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After the Storm

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NeutralAfter the Storm
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Experience 6,100
Rewards 11g 70s


Check on the Stormriders.

  • Stormriders assessed


Turalyon and Geya'rah are training our new earthen allies as ground forces. But we will need more than that. We will need the Stormriders.

Many were lost in the infiltration of the Stormperch and more to the nerubians. Their leader, Stormward Baelgrim, died valiantly.

The surviving Stormriders are being cared for at a triage station nearby. We need to do whatever is necessary to get them and their rooks back in the air. They will be the earthen's most potent weapon in the battles to come.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 6,100 XP








  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. Dhar Oztan (quest)
  3. Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. Charging Up That Hill
  5. Heeding the Call (Isle of Dorn)
  6. Rook Rally
  7. Ground Pounders
  8. Goldbricking
  9. Metal and Stone
  10. Home to Roost
  11. Strays
  12. Flight Training 101
  13. Flight Training 102
  14. Flight Training 103
  15. Paying Respects (Isle of Dorn)
  16. The Edicts
  17. Titanic Failsafe (Isle of Dorn)

Patch changes

External links