Rook Rally

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NeutralRook Rally
Start Rooktender Lufsela [25.6, 57.2]
End Thrall [27.8, 60.8]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 15,250
Rewards 10x [Valorstones] and one of:  [Lightning-Scarred Cowl]
 [Lightning-Scarred Vest]
 [Lightning-Scarred Coif]
 [Lightning-Scarred Legguards]
46g 80s
Previous N [80] Charging Up That Hill, N [80] Heeding the Call
Next N [80] Ground Pounders


Safeguard the summoning ritual.


Now that we've got the conduit all charged, I suppose it's time we joined everyone on the peak.

Thrall talked me through what to expect, but also said summoning the stormrooks will require me to trust my feelings and instincts.

An earthen trusting their feelings and instincts. That's... a challenge.

You will help me, right? I'm not a fighter, and it looks dangerous up there.

If anything happens to me, make sure Shraubendre makes it out safe. Please.


You will receive one of:

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Well done. It seems the rooks of Skywall haven't just answered the call.

They were reaching out to us, and they have chosen their own riders for this new generation.

I am honored to have played a role in the ritual.


On accept:

Rooktender Lufsela says: Here we go. Stay close.
Rooktender Lufsela says: I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Follow Lufsela up the hill. Up top, Thrall and Olbarig are fighting off Rampant Thunder Elementals, Rampant Air Elementals, and Rampant Lightning Elementals. Help kill them.

As more elementals are killed, the dialogue progresses:

Olbarig says: <Name>, help us hold these elementals at bay!
Thrall says: Reach out through the storm, Lufsela! As we discussed.
Rooktender Lufsela says: All right! Here goes...
Rooktender Lufsela says: Stormrooks, hear me! We need your help!
Thrall says: Good. Open your mind and your heart to them!
Rooktender Lufsela says: I don't think it's working! They're not listening!
Olbarig says: Hold, Lufsela! You must believe!

At 100%:

Rooktender Lufsela says: It's... it's too much... Shraubendre...
Thrall says: Go to her, champion! Lend her your strength!

It's too much! I can't do it!

Gossip Offer your strength.

A in-game cutscene plays:

Exterior, Dhar Oztan peak. Rooktender Lufsela is still atop the altar, channeling into the Conduit of the Southern Storm.

Rooktender Lufsela: I can't do this. The titans--

Olbarig lands a blow, defeating another elemental.

Olbarig: Baelgrim summoned the stormrooks on his own. If he defied the titans, so can you!

Thrall also defeats another elemental before turning to Lufsela.

Thrall: Lufsela, the stormrooks know your intentions. Focus.

Lufsela closes her eyes.

Thrall: Call them, and they will answer.

The wings of a stormrook pass by overhead, and the adventurer turns to look up at it, before returning their focus back to Lufsela. As the sound of her channel increases, stormrooks dive onto nearby elementals with a blast of lightning. Attack averted, several earthen who were taking refuge in a nearby cave emerge, and the stormrooks all turn to look at them.

Thrall: Well done. The stormrooks have heeded your call.

Rooktender Lufsela: Not just mine. Theirs.

The stormrooks walk over to the approaching earthen.

Rooktender Lufsela: They chose to help us of their own free will.

Lufsela hops off of the altar as Shraubendre walks up to her.

Olbarig: What now, Lufsela?

Rooktender Lufsela: We have a lot of work to do.

Everyone starts walking back down the mountain.

After the cutscene, the player is back at the base of the path of Dhar Otzan. The pilgrims are all looking at the summoned Stormrooks:

  • Pilgrim says: This is why we were called.
  • Pilgrim says: We must wait our turn to be chosen.
  • Pilgrim says: Will we all get a rook?
  • Pilgrim says: Will more rooks be summoned?
  • Pilgrim says: I cannot wait for one to choose me.
  • Pilgrim says: They are beautiful.
  • Pilgrim says: I hope I am next.
  • Pilgrim says: So we will all become Stormriders?
Thrall says: The rooks have chosen their riders. A true bond has been forged.


It has been a long time since a stormrook was summoned here. And for what may be the first time, they were not bound into service. Lufsela has an outlook unlike Baelgrim, or most any other Stormrider. I don't know that there's anyone else who could have done what she's done here.

Gossip No new rook for you?

I would only have one that would have me. We are no longer binding the rooks into service, so the choice is now up to them.

I suspect the rooks remember my complicity in the mistakes of the past. If my punishment is to never know the skies again, then so be it.

Rooktender Lufsela

Isn't it wonderful? The rooks are back!

And these pilgrims, called here to the storm. It's like the rooks reached out to them. It's like they knew we'd be coming and would ask this service of them once again.

And so they found their perfect matches from among the earthen.

Gossip What about the rest of the pilgrims?

We have only just begun. I believe each earthen here was called because there is a rook waiting for them on the elemental plane.

We will continue summoning more rooks later.


It pleases me to walk among the elements once again. To see the stormrooks stand together as brothers and sisters to these earthen. And the bond they share will only grow stronger with time.


  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. N [80] Dhar Oztan
  3. N [80] Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. N [80] Charging Up That Hill & N [80] Heeding the Call
  5. N [80] Rook Rally
  6. N [80] Ground Pounders
  7. N [80] Goldbricking & N [80] Metal and Stone
  8. N [80] Home to Roost
  9. N [80] Strays
  10. N [80] Flight Training 101
  11. N [80] Flight Training 102
  12. N [80] Flight Training 103
  13. N [80] Paying Respects
  14. N [80] The Edicts
  15. N [80] Titanic Failsafe

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