In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the elven sorceress helped Quel'Thalas to fight Arthas Menethil and the Scourge as they attacked Silvermoon City. In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the blood elves also had sorceress, and were produced at the Blood Elf Arcane Sanctum. They are completely identical to their high elven counterpart with the exception of clothes, which have white parts replaced by red.

Sorcerers can be found in-game among five other races

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

A half-elf sorcerer.

Sorcerers (or sorceress) own great talent for arcane spellcasting, but they have not harnessed it through the intensive training that wizards pursue. Most people do not make a distinction between sorcerers and wizards, although the latter may often refer to the former as hedge wizards or some other term.

Night elves bear a particular dislike for sorcerers, seeing them as vessels of demonic power. Wizards, at least, attempt to manipulate arcane power through controlled processes, rather than letting their own bodies act as conduits.

Sorcerers can come from any race. Night elves who take this class are stripped of their racial heritage, effectively transforming into high elves, although they do not physically change.[32]

High elves are renowned for their magic, and on the battlefield, elven sorcerers often accompany Alliance troops into the thick of the fray. Although not physically powerful, the skill and bravery of these elves is beyond dispute. The elven sorcerer prefers to serve as part of a group, preferably in the rear with a few people to guard them. Mana shield is deployed to provide additional protection, while spells like slow and invisibility support their allies. Clad in revealing robes, this elven sorcerer is distinctive. She wears far too much eye shadow.[33]



  • The dryads, daughters of Cenarius, have the abilities to abolish all harmful magic and undo the works of enemy sorcerers who recklessly wield their powers in an affront to nature.[34]
  • The previous lore of the Eredar mentioned that they were an insidious race of devilish sorcerers who used their warlock magics to enslave a number of worlds that they had invaded.[35]
  • Sorceresses in Warcraft III are known for being heavily sexualized, with revealing clothing and suggestive animations. Namely, during casting and death animations a Sorceress spreads her legs so her underwear is seen, and a rare portrait animation has her levitate higher and display her cleavage to portrait camera, followed by teasingly showing her tongue.
  • In earlier screenshots and concept art Sorceresses were humans instead of high elves. Their description during the Warcraft III alpha was as such: "These female Magi, sent by the Magocrats of Dalaran to watch over the volatile Battle Magi, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance forces whenever Humanity is imperiled. Although their powers are not often used directly in combat, the Sorceresses are able to aid the Alliance warriors with a wide array of specialized conjurings and magical effects."[36]
  • The sorcerer core class was not adapted into the World of Warcraft RPG and was eliminated for use in the game.
  • The word "sorcery" is derived from Latin sors, which was connected to divination and drawing lots, used in modernity to refer to either "low magic" or "black magic" within magical theory.


Trading Card Game

See also
