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Titanic Failsafe

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NeutralTitanic Failsafe
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 15,250
Rewards 46g 80s


Defeat the colossal titan construct.


So the titans send their ancient machines against their disobedient children.

Would our creators have us protect the Coreway at the expense of all else? At the expense of Azeroth herself? Are we meant to preside over a road untraveled, leading to the world's dead heart?

No, today we are all Unbound, and we will fight for our freedom. For Azeroth!


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 15,250 XP




It was a trial by fire, but you've proven that the earthen of Dorn are ready for the war to come. Where once there was discord, there is now unity of purpose. No longer Oathsworn or Unbound. They are united, just as we should be. We are all in this together as one.




  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. Dhar Oztan (quest)
  3. Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. Charging Up That Hill
  5. Heeding the Call (Isle of Dorn)
  6. Rook Rally
  7. Ground Pounders
  8. Goldbricking
  9. Metal and Stone
  10. Home to Roost
  11. Strays
  12. Flight Training 101
  13. Flight Training 102
  14. Flight Training 103
  15. Paying Respects (Isle of Dorn)
  16. The Edicts
  17. Titanic Failsafe (Isle of Dorn)

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages of The War Within.


Where once there was discord, there is now unity of purpose. No longer Oathsworn or Unbound, just as we can no longer be Horde or Alliance. We are all in this together as one.

Patch changes

External links