Flight Training 101

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NeutralFlight Training 101
Start Kurdran Wildhammer [29.1, 61.6]
End Kurdran Wildhammer [35.0, 72.2]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 12,200
Rewards 10x [Valorstones]
23g 40s
Previous N [80] Strays
Next N [80] Flight Training 102


Help Kurdran train recruits in aerial maneuvering.

  • Rook supercharging witnessed
  • Shraubendre mounted
  • Maneuvering lesson complete


Now that all of our recruits are present, it's high time we took to the air. See what I did there? High time? No?

Right then. We'll be puttin' these rookies through their paces. Startin' with the basics of aerial maneuverin' at speed, we'll do our best to simulate the kind of precision flyin' we might expect below ground.

After that, we'll open see what these rooks can really do--Thrall and Lufsela have somethin' special cooking.


You will receive:


Let's set a good example for these new riders. Lead them through the course as quick as ye can.


There you have it! Raw recruits made of stone, soarin' on the backs of birds made of lightnin'. Proof that ol' Kurdran can teach anythin' to fly!

But we're not done yet.


On accept:

Thrall says: Just like we practiced, Lufsela. The storm is your ally.
Rooktender Lufsela says: Olbarig, where are you? We need you...
Rooktender Lufsela says: Initiating...
Thrall says: Well done. The storm has granted the rooks its strength.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: Right then! Let's get these birds in the air and see what they can do!
Rooktender Lufsela says: Outlander, please take Shraubendre up. I'd like to stay in case Olbarig returns.

Lufsela and Thrall have new gossip:

Rooktender Lufsela

A part of me wants to take to the air with the recruits, but I've never been a fighter. Shraubendre, on the other hand, looks like she wants in on the action.


While the Wildhammers train the stormrooks and their riders, I will continue to mentor Lufsela on the ways of the elements. She shows great potential.

Interact with Shraubendre:

<Shraubendre looks ready to launch herself into the air.>

Gossip (Skyriding) Follow my lead, Shraubendre.
Gossip I'm just along for the ride, Shraubendre.

Fly manually or not, but the script event plays out regardless:

Kurdran Wildhammer says: Let's start by swingin' out over the ruins of Dalaran.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: May it remind ye that what goes up can sometimes come back down.
Stormrider Kothilde says: I wish I could have seen it whole. Such a wonder. Such a loss.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: We'll do a circuit of the bay. The water ought to make for a softer landing, just in case one o' ye takes a dive.
Stormrider Adalar says: Yes, but then we would be wet. Think of our clothing, man.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: Fly as low as ye can. Imagine a cave roof full of stalactites overhead.
Stormrider Kothilde says: Let's not talk about caves. My former directive was mining. I've had enough stalactites, thanks.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: Lufsela sure gave your rooks some pep. They don't seem to be tiring at all.
Stormrider Adalar says: Phawa and I would like a rest cycle after this just the same.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: You're doing great for a bunch o' rookies. I think we can move on to lesson two.
Kurdran Wildhammer says: But first, let's buzz the ground troops down on the beach an' give ol' Turalyon a scare!
Kurdran Wildhammer says: Set 'er down easy. We're just getting warmed up!

Turn in by the Orecreg to the south.


  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. N [80] Dhar Oztan
  3. N [80] Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. N [80] Charging Up That Hill & N [80] Heeding the Call
  5. N [80] Rook Rally
  6. N [80] Ground Pounders
  7. N [80] Goldbricking & N [80] Metal and Stone
  8. N [80] Home to Roost
  9. N [80] Strays
  10. N [80] Flight Training 101
  11. N [80] Flight Training 102
  12. N [80] Flight Training 103
  13. N [80] Paying Respects
  14. N [80] The Edicts
  15. N [80] Titanic Failsafe

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