Ground Pounders

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NeutralGround Pounders
Start Thrall [27.8, 60.8]
End Adelgonn [33.3, 63.3]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,200
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous N [80] Rook Rally
Next N [80] Goldbricking, N [80] Metal and Stone


Meet with Adelgonn, Geya'rah, and Turalyon.


The rooks and their chosen riders will need time to bond.

Perhaps you should use this time to check in on our other trainees.

The Stormriders are the traditional army of the earthen, but many Unbound and Oathsworn have expressed willingness to fight at our side due to help in restoring their machines.

Adelgonn, Geya'rah, and Turalyon are busy training them. Go and see if they need any assistance.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,200 XP


Someone save me from all this bickering. Alliance this, Horde that...

I've never encountered anything like it in my thousands of years even amongst the Oathsworn and Unbound. If they committed half the energy they expend on posturing towards training, our task would be complete by now.

See what help you can offer my people. They need real mentorship if we are to be ready for the next nerubian offensive.


On accept:

Thrall says: The stormrooks and their new riders need time, and you are needed at the shore, champion.

Before leaving, Lufsela has a <Stay awhile and listen.> gossip option:

Thrall: Thrall nods to Lufsela with respect.
Thrall leaves.
Rooktender Lufsela says: New stormrooks, new riders--we're going to have to start all over.
Olbarig says: You won't be alone, Lufsela. I can help you. So can Vokmar, and--
Rooktender Lufsela says: But I'm no Stormward, Olbarig. I don't know if I can--
Olbarig says: Lufsela... Baelgrim was as stubborn as a ram's arse and twice as shale-headed.
Olbarig says: Do you think he knew what he was doing when he took over the Stormperch? No.
Olbarig says: He was a good rider, but it took him far longer than you to figure out how to train a stormrook.
Olbarig says: Sure, he went through many recharges. But he knew what the titans had done to the rooks was wrong.
Olbarig says: We fought about it. That's why I finally left. He wouldn't admit it.
Olbarig says: But I realized it didn't matter. The way he called them...
Olbarig says: At some point, he changed. More like one of those "shaman." Like Thrall.
Rooktender Lufsela says: So he knew, somewhere inside. But he didn't... remember?
Olbarig says: Something like that. But you weren't afraid of the truth, Lufsela. And that's why you deserve this.
Rooktender Lufsela says: I'm... still not sure I do. But the stormrooks deserve better. And I can give them that.

Head southeast down the way to catch up with Overlord Geya'rah, Adelgonn, High Exarch Turalyon, and two Mag'har Grunts and 7th Legion Soldiers overlooking the earthen training down on the beach.

On approach, one of:

  • Overlord Geya'rah says: Feh. Another Alliance lackey here to polish Turalyon's armor.
  • High Exarch Turalyon says: Great. Yet another of your Horde savages to bark at the recruits.

They have gossip:

Overlord Geya'rah

Finally a chance to see more of this world, and kill what threatens it!

High Exarch Turalyon

Once again darkness stirs, and once again we rise to meet it. Be it on other shores or other worlds, the Alliance will always answer the call.


The Horde and the Alliance field impressive forces, but if these two are any indication, they have a lot to learn about teamwork. I gather that there is much history, between these two in particular.

On the beach, named characters include Lilian Voss, Dark Ranger Velonara, and Deathstalker Commander Belmont, Champion Uru'zin, Tahu Sagewind and Aponi Brightmane, Shuja Grimaxe, Warlord Breka Grimaxe, Gorgonna, Sunwalker Dezco, Kor Dawnchaser, Salandria and Lady Liadrin, Volt, Officer Herrick, Hagenbran and Gizwig, Ji Firepaw and Aysa Cloudsinger, Captain Garrick and Henry Garrick, Sentinel Commander Lyalia, Tinkmaster Overspark and Gila Crosswires, Lysander Starshade and Arko'narin Starshade, Thisalee Crow and Delas Moonfang, Captain Tread Sparknozzle.


  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. N [80] Dhar Oztan
  3. N [80] Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. N [80] Charging Up That Hill & N [80] Heeding the Call
  5. N [80] Rook Rally
  6. N [80] Ground Pounders
  7. N [80] Goldbricking & N [80] Metal and Stone
  8. N [80] Home to Roost
  9. N [80] Strays
  10. N [80] Flight Training 101
  11. N [80] Flight Training 102
  12. N [80] Flight Training 103
  13. N [80] Paying Respects
  14. N [80] The Edicts
  15. N [80] Titanic Failsafe

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