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Image of Korfax
Title Champion of the Light,
Crusade Commander,
Brotherhood of the Light
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Brotherhood of the Light, Argent Crusade
Former affiliation(s) Argent Dawn
Occupation Champion of the Light of the Brotherhood of the Light, Crusade Commander of the Argent Crusade
Location Various
Status Alive

Crusade Commander Korfax is a human warrior at Tyr's Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands. He was formerly known as Korfax, Champion of the Light located at Light's Hope Chapel, and still appears in the Scarlet Enclave under his old title.

He is the Champion of the Light of the Brotherhood of the Light, a subsection of the former Argent Dawn's ranks, now the Argent Crusade of which he is a Crusade Commander.


During the Third War, Korfax fought alongside Alexandros Mograine, watching the Highlord open the fetid skulls of the living dead with his boots.[1]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Classic Era.

Korfax was originally located at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands, offering quests to adventurers to collect  [Dark Iron Scraps] to then exchange them with him for an  [Insignia of the Dawn].[2]

He also told the story of Ramaladni, a warrior of the Brotherhood and a pupil of Highlord Alexandros Mograine, who went to Naxxramas in search of revenge and never returned, asking the adventurers to find out his fate.[3] When they returned only with his ring, Korfax announced that this did not bode well for Ramaladni, but that his ring might be salvageable, leading to the creation of  [Ramaladni's Icy Grasp].[4]

Finally, he aided warrior adventurers in the creation of the Dreadnaught's Battlegear, asking them to bring back to him the desecrated battlements and wartorn plate scraps they would come across in their battles with the Scourge, in Naxxramas, to forge them an armor worn by heroes.[5]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

At the Argent Stand.

Crusade Commander Korfax was present during the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, defending the chapel alongside Eligor Dawnbringer and the Argent Dawn against the Scourge and the Death knights of Acherus. Following the withdrawal of the Lich King, he witnessed the merger of the Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand as the Argent Crusade, under the command of Highlord Tirion Fordring.[6]

He was among the first to plunge into the Northrend campaign, where he appeared as the Crusade Commander of the Crusade's troops at the Argent Stand in Zul'Drak. He participated in the experiments to learn more about the saronite, an evil ore used by the Lich King to arm the Scourge, attempting to destroy it with his  [Arcanite Reaper], but it was ineffective.[7]

Despite Inigo Montoy's treachery in the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad, who became the lich Thel'zan the Duskbringer for serving the Lich King, Korfax and the Brotherhood eventually triumphed over the Scourge in Northrend and returned to the Eastern Plaguelands.


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Following the Cataclysm, Korfax appeared alongside Eligor Dawnbringer and Angela Dosantos outside Tyr's Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands to cleanse the town from the Risen who infested it with an assault force of one hundred men.[8] Aided by adventurers, Korfax and the Brotherhood were able to capture the city and eliminate the Scarlet leadership including the then undead Valdelmar himself.[9] At the same time, he ordered adventurers to retrieve, within the Scarlet Crusade's barracks, the artifacts that are the  [Crimson Boar],  [Lihanna's Strand], the  [Shroud of Uther], and  [Gavinrad's Sigil], hidden in chests as the objects are too holy for their now-undead hand to touch. Once in his possession, he announces that he intends to deliver them to Maxwell Tyrosus.[10]

With this, the Scarlet Crusade definitely lost its hold over the city,[11] which came under the control of the Brotherhood of the Light.[12]

Some time later he appeared alongside several other members of the Brotherhood of the Light inside Stratholme to aid adventurers in retaking the Scourge-infested city, ordering them, in particular, to eliminate Ramstein the Gorger for all the atrocities the monster has committed.[13]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands[81.6, 58.0] 60 Elite Alliance Horde Classic-only.
Light's Hope Chapel, Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave 8-30 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the death knight starting experience.
Argent Stand, Zul'Drak[40.8, 66.6] 20-30 Elite Alliance Horde
Tyr's Hand, Eastern Plaguelands[72.4, 74.8] 15-30 Elite Alliance Horde As a quest giver for the Eastern Plaguelands storyline.
Alonsus Chapel & Slaughter Square, Stratholme Service Entrance 20-30 Elite Alliance Horde


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts weapon damage plus 2 to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 5 targets and knocking them back.
  • Ability warrior charge.png Heroic Leap — Charges an enemy, inflicting normal damage plus 0 and stuns the opponent for 2 sec.

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Classic Era.

  • Ability warrior warcry.png Demoralizing Shout — Reduces the melee attack power of nearby enemies by 10 for 30 sec.
  • Ability rogue ambush.png Strike — Strikes at an enemy, inflicting weapon damage plus 5.


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

At Tyr's Hand
Inside the Stratholme Service Entrance

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 3.0.2 but is present in Classic Era.


  • "Watch your step, <race>. We of the Brotherhood of the Light are not as lenient as our brethren when it comes to meting justice to those that would do the world wrong. Woe unto those that would anger Korfax." - Commander Eligor Dawnbringer


Tyr's Hand

What is the Brotherhood of the Light? Well... We are all members of the Argent Crusade at the core - members of the Argent Crusade that aren't held in check by morals, guilt and useless human emotion.

Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme

There are no emotions. There are no morals. There are no zealots.

There is only the Brotherhood.

Here, in the very chapel where Uther the Lightbringer joined the Order of the Silver Hand, I, Korfax, Champion of the Light, will inspire fear into the fearless.

Nothing will curb my fury - not the Scarlet Crusade, not the Argent Dawn, not my brothers, not even you.

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Argent Stand, Zul'Drak

This is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into. We're overdue to join up with our forces in Icecrown and now we're entangled in this debacle, stuck between the Scourge and the Drakkari.

I told the highlord it was a mistake to come here.

See what you can do to help out there.

Light's Hope Chapel

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Classic Era.

Korfax in Light's Hope Chapel.

What is the Brotherhood of the Light? Well... We are all members of the Argent Dawn at the core - members of the Argent Dawn that aren't held in check by morals, guild and useless human emotions. Consider us Scarlet Crusade minus the stupidity, lack of leadership, and blind zealotry.

Don't let the Scarlet Commander tell you otherwise.

And don't let Tyrosus know that I said that... it would be a terrible shame if I had to brutally maim him should a brawl break out.

Gossip What is Dreadnaught armor?

The first suit of Dreadnaught armor was made exclusively for the Scarlet Highlord Mograine. Whilst donning the full suit, the Highlord looked himself to be a demon from the depths of the Nether.

Aye, 'twas quite a sight to behold as Mograine would wade into a hundred Scourge, Ashbringer held high, and come out on the other side in a cloud of dust and flames - enemies left in ashes beneath his feet.

Gossip Continue please.

It was not until after his controversial death that the knights and warriors of Lordaeron would wear similarly fashioned suits in honor of their fallen hero. While the death of Mograine was a great victory for Kel'Thuzad, the resulting martrydom would be felt until the end of the war.

Where one did fall, many would rise...

Gossip Korfax, where can I find Dark Iron scraps?

Is this a serious question? You really don't know?

If you are the cowardly sort, afraid to get their hands too dirty, you will find Dark Iron scraps on the creatures in the Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge.

If you're the bloodthirsty adventuring type, the dungeons of Blackrock Spire and Blackrock Depths hold quite a large supply of the scraps.

Main article: Pure Evil#Notes


Patch changes

  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Light's Hope Chapel version moved to Stratholme and Tyr's Hand, name-changed to Crusade Commander Korfax, and given different quests.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): Gossip text updated to be different from his Light's Hope Chapel dialogue.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): New appearances, quests partially removed with relocation of Naxxramas.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-19): Added.

See also


  1. ^ N Warrior [60R] Dreadnaught Sabatons
  2. ^ N [60] Dark Iron Scraps
  3. ^ N [60R] The Fate of Ramaladni
  4. ^  [Ramaladni's Icy Grasp]
  5. ^ N Warrior [60R] Dreadnaught Breastplate
  6. ^ N Death Knight [8-30] The Light of Dawn
  7. ^ N [20-30] Pure Evil
  8. ^ N [15-30] Soft Landing
  9. ^ N [15-30] Like Rats
  10. ^ N [15-30] Scarlet Salvage
  11. ^ H [15-30] After the Crusade
  12. ^ N [15-30] Befouled No More
  13. ^ N [20-30D] Man Against Abomination

External links