Home to Roost

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NeutralHome to Roost
Start Adelgonn [33.3, 63.3]
End Rooktender Lufsela [29.0, 61.7]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,200
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous N [80] Goldbricking, N [80] Metal and Stone
Next N [80] Strays


Return to Dhar Oztan.


You've already done us a great service here, <name>. We will carry on by the example you have set.

You should return to Dhar Oztan and see to these new Stormriders you've recruited. They will undoubtedly benefit from the same diligence you have shown here.

And, you can get away from these two and their posturing. I envy you, <name>...


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,200 XP


It's good to have you back. Did all go well with the ground forces?

We're just about ready to start flight training here.


On accept if Alliance:

High Exarch Turalyon says: You would do well to remember what you've witnessed here, orc.
Overlord Geya'rah says: Oh, I won't soon forget.
Adelgonn says: Go, champion. Spare yourself.

On accept if Horde:

Overlord Geya'rah says: Do you see the strength of the Horde, Exarch?
High Exarch Turalyon says: I see more than you know.
Adelgonn says: Go, champion. Spare yourself.

Before leaving, all three have new gossip:


It is good to see that some of you outlanders can work with those you have previously considered enemies. The divisions between the Oathsworn and the Unbound were never so volatile, but we could still learn a lot from your example.

Gossip if Alliance:

Overlord Geya'rah

Hmph. The Alliance may be mostly sniveling dogs, but you are different. Go now, in peace, but the Horde will be watching.

High Exarch Turalyon

You are a true paragon of the Alliance. These earthen are fortunate to have seen you in action. But your talents are needed elsewhere now, hero. Go with my thanks.

Gossip if Horde:

Overlord Geya'rah

I would expect no lesss than a champion of the Horde. Go now, and crush our enemies. For the Horde!

High Exarch Turalyon

Though I cannot abide your methods at times, I cannot argue with results. The Horde has been wise to put its faith in you, and the Alliance takes note.

Return to Lufsela:

Rooktender Lufsela says: You're back! And Kurdran is here with the Wildhammers now, too!

More gossip:

I understand that Turalyon represents the Alliance forces at the shore. His prowess and valor are known well to the Horde, though we may sometimes use different words. I'm sure the earthen ground forces are in good hands with him and Geya'rah.

Kurdran Wildhammer

These stormrooks are truly a sight to behold! They're like the sky made manifest. Flight incarnate!

Heavens, I hope Sky'reen isn't jealous, hearing me go on like this.


  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. N [80] Dhar Oztan
  3. N [80] Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. N [80] Charging Up That Hill & N [80] Heeding the Call
  5. N [80] Rook Rally
  6. N [80] Ground Pounders
  7. N [80] Goldbricking & N [80] Metal and Stone
  8. N [80] Home to Roost
  9. N [80] Strays
  10. N [80] Flight Training 101
  11. N [80] Flight Training 102
  12. N [80] Flight Training 103
  13. N [80] Paying Respects
  14. N [80] The Edicts
  15. N [80] Titanic Failsafe

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