Conduit of the Southern Storm

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NeutralConduit of the Southern Storm
Start Olbarig [28.5, 61.0]
End Rooktender Lufsela [27.6, 60.5]
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 6,100
Rewards 10x [Valorstones]
11g 70s
Previous N [80] Dhar Oztan
Next N [80] Charging Up That Hill, N [80] Heeding the Call


Find the Conduit of the Southern Storm.


I'll tell you what I told Baelgrim when we last spoke. The binding of stormrooks is wrong. These creatures are as smart as any earthen. Some I'd say are smarter.

But... Lufsela seems to be different. If her stormrook follows her willingly, then perhaps others will make that choice as well if she summons them.

To summon rooks, we need Baelgrim's conduit. It's tucked away here somewhere. Have a look around, and maybe ask these pilgrims if they have seen it.


You will receive:


Have you found the conduit?


Not only was Olbarig once a Stormrider, but he served as Baelgrim's right hand as a Stormguard for a long time. Seems they had a falling out over the rooks.

But Olbarig says that the conduit will serve as a beacon. If the stormrooks of Skywall are willing, it will guide them through the storm. He also seems to think I should be the one to use it.


On accept:

Olbarig walks over to Shraubendre.
Olbarig says: This stormrook has no bindings... It follows your directives still?
Rooktender Lufsela says: "Follows" is a strong word.
Thrall says: You knew Baelgrim. And you know the stormrooks. Then you were a Stormrider?
Olbarig says: Cycles upon cycles ago, yes.

Around the area pilgrims can be heard talking to each other:

Pilgrim says: I've never been this far from home. I shouldn't be here.
Pilgrim says: Affirmative. But here we are. All of us. For some reason. Perhaps a new directive?
Pilgrim says: What is this place? Why are we here?
Pilgrim says: Not a clue to either. Just had to come.
Pilgrim says: Do you know why we're here?
Pilgrim says: No. Just felt like it was important.
Pilgrim says: I want to go to the peak. I want to see.
Pilgrim says: The path is dangerous. But I can hardly resist myself.

Numerous characters and objects light up. Interact with them to look for clues:

Normally I don't set foot outside Dornogal except to soak at Boulder Springs, but I couldn't help but come here. Something tells me it will be fabulous.

Gossip (Quest) Ask about the conduit.

Adalar says: No, my curiosity ebbed when I found something dead in the main tower.

The protection of the Unbound is my top priority, but I was drawn here nonetheless. What if the best way for me to protect my people awaits me at the peak?

Gossip (Quest) Ask about the conduit.

Gurnot says: The two shorter towers appear to have been armories. Could the conduit be stored there?

I've lived my whole life in one mine or another. But something drew me out, and I just had to come here.

Gossip (Quest) Ask about the conduit.

Kothilde says: Sorry... I have not seen it. And I walked all over this site. Except for the towers. Heights are not for me.

Earthen Axe

It appears that the ancient Stormriders would practice throwing axes at targets. The weapons are in remarkably good shape for being left out in the rain. No sign of a conduit, however.

Earthen Bottle

This building looks like a storehouse, but the items contained herein are mostly sundries, with the odd weapon laying about. There is no sign of Baelgrim's conduit.

Earthen Mug

By the looks of it, the Stormriders of old enjoyed a good drink between sorties. No reason Baelgrim's conduit would be out here though.

Earthen Shield

This structure looks to be an armory. Most of the weapons and equipment are packed away, but it is unlikely that Baelgrim would have kept an important artifact mixed in with such common items.

Earthen Spear

Spears were evidently also employed by the Stormriders of old. But if the conduit was such a weapon, it is not located here.

In the tower:

Kobold Skeleton

The skeleton appears to be that of a kobold. The bone fractures are consistent with a fall from great height. What was this guy up to in here?

Stormrider Storage

This gate is rusted into an open position. The space it once protected would have been a likely choice for Baelgrim to store an item of importance. Notably, there are scratch marks leading away, as if something heavy had been dragged out.

Waxed Wooden Plank

Someone has laid down planks over the steps and rubbed them with wax. There are gouges in the wood from something being dragged across them.

Halfway up the stairs in the tower:

Storage Chest

It looks like someone had started to position the chest for a drop over the edge, perhaps in an effort to break it open. Ironically, the chest does not appear to be locked.

Gossip (Quest) <Open the chest.>

The chest contains the  [Conduit of the Southern Storm], so return to Lufsela and Olbarig at the base of the tower:

Rooktender Lufsela says: You think I can summon the stormrooks?
Olbarig says: Affirmative--if we can get you and the conduit to the peak.

New gossip all around:


The earthen may call it a conduit, but any shaman would recognize this for what it is. A totem, imbued with the element of air. I am curious how the earthen came to discover such a practice.


It has been a long time since I've seen that conduit. The last time I saw it... was the last time I saw him. And it is strange to see it in the hands of anyone other than Baelgrim.

And after turning in the quest:

Rooktender Lufsela

The conduit... Baelgrim used this to call out to the rooks through the storm? He seldom spoke of the process. Was he ashamed to have bound the stormrooks? Did he realize what he was doing? Maybe he hid this away for a reason.


  1. N [80] After the Storm
  2. N [80] Dhar Oztan
  3. N [80] Conduit of the Southern Storm
  4. N [80] Charging Up That Hill & N [80] Heeding the Call
  5. N [80] Rook Rally
  6. N [80] Ground Pounders
  7. N [80] Goldbricking & N [80] Metal and Stone
  8. N [80] Home to Roost
  9. N [80] Strays
  10. N [80] Flight Training 101
  11. N [80] Flight Training 102
  12. N [80] Flight Training 103
  13. N [80] Paying Respects
  14. N [80] The Edicts
  15. N [80] Titanic Failsafe

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