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Infused saronite bars in the Pit of Saron of the Frozen Halls.

“By the Goddess. It's as if Nature can't touch it!”


Saronite is a Void metal found in Northrend. It is the blood of Yogg-Saron,[1][2] and thus Void-tainted mineral.[3] According to Daggle Bombstrider, it's a very popular item on the black market.[4]

According to Grand Master Siegesmith Corvus, by the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, saronite wasn't good enough anymore for the weapons of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.[5]


Saronite is the blood of the Old God Yogg-Saron.

Saronite is an element associated with the Old God Yogg-Saron. Although the Old God was imprisoned in Ulduar, it was incompletely; as his black blood runs through the whole continent, crystallizing into saronite and corrupting all it touches. His whispers escaped with the saronite, tempting many to madness, including the Keeper Loken.[6] It first appeared across Azeroth around the year -4,500 in areas in Ashenvale, Crystalsong Forest, Feralas, Duskwood, and the Hinterlands but was eradicated with the help of Fandral Staghelm.[7] According to the Archivum Console in Ulduar, a powerful acid found within Yogg-Saron is believed to be responsible for the liquefaction of saronite.

The tuskarr called it the "Black Blood of Yogg-Saron".[8]


The quest N [20-30] Pure Evil shows how strong and resistant the evil metal is. The saronite ore collected was completely unscratched by the attacks from Crusade Commander Korfax's  [Arcanite Reaper]. The ore was also completely resistant to the nature magic used against it by Rayne and Rimblat Earthshatter. Finally, the ore was struck by the powers of the Holy Light by Avenger Metz, and the ore reacted but seemed to reflect the spell back at everyone in the area. The metal itself is very strong yet lightweight.[8]

Bouldercrag the Rockshaper recoiled when he reached out to touch some saronite ore, and declared that no creature of stone would be able to handle it.[9]

Borus Ironbender, the Horde Grand Master Blacksmith trainer in Agmar's Hammer in the Dragonblight, remarks — from his observations of Angrathar the Wrathgate — that he had never seen a metal "breathe" before, and sends adventurers to the Pit of Narjun outside Azjol-Nerub to collect samples of this metal for his research.[8]

Since the Lich King's psychic powers are powerful, and his undead minions have no will of their own to speak of, they might be resistant to the evil of Yogg-Saron. This would seem to be the main reason the Lich King chose to use this evil ore to create his fortresses in Icecrown as well as create his war machines.

It is unknown if the mind of the Knights of the Ebon Blade are affected by wearing saronite now that they are free from the grasp of the Lich King. However, the Ashen Verdict appears to have found a way to bend saronite to their will and equip their greatest champions in their ascent of Icecrown Citadel.[10]

It also has powerful properties that are useful against undead, capable of destroying both their flesh and their soul. Sylvanas Windrunner used saronite to end her unlife, reasoning; "The fall alone couldn't kill her: her animate flesh was nigh indestructible. But the spikes, the hardened blood of an Old God, they not only would tear the body apart but would obliterate the soul as well." Properties that could be forged into a weapon. As such, Sylvanas threw herself off from the Frozen Throne, believing that saronite would grant her rest.[11]

However, saronite isn't indestructible; as seen with a Colossus constructed from a saronite alloy who is still vulnerable to the acid of the massive Jormungar,[12] or even when the Argent Crusade used a battering ram to bring down the doors of Icecrown Citadel.[13] According to the death knight Vereth the Cunning, if the entirely made of saronite necropolis named Malykriss: The Vile Hold had to be finished, it would be hard to destroy but not impossible, and so he decided only to halt its production.[14] Smelted saronite has also been described as being "brittle" on two separate occasions, first in the quest N [25-30] I'm Smelting... Smelting! where the Scourge used broken shards of saronite to create deadlier Ghouls and later in A [25-30D] Tempering The Blade and H [25-30D] Tempering The Blade where it was said "that jagged saronite edge is brittle and will shatter the moment it strikes anything" unless it was properly tempered.

Despite its saronite composition, the paladin Uther the Lightbringer managed to crumple Arthas' armor with a powerful attack of his holy warhammer.[15] Later, the dark ranger Sylvanas Windrunner managed to injure and paralyze Arthas with a poison arrow,[16] the latter described that her arrow had "piercing through his armor as if it were as flimsy as parchment".[17]

Although saronite armor can withstand and protect from magical flames, its wearer is not immune to the resulting heat, as the flesh of Arthas was burned and wounded by the arcanic flames of the mage Kael'thas Sunstrider and the fel flames of the demon hunter Illidan Stormrage during their respective battle in Northrend.[18]

Uses of saronite

Arthas Menethil, first of the Lich King's death knights in his saronite armor.

The major user of saronite is the Scourge, who utilizes this evil metal to its full potential. They have used saronite to power their war machine and construct their master's stronghold, Icecrown Citadel, as well as the ramparts, spires, and cathedrals that practically cover the Icecrown region. The Scourge, in the laboratories of the Fleshwerks, have also begun implanting broken shards of saronite into the bodies of ghouls, resulting in much deadlier minions in the Scourge legions. The Lich King has even commissioned the construction of a necropolis, Malykriss, which would be made completely of saronite.

When Arthas Menethil became the first of the Lich King's death knights in Northrend, he was given a suit of saronite armor.[19]

As an agent of the Lich King in Acherus, the death knight adventurer was given a saronite armor after they proved themselves in battle against the enemies of the Scourge. In the Scarlet Enclave, the skeletal archers led by Orithos the Sky Darkener used saronite-headed arrows to rain death on the citizens of Havenshire, before sending death knights to retrieve them due to their limited number, as they are far from Northrend.[20]

To contain the energies that dance across its cold edges,  [Shadowmourne] was hewn with piles of impure saronite, treated only by master metal-shapers.[21] As the base of the legendary weapon,  [Shadow's Edge] was created from  [Light's Vengeance], the hammer of Arthas Menethil before he took up Frostmourne, reforged by a champion of Azeroth with saronite under the order of Highlord Darion Mograine.[22]

Saronite is also used by player characters of both the Alliance and the Horde, as grand master blacksmiths can make armor and weaponry from saronite, and grand master engineers can craft explosives.

The side effects of saronite mining

Often, mortals who mine saronite for prolonged periods of time appear to be driven insane. Indeed, many of the people who have been rescued from the Saronite Mines tell of hearing strange whispers of unknown origins, attempting to shape their perceptions of those around them. Others became enraged and simply attacked their would-be rescuers at the very suggestion of being taken away from the "Master", while still others yell madly about their mysterious "Master", and attempt to offer their lives to it by hurling themselves down into the deep recesses of the mines.

Players who spend time in the Saronite Mines of Ymirheim in central Icecrown or Whisper Gulch in the Howling Fjord will begin seeing whispers from a set of "Unknown Voices" appearing in their chat logs.

"They are coming for you."
"Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends."
"You are a pawn of forces unseen."
"It WAS your fault."
"There is no escape. Not in this life. Not in the next."
"They have turned against you. Now... take your revenge."
"Kill them all... Before they kill you."
"Give in to your fear."


Malykriss: The Vile Hold, a Scourge necropolis constructed entirely of saronite.
The Saronite Mines in Icecrown, which contain both solid and liquid saronite.



Nodes when mined produce  [Saronite Ore].

 [Chunk of Saronite] is used in a quest.


 [Saronite Bar] is smeltable from 2  [Saronite Ore].[30]

Faceless ones

Darkspeaker R'khem's veins are the same color as the liquid saronite flowing behind him.

The faceless ones, creatures created by the Old Gods,[31] appear for some of them to be partially composed of saronite as well. General Vezax, the faceless general, gives off saronite Vapors and says, "The black blood of Yogg-Saron courses through me!" Other faceless ones are depicted with saronite-colored blood in their veins.


Notes and trivia

  • In the game's files, its icon is named yoggthorite.


Patch changes

  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): In addition to the normal requirements, mining deposits in Northrend now require a minimum character level of 65 to mine.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-04-28): Pure Saronite mining nodes have temporarily been disabled in Ulduar and will return in the future.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.3 (2008-11-04): Added.

See also


External links